Term - Haskell Interface to the Metatheory

Haskell Interface to the metatheory

This module contains functions that are meant to be called from Haskell code. It is mainly used by different testing programs.

module Evaluator.Term where


open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using (Nat)
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit using (;tt)
open import Function using (_$_;_∘_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool)
open import Data.String using (String;_++_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)

open import Type using ()

open import Check using (TypeError;inferType;inferKind;decKind;checkKind;checkType)
open TypeError

open import Scoped using (extricateScopeTy;Weirdℕ;scopeCheckTm;shifter;unshifter;extricateScope;unshifterTy;scopeCheckTy;shifterTy;FreeVariableError)
open Weirdℕ
open import Scoped.Extrication using (extricateNf⋆;extricate)
open import Utils using (Either;inj₁;inj₂;withE;Kind;*;Maybe;nothing;just;Monad;RuntimeError;dec2Either;_×_;_,_)
open RuntimeError
open Monad 

open import Raw using (RawTm;RawTy;rawPrinter;rawTyPrinter;decRTy;decRTm)
open import Raw using (rawPrinter;rawTyPrinter;decRTy;decRTm)
open import Algorithmic using (_⊢_;;error)
open import Algorithmic.CK using (stepper;State;Stack;ε)
open Algorithmic.CK.State

open import Algorithmic.CEK using (stepper;State;Stack;ε;Env;[])
open Algorithmic.CEK.State
import Algorithmic.Evaluation as L using (stepper)

import Untyped as U using (_⊢;scopeCheckU0;extricateU0;decUTm)
import RawU as U using (Untyped)
open import Untyped.CEK as U using (stepper;Stack;ε;Env;[];State)
open U.State
import Untyped.CEKWithCost as U using (stepperC)
open import Cost.Raw using (RawCostModel)
open import Cost.Model using (createMap)
open import Cost using (machineParameters;ExBudget)
open ExBudget

open import Evaluator.Base using (ERROR;uglyTypeError;maxsteps;ParseError)
open ERROR

Imports from Haskell

{-# FOREIGN GHC import Data.Bifunctor #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Data.Functor #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Data.Either #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Control.Monad.Trans.Except #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Raw #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore.DeBruijn #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified UntypedPlutusCore as U #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified UntypedPlutusCore.Parser as U #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified Untyped as U #-}

  Term : Set
  Type : Set
  TermN  : Set
  TypeN  : Set
  TermNU : Set
  TermU  : Set

{-# COMPILE GHC Term = type PlutusCore.Term NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Type = type PlutusCore.Type NamedTyDeBruijn DefaultUni () #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC TermN = type PlutusCore.Term TyName Name DefaultUni DefaultFun PlutusCore.SrcSpan #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC TypeN = type PlutusCore.Type TyName DefaultUni PlutusCore.SrcSpan #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC TermNU = type U.Term Name DefaultUni DefaultFun PlutusCore.SrcSpan #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC TermU = type U.Term NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () #-}

  parseTm : String  Either ParseError TermN
  parseTmU : String  Either ParseError TermNU
  parseTy : String  Either ParseError TypeN
  deBruijnifyTm : TermN  Either FreeVariableError Term
  deBruijnifyTy : TypeN  Either FreeVariableError Type
  deBruijnifyTmU : TermNU  Either FreeVariableError TermU
  convTm : Term  RawTm
  unconvTm : RawTm  Term
  convTy : Type  RawTy
  unconvTy : RawTy  Type
  convTmU : TermU  U.Untyped
  unconvTmU : U.Untyped  TermU

{-# COMPILE GHC parseTm = runQuoteT . parseTerm #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC parseTmU = runQuoteT . U.parseTerm #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC parseTy = runQuoteT . parseType #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC deBruijnifyTm = second void . runExcept . deBruijnTerm #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC deBruijnifyTy = second void . runExcept . deBruijnTy #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC deBruijnifyTmU = second void . runExcept . U.deBruijnTerm #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC convTm = conv #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC unconvTm = unconv 0 #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC convTy = convT #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC unconvTy = unconvT 0 #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC convTmU = U.conv #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC unconvTmU = U.uconv 0 #-}

Functions to be called from Haskell

A Haskell interface to the kindchecker:

checkKindX : Type  Kind  Either ERROR 
checkKindX ty k = do
  ty         withE scopeError (scopeCheckTy (shifterTy Z (convTy ty)))
  (k' , _)  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferKind  ty)
  _          withE ((λ e  ERROR.typeError (uglyTypeError e))  kindMismatch _ _) (dec2Either (decKind k k'))
  return tt

{-# COMPILE GHC checkKindX as checkKindAgda #-}

A Haskell interface to kind inference:

inferKind∅ : Type  Either ERROR Kind
inferKind∅ ty = do
  ty        withE scopeError (scopeCheckTy (shifterTy Z (convTy ty)))
  (k , _)  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferKind  ty)
  return k

{-# COMPILE GHC inferKind∅ as inferKindAgda #-}

A Haskell interface to the type normalizer:

normalizeType : Type  Either ERROR Type
normalizeType ty = do
  ty'     withE scopeError (scopeCheckTy (shifterTy Z (convTy ty)))
  _ , n  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferKind  ty')
  return (unconvTy (unshifterTy Z (extricateScopeTy (extricateNf⋆ n))))

{-# COMPILE GHC normalizeType as normalizeTypeAgda #-}

Haskell interface to type checker:

inferType∅ : Term  Either ERROR Type
inferType∅ t = do
  t'  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  ty , _  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType  t')
  return (unconvTy (unshifterTy Z (extricateScopeTy (extricateNf⋆ ty))))

{-# COMPILE GHC inferType∅ as inferTypeAgda #-}

-- FIXME: we have a checkType function now...
checkType∅ : Type  Term  Either ERROR 
checkType∅ ty t = do
  ty'  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTy (shifterTy Z (convTy ty)))
  tyN  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (checkKind  ty' *)
  t'   withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (checkType  t' tyN)
  tyN' , tmC ← withE (λ e → typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType ∅ t')
  refl      ← withE ((λ e → typeError (uglyTypeError e)) ∘ kindMismatch _ _) (meqKind k *)
  refl      ← withE ((λ e → typeError (uglyTypeError e)) ∘ typeMismatch _ _) (meqNfTy tyN tyN')
  return _

Haskell interface to type normalizer (for terms). The type checker/inferer could also return such a term

normalizeTypeTerm : Term  Either ERROR Term
normalizeTypeTerm t = do
  tDB  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  _ , tC  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType  tDB)
  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope (extricate tC))))

{-# COMPILE GHC normalizeTypeTerm as normalizeTypeTermAgda #-}

{-# COMPILE GHC checkType∅ as checkTypeAgda #-}

Haskell interface to (typechecked and proven correct) reduction

runTL : Term  Either ERROR Term
runTL t = do
  tDB  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  _ , tC  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType  tDB)
  t  withE runtimeError $ L.stepper tC maxsteps
  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope (extricate t))))

{-# COMPILE GHC runTL as runTLAgda #-}

Note the interfaces to evaluation below catch userErrors and replace them with error terms

Haskell interface to (typechecked) CK

runTCK : Term  Either ERROR Term
runTCK t = do
  tDB  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  ty , tC  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType  tDB)
   V  withE runtimeError $ Algorithmic.CK.stepper maxsteps (ε  tC)
    where (_  _)  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
          (_  _)  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
           A  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope {0}{Z} (extricate (error ty)))))
  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope (extricate (Algorithmic.CK.discharge V)))))

{-# COMPILE GHC runTCK as runTCKAgda #-}

Haskell interface to (typechecked) CEK

runTCEK : Term  Either ERROR Term
runTCEK t = do
  tDB  withE scopeError (scopeCheckTm {0}{Z} (shifter Z (convTm t)))
  ty , tC  withE  e  typeError (uglyTypeError e)) (inferType  tDB)
   V  withE runtimeError $ Algorithmic.CEK.stepper maxsteps (ε ; []  tC)
    where (_ ; _  _)  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
          (_  _)  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
           A  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope {0}{Z} (extricate (error ty)))))
  return (unconvTm (unshifter Z (extricateScope (extricate (Algorithmic.CEK.discharge V)))))

{-# COMPILE GHC runTCEK as runTCEKAgda #-}

Note that according to the specification ◆ should reduce to an error term, but here the untyped PLC term evaluator matches the behaviour of the Haskell implementation: an error is thrown with ◆.

runUValue : _ U.⊢  Either ERROR U.Value
runUValue t = do
   V  withE runtimeError $ U.stepper maxsteps (ε ; []  t)
      inj₁ (runtimeError userError) -- ◆ returns a `userError` runtimeError.
    _  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
  return V

runU : TermU  Either ERROR TermU
runU t = do
  tDB  withE scopeError $ U.scopeCheckU0 (convTmU t)
  V    runUValue tDB
  return (unconvTmU (U.extricateU0 (U.discharge V)))

{-# COMPILE GHC runU as runUAgda #-}

Run an untyped term with costing in Counting mode.

From Haskell, this function should be called as runUCountingAgda where the first argument is a CostModel, as defined in plutus-metatheory/src/Opts.hs and the second argument is a Term NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ().

From Haskell, the return type is either an error or a tuple (Term NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun (), (Integer, Integer)) consisting of the result of evalution, and a pair of the CPU costs and the memory costs, respectively.

runUCounting : RawCostModel  TermU  Either ERROR (TermU × (Nat × Nat))
runUCounting (cekMachineCosts , rawmodel) t with createMap rawmodel
... | just model = do
        tDB  withE scopeError $ U.scopeCheckU0 (convTmU t)
        let machineParameters = machineParameters (cekMachineCosts , model)
            (ev , exBudget) = U.stepperC machineParameters maxsteps (ε ; []  tDB)
         V  withE runtimeError ev
              inj₁ (runtimeError userError) -- ◆ returns a `userError` runtimeError.
            _  inj₁ (runtimeError gasError)
        return (unconvTmU (U.extricateU0 (U.discharge V)) , (ExCPU exBudget , ExMem exBudget))
... | nothing = inj₁ (jsonError "while processing parameters.")

{-# COMPILE GHC runUCounting as runUCountingAgda #-}

blah : String  String  String
blah plc1 plc2 with parseTm plc1 | parseTm plc2
blah plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' with deBruijnifyTm plc1' | deBruijnifyTm plc2'
blah plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | inj₂ plc1'' | inj₂ plc2'' = rawPrinter (convTm plc1'') ++ " || " ++ rawPrinter (convTm plc2'')
blah plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | _ | _ = "deBruijnifying failed"
blah plc1 plc2 | _ | _ = "parsing failed"

{-# COMPILE GHC blah as blah #-}

printTy : String  String
printTy b with parseTy b
... | inj₁ _ = "parseTy error"
... | inj₂ A  with deBruijnifyTy A
... | inj₁ _ = "deBruinjifyTy error"
... | inj₂ A' = rawTyPrinter (convTy A')

{-# COMPILE GHC printTy as printTy #-}

alphaTy : String  String  Bool
alphaTy plc1 plc2 with parseTy plc1 | parseTy plc2
alphaTy plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' with deBruijnifyTy plc1' | deBruijnifyTy plc2'
alphaTy plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | inj₂ plc1'' | inj₂ plc2'' = decRTy (convTy plc1'') (convTy plc2'')
alphaTy plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | _ | _ = Bool.false
alphaTy plc1 plc2 | _ | _ = Bool.false

{-# COMPILE GHC alphaTy as alphaTy #-}

alphaTm : String  String  Bool
alphaTm plc1 plc2 with parseTm plc1 | parseTm plc2
alphaTm plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' with deBruijnifyTm plc1' | deBruijnifyTm plc2'
alphaTm plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | inj₂ plc1'' | inj₂ plc2'' = decRTm (convTm plc1'') (convTm plc2'')
alphaTm plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | _ | _ = Bool.false
alphaTm plc1 plc2 | _ | _ = Bool.false

{-# COMPILE GHC alphaTm as alphaTm #-}

alphaU : String  String  Bool
alphaU plc1 plc2 with parseTmU plc1 | parseTmU plc2
alphaU plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' with deBruijnifyTmU plc1' | deBruijnifyTmU plc2'
alphaU plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | inj₂ plc1'' | inj₂ plc2'' = U.decUTm (convTmU plc1'') (convTmU plc2'')
alphaU plc1 plc2 | inj₂ plc1' | inj₂ plc2' | _ | _ = Bool.false
alphaU plc1 plc2 | _ | _ = Bool.false

{-# COMPILE GHC alphaU as alphaU #-}