
module Algorithmic where


open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym;trans;cong;cong₂;subst)

open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Data.Product using (_×_)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;lookup)
open import Data.List.Properties using (foldr-++)

open import Utils renaming (_×_ to _U×_; List to UList; map to umap)
open import Utils.List using (List;_++_;foldr;IList;[];_∷_;Bwd;_:<_;bwd-foldr;lemma-bwd-foldr;_<><_;lemma<>1)
open import Type using (Ctx⋆;;_,⋆_;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;Z;S;Φ)
open _⊢⋆_

open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_;_⊢Ne⋆_;weakenNf;renNf;embNf)
open _⊢Nf⋆_
open _⊢Ne⋆_

import Type.RenamingSubstitution as 
open import Type.BetaNBE using (nf)
open import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution using (subNf∅) renaming (_[_]Nf to _[_])

open import Builtin using (Builtin)

open import Builtin.Constant.Type using (TyCon)
open TyCon
open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (⟦_⟧at)

open import Builtin.Signature using (_⊢♯)
open _⊢♯

open import Algorithmic.Signature using (btype;⊢♯2TyNe♯)

Fixity declarations

To begin, we get all our infix declarations out of the way. We list separately operators for judgements, types, and terms.

infix  4 _∋_
infix  4 _⊢_
infixl 5 _,_

Contexts and erasure

We need to mutually define contexts and their erasure to type contexts.

--data Ctx : Set
--∥_∥ : Ctx → Ctx⋆

A context is either empty, or extends a context by a type variable of a given kind, or extends a context by a variable of a given type.

data Ctx : Ctx⋆  Set where
      : Ctx 
  _,⋆_ : Ctx Φ  (J : Kind)  Ctx (Φ ,⋆ J)
  _,_  : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *  Ctx Φ

Let Γ range over contexts. In the last rule, the type is indexed by the erasure of the previous context to a type context and a kind.

The erasure of a context is a type context.

--∥ ∅ ∥       =  ∅
--∥ Γ ,⋆ J ∥  =  ∥ Γ ∥ ,⋆ J
--∥ Γ , A ∥   =  ∥ Γ ∥


A variable is indexed by its context and type.

data _∋_ : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *  Set where

  Z :  {Γ} {A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ , A  A

  S :  {Γ} {A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *} {B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ  A
     Γ , B  A

  T :  {Γ K}{A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ  A
     Γ ,⋆ K  weakenNf A

Semantic of constant terms

We define a predicate ♯Kinded for kinds that ultimately end in ♯.

data ♯Kinded : Kind  Set where
    : ♯Kinded 
   K♯ : ∀{K J}  ♯Kinded J  ♯Kinded (K  J)

There is no type of a ♯Kinded kind which takes more than two type arguments.

lemma♯Kinded :  {K K₁ K₂ J}  ♯Kinded J   ⊢Ne⋆ (K₂  (K₁  (K  J)))  
lemma♯Kinded k (f · _) = lemma♯Kinded (K♯ k) f

Closed types can be mapped into the signature universe and viceversa.

ty2sty :  ⊢Nf⋆   0 ⊢♯
ty2sty (ne (((f · _) · _) · _)) with lemma♯Kinded  f
... | ()
ty2sty (ne ((^ pair · x) · y)) = pair (ty2sty x) (ty2sty y)
ty2sty (ne (^ list · x)) = list (ty2sty x)
ty2sty (ne (^ (atomic x))) = atomic x

sty2ty : 0 ⊢♯   ⊢Nf⋆ 
sty2ty t = ne (⊢♯2TyNe♯ t)

Now we have functions ty2sty and sty2ty. We prove that they are inverses, and therefore define an isomorphism.

ty≅sty₁ :  (A :  ⊢Nf⋆ )  A  sty2ty (ty2sty A)
ty≅sty₁ (ne (((f · _) · _) · _)) with  lemma♯Kinded  f
... | ()
ty≅sty₁ (ne ((^ pair · x) · y))  = cong ne (cong₂ _·_ (cong (^ pair ·_) (ty≅sty₁ x)) (ty≅sty₁ y))
ty≅sty₁ (ne (^ list · x))        = cong ne (cong (^ list ·_) (ty≅sty₁ x))
ty≅sty₁ (ne (^ (atomic x)))      = refl

ty≅sty₂ :  (A : 0 ⊢♯)   A  ty2sty (sty2ty A)
ty≅sty₂ (atomic x) = refl
ty≅sty₂ (list A) = cong list (ty≅sty₂ A)
ty≅sty₂ (pair A B) = cong₂ pair (ty≅sty₂ A) (ty≅sty₂ B)

The semantics of closed types of kind ♯ is given by the following interpretation function

⟦_⟧ : (ty :  ⊢Nf⋆ )  Set
 ne (((f · _) · _) · _)  with lemma♯Kinded  f
... | ()
 ne ((^ pair · x) · y)  =  x    y 
 ne (^ list · x)  = UList  x 
 ne (^ (atomic x))  =  x ⟧at

All these types need to be able to be interfaced with Haskell, as this interpretation function is used everywhere of type or a type tag needs to be interpreted. It is precisely because they need to be interfaced with Haskell that we use the version of product and list from the Utils module.


A term is indexed over by its context and type. A term is a variable, an abstraction, an application, a type abstraction, a type application, a wrapping or unwrapping of a recursive type, a constructor, a case expression, a constant, a builtin function, or an error.

Constants of a builtin type A are given directly by its meaning ⟦ A ⟧, where A is restricted to kind ♯.

The type of cases if a function consuming every type in a list. We construct it with the following function:

mkCaseType : ∀{Φ} (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *
mkCaseType A = foldr _⇒_ A

We declare two auxiliary datatypes, which are mutually recursive with the type of terms, for constructor arguments and cases.

ConstrArgs : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  Set
data Cases (Γ : Ctx Φ) (B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) : ∀{n}  Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n  Set

The actual type of terms

infixl 7 _·⋆_/_

data _⊢_ (Γ : Ctx Φ) : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *  Set where
  ` :  {A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ  A
     Γ  A

  ƛ :  {A B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ , A  B
     Γ  A  B

  _·_ :  {A B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ  A  B
     Γ  A
     Γ  B

  Λ :  {K}
     {B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ ,⋆ K  B
     Γ  Π B

  _·⋆_/_ :  {K C}
     {B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *}
     Γ  Π B
     (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
     C  B [ A ]
     Γ  C

  wrap : ∀{K}
    (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  *)  K  *)
    (B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
    Γ  nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B)
    Γ  μ A B

  unwrap : ∀{K C}
     {A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  *)  K  *}
     {B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K}
     Γ  μ A B
     C  nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B)
     Γ  C

  constr : ∀{n}
       (i : Fin n)                     -- The tag

       (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n) -- The types of the sum of products.
                                        -- We make it a Vector of lists, so that
                                        -- the tag is statically correct.
                                        -- We use the name `Tss` as it stands for a
                                        -- a container of containers of types.

        {ts}  ts  lookup Tss i      -- The reason to define it like this, rather than
       ConstrArgs Γ ts                 -- simply ConstrArgs Γ (lookup Tss i) is so that it
                                        -- is easier to construct terms (helps to avoid the use of subst)
                                        -- as often the result of a function will not match definitionally
                                        -- with (lookup Tss i) but only propositionally.
       Γ  SOP Tss

  case : ∀{n}{Tss : Vec _ n}{A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
       (t : Γ  SOP Tss)               -- The term we case on
       (cases : Cases Γ A Tss)
       Γ  A

  con : ∀{A :  ⊢Nf⋆ }{B}
     B  subNf∅ A
     Γ  con B

  builtin_/_ : ∀{C}
     (b :  Builtin)
     C  btype b
     Γ  C

  error :
      (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)
     Γ  A

-- The type of arguments to a `constr` constructor
ConstrArgs Γ = IList (Γ ⊢_)

-- Cases is indexed by a vector
-- so it can't be an IList
data Cases Γ B where
   []  : Cases Γ B []
   _∷_ : ∀{n}{Ts}{Tss : Vec _ n}(
         c : Γ  (mkCaseType B Ts))
        (cs : Cases Γ B Tss)
        Cases Γ B (Ts  Tss)

Utility functions

conv∋ :  {Γ Γ'}{A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
  Γ  Γ'
  A  A'
  Γ  A
  Γ'  A'
conv∋ refl refl x = x

conv⊢ :  {Γ Γ'}{A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
  Γ  Γ'
  A  A'
  Γ  A
  Γ'  A'
conv⊢ refl refl t = t

lookupCase : ∀{n Φ}{Γ : Ctx Φ}{A}{Tss : Vec _ n}  (i : Fin n)  Cases Γ A Tss  Γ  mkCaseType A (Vec.lookup Tss i)
lookupCase (c  cs) = c
lookupCase (Fin.suc i) (c  cs) = lookupCase i cs

bwdMkCaseType : ∀{Φ}  Bwd (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *
bwdMkCaseType bs A = bwd-foldr _⇒_ A bs

lemma-bwdfwdfunction' : ∀{Φ} {B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *} Ts  mkCaseType B Ts  bwdMkCaseType ([] <>< Ts) B
lemma-bwdfwdfunction' {B = B} Ts = trans (cong (mkCaseType B) (sym (lemma<>1 [] Ts))) (lemma-bwd-foldr _⇒_ B ([] <>< Ts))

constr-cong :  ∀{Γ : Ctx Φ}{n}{i : Fin n}{Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n}{ts}
             (p : ts  lookup Tss i)
             {cs : ConstrArgs Γ ts}
             {cs' : ConstrArgs Γ (lookup Tss i)}
             (q : cs'  subst (IList (Γ ⊢_)) p cs)
             constr i Tss refl cs'  constr i Tss p cs
constr-cong refl refl = refl

constr-cong' :  ∀{Γ : Ctx Φ}{n}{i : Fin n}{A : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n}{ts}{ts'}
             (p : ts  lookup A i)(p' : ts'  lookup A i)
             {cs : ConstrArgs Γ ts}
             {cs' : ConstrArgs Γ ts'}
             (q : subst (IList (Γ ⊢_)) p' cs'  subst (IList (Γ ⊢_)) p cs)
             constr i A p' cs'  constr i A p cs
constr-cong' refl refl refl = refl