
module Type where

Fixity declarations

To begin, we get all our infix declarations out of the way.

infix  4 _∋⋆_
infix  4 _⊢⋆_
infixl 5 _,⋆_

infix  6 Π
infixr 7 _⇒_
infix  5 ƛ
infixl 7 _·_
infix  9 S


open import Data.Vec using (Vec)
open import Data.List using (List)

open import Utils using (Kind;J;K)
open Kind

Type contexts

A type context is either empty or extends a type context by a type variable of a given kind.

data Ctx⋆ : Set where
   : Ctx⋆
  _,⋆_ : Ctx⋆  Kind  Ctx⋆

Let Φ, Ψ, Θ range over type contexts:

  Φ Ψ Θ : Ctx⋆

Type variables

Type variables are not named, they are numbered (de Bruijn indices).

A type variable is indexed by its context and kind. For a given context, it’s impossible to construct a variable that is out of scope.

data _∋⋆_ : Ctx⋆  Kind  Set where

  Z : -------------
      Φ ,⋆ J ∋⋆ J

  S : Φ ∋⋆ J
     Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J

Let α, β range over type variables


A type is indexed by its context and kind. Types are intrinsically scoped and kinded: it’s impossible to construct an ill-kinded application and it’s impossible to refer to a variable that is not in scope.

A type is either a type variable, a pi type, a function type, a lambda, an application, an iso-recursive type μ, a size, or a type constant (base type). Note that recursive types range over an arbitrary kind k which goes beyond standard iso-recursive types. Also note that Π, , and µ are effectively base types as they live at kind *.

The Sum of Products types are based on Agda’s standard Vectors and Lists.

data _⊢⋆_ : Ctx⋆  Kind  Set

open import Builtin.Constant.Type using (TyCon)

data _⊢⋆_ where
  ` : Φ ∋⋆ J
     Φ ⊢⋆ J

  Π : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ *
     Φ ⊢⋆ *

  _⇒_ : Φ ⊢⋆ *
       Φ ⊢⋆ *
       Φ ⊢⋆ *

  ƛ : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J
     Φ ⊢⋆ K  J

  _·_ : Φ ⊢⋆ K  J
       Φ ⊢⋆ K
       Φ ⊢⋆ J

  μ : Φ ⊢⋆ (K  *)  K  *
     Φ ⊢⋆ K
     Φ ⊢⋆ *

  ^ : TyCon K
     Φ ⊢⋆ K

  con : Φ ⊢⋆ 
       Φ ⊢⋆ *

   -- Sum of Products
  SOP : ∀{n} 
        Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n
       Φ ⊢⋆ *

Let A, B, C range over types:

  A A' B B' C C'  : Φ ⊢⋆ J