module Type.RenamingSubstitution where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin;zero;suc) open import Data.Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;lookup) open import Data.List using (List;[];_∷_) open import Function using (id;_∘_) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; cong₂; trans; sym) renaming (subst to substEq) open import Utils using (*;J;K) open import Type using (Ctx⋆;_,⋆_;∅;Φ;Ψ;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;S;Z) open _⊢⋆_
Types can contain functions and as such are subject to a nontrivial equality relation. To explain the computation equation (the β-rule) we need to define substitution for a single type variable in a type. A type renaming is a function from type variables in one context to type variables in another. We only need the ability to introduce new variable on the right hand side of the context. The simplicity of the definition makes it easy to work with and we get some properties for free that we would have to pay for with a first order representation, such as not needing to define a lookup function, and we inherit the properties of functions provided by η-equality, such as associativity of composition, for free. Note that even though renamings are functions we do not require our metatheory (Agda’s type system) to support functional extensionality. We only ever need to make use of an equation between renamings on a point (a variable) and therefore need only a pointwise version of equality on functions to work with equality of renamings and substitutions.
Ren : Ctx⋆ → Ctx⋆ → Set Ren Φ Ψ = ∀ {J} → Φ ∋⋆ J → Ψ ∋⋆ J
Let ρ
range over renamings.
variable ρ ρ' : Ren Φ Ψ
As we are going to push renamings through types we need to be able to push them
under a binder. To do this safely the newly bound variable should remain untouched and
other renamings should be shifted by one to accommodate this. (Note: this is
called lift⋆
in the paper ).
ext : Ren Φ Ψ ----------------------------- → ∀ {K} → Ren (Φ ,⋆ K) (Ψ ,⋆ K) ext ρ Z = Z ext ρ (S α) = S (ρ α)
This is defined by recursion on the type. Observe that we lift the renaming when we go under a binder and actually apply the renaming when we hit a variable.
ren : Ren Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {J} → Φ ⊢⋆ J → Ψ ⊢⋆ J ren-List : Ren Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {J} → List (Φ ⊢⋆ J) → List (Ψ ⊢⋆ J) ren-VecList : Ren Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {n J} → Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n → Vec (List (Ψ ⊢⋆ J)) n ren ρ (` α) = ` (ρ α) ren ρ (Π B) = Π (ren (ext ρ) B) ren ρ (A ⇒ B) = ren ρ A ⇒ ren ρ B ren ρ (ƛ B) = ƛ (ren (ext ρ) B) ren ρ (μ A B) = μ (ren ρ A) (ren ρ B) ren ρ (^ x) = ^ x ren ρ (con c) = con (ren ρ c) ren ρ (A · B) = ren ρ A · ren ρ B ren ρ (SOP xss) = SOP (ren-VecList ρ xss) ren-List ρ [] = [] ren-List ρ (x ∷ xs) = ren ρ x ∷ ren-List ρ xs ren-VecList ρ [] = [] ren-VecList ρ (xs ∷ xss) = ren-List ρ xs ∷ ren-VecList ρ xss
Weakening is a special case of renaming. We apply the renaming S which does double duty as the variable constructor, if we check the type of S we see that it is a renaming. Weakening shifts all the existing variables one place to the left in the context.
weaken : Φ ⊢⋆ J ----------- → Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J weaken = ren S
First functor law for ext
ext-id : (α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) ----------------- → ext id α ≡ α ext-id Z = refl ext-id (S α) = refl
This congruence lemma and analogous ones for exts
, ren
, and
avoids the use of extensionality when reasoning about equal
renamings/substitutions as we only need a pointwise version of
equality. If we used the standard library’s cong
we would need to
postulate extensionality and our equality proofs wouldn’t compute. I
learnt this from Conor McBride.
ext-cong : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → ρ α ≡ ρ' α) → ∀{J K}(α : Φ ,⋆ J ∋⋆ K) -------------------------------- → ext ρ α ≡ ext ρ' α ext-cong p Z = refl ext-cong p (S α) = cong S (p α)
Congruence lemma for ren
ren-cong : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → ρ α ≡ ρ' α) → ∀{K}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ K) -------------------------------- → ren ρ A ≡ ren ρ' A ren-cong-List : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → ρ α ≡ ρ' α) → ∀{K}(As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ K)) -------------------------------- → ren-List ρ As ≡ ren-List ρ' As ren-cong-VecList : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → ρ α ≡ ρ' α) → ∀{n K}(Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ K)) n) -------------------------------- → ren-VecList ρ Tss ≡ ren-VecList ρ' Tss ren-cong p (` α) = cong ` (p α) ren-cong p (Π A) = cong Π (ren-cong (ext-cong p) A) ren-cong p (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (ren-cong p A) (ren-cong p B) ren-cong p (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (ren-cong (ext-cong p) A) ren-cong p (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (ren-cong p A) (ren-cong p B) ren-cong p (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (ren-cong p A) (ren-cong p B) ren-cong p (^ x) = refl ren-cong p (con c) = cong con (ren-cong p c) ren-cong p (SOP xss) = cong SOP (ren-cong-VecList p xss) ren-cong-List p [] = refl ren-cong-List p (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-cong p x) (ren-cong-List p xs) ren-cong-VecList p [] = refl ren-cong-VecList p (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-cong-List p xs) (ren-cong-VecList p xss)
First functor law for ren
ren-id : (A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) ------------ → ren id A ≡ A ren-id-List : (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) -------------------- → ren-List id As ≡ As ren-id-VecList : ∀{n} (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) -------------------- → ren-VecList id Tss ≡ Tss ren-id (` α) = refl ren-id (Π A) = cong Π (trans (ren-cong ext-id A) (ren-id A)) ren-id (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_(ren-id A) (ren-id B) ren-id (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (ren-cong ext-id A) (ren-id A)) ren-id (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (ren-id A) (ren-id B) ren-id (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (ren-id A) (ren-id B) ren-id (^ x) = refl ren-id (con c) = cong con (ren-id c) ren-id (SOP xss) = cong SOP (ren-id-VecList xss) ren-id-List [] = refl ren-id-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-id x) (ren-id-List xs) ren-id-VecList [] = refl ren-id-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-id-List xs) (ren-id-VecList xss)
Second functor law for ext
ext-comp : ∀{J K}(x : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) --------------------------------- → ext (ρ ∘ ρ') x ≡ ext ρ (ext ρ' x) ext-comp Z = refl ext-comp (S x) = refl
Second functor law for ren
ren-comp : ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) --------------------------------- → ren (ρ ∘ ρ') A ≡ ren ρ (ren ρ' A) ren-comp-List : ∀{J}(As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) --------------------------------- → ren-List (ρ ∘ ρ') As ≡ ren-List ρ (ren-List ρ' As) ren-comp-VecList : ∀{n J}(Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) ------------------------------------------- → ren-VecList (ρ ∘ ρ') Tss ≡ ren-VecList ρ (ren-VecList ρ' Tss) ren-comp (` x) = refl ren-comp (Π A) = cong Π (trans (ren-cong ext-comp A) (ren-comp A)) ren-comp (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (ren-comp A) (ren-comp B) ren-comp (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (ren-cong ext-comp A) (ren-comp A)) ren-comp (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (ren-comp A) (ren-comp B) ren-comp (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (ren-comp A) (ren-comp B) ren-comp (^ x) = refl ren-comp (con c) = cong con (ren-comp c) ren-comp (SOP xss) = cong SOP (ren-comp-VecList xss) ren-comp-List [] = refl ren-comp-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-comp x) (ren-comp-List xs) ren-comp-VecList [] = refl ren-comp-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-comp-List xs) (ren-comp-VecList xss)
A type substitution is a mapping of type variables to types. Much of this section mirrors functions in the Type section above, so the explainations and design intent are the same. There are Fusion Proofs below.
Sub : Ctx⋆ → Ctx⋆ → Set Sub Φ Ψ = ∀ {J} → Φ ∋⋆ J → Ψ ⊢⋆ J
Let σ
range over substitutions:
variable σ σ' : Sub Φ Ψ
Extending a type substitution — used when going under a binder. (This is called lifts
in the paper ).
exts : Sub Φ Ψ ----------------------------- → ∀ {K} → Sub (Φ ,⋆ K) (Ψ ,⋆ K) exts σ Z = ` Z exts σ (S α) = weaken (σ α)
Apply a type substitution to a type.
sub : Sub Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {J} → Φ ⊢⋆ J → Ψ ⊢⋆ J sub-List : Sub Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {J} → List (Φ ⊢⋆ J) → List (Ψ ⊢⋆ J) sub-VecList : Sub Φ Ψ ----------------------- → ∀ {n J} → Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n → Vec (List (Ψ ⊢⋆ J)) n sub σ (` α) = σ α sub σ (Π B) = Π (sub (exts σ) B) sub σ (A ⇒ B) = sub σ A ⇒ sub σ B sub σ (ƛ B) = ƛ (sub (exts σ) B) sub σ (A · B) = sub σ A · sub σ B sub σ (μ A B) = μ (sub σ A) (sub σ B) sub σ (^ x) = ^ x sub σ (con c) = con (sub σ c) sub σ (SOP xss) = SOP (sub-VecList σ xss) sub-List σ [] = [] sub-List σ (x ∷ xs) = sub σ x ∷ sub-List σ xs sub-VecList σ [] = [] sub-VecList σ (xs ∷ xss) = sub-List σ xs ∷ sub-VecList σ xss
Extend a substitution with an additional type (analogous to cons
backward lists)
sub-cons : Sub Φ Ψ → ∀{J}(A : Ψ ⊢⋆ J) ---------------- → Sub (Φ ,⋆ J) Ψ sub-cons f A Z = A sub-cons f A (S x) = f x
A special case is substitution a type for the outermost free variable:
_[_] : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J → Φ ⊢⋆ K ----------- → Φ ⊢⋆ J B [ A ] = sub (sub-cons ` A) B
Extending the identity substitution yields the identity substitution
exts-id : (α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) ----------------- → exts ` α ≡ ` α exts-id Z = refl exts-id (S α) = refl
Congruence lemma for exts
exts-cong : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → σ α ≡ σ' α) → ∀{J K}(α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) -------------------------------- → exts σ α ≡ exts σ' α exts-cong p Z = refl exts-cong p (S α) = cong (ren S) (p α)
Congruence lemma for sub
sub-cong : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → σ α ≡ σ' α) → ∀{K}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ K) -------------------------------- → sub σ A ≡ sub σ' A sub-cong-List : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → σ α ≡ σ' α) → ∀{K}(As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ K)) -------------------------------- → sub-List σ As ≡ sub-List σ' As sub-cong-VecList : (∀ {J}(α : Φ ∋⋆ J) → σ α ≡ σ' α) → ∀{n K}(Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ K)) n) -------------------------------- → sub-VecList σ Tss ≡ sub-VecList σ' Tss sub-cong p (` α) = p α sub-cong p (Π A) = cong Π (sub-cong (exts-cong p) A) sub-cong p (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (sub-cong p A) (sub-cong p B) sub-cong p (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (sub-cong (exts-cong p) A) sub-cong p (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (sub-cong p A) (sub-cong p B) sub-cong p (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (sub-cong p A) (sub-cong p B) sub-cong p (^ x) = refl sub-cong p (con c) = cong con (sub-cong p c) sub-cong p (SOP xss) = cong SOP (sub-cong-VecList p xss) sub-cong-List p [] = refl sub-cong-List p (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-cong p x) (sub-cong-List p xs) sub-cong-VecList p [] = refl sub-cong-VecList p (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-cong-List p xs) (sub-cong-VecList p xss)
First relative monad law
for sub
sub-id : (A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) ------------ → sub ` A ≡ A sub-id-List : (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) -------------------- → sub-List ` As ≡ As sub-id-VecList : ∀{n} (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) -------------------- → sub-VecList ` Tss ≡ Tss sub-id (` α) = refl sub-id (Π A) = cong Π (trans (sub-cong exts-id A) (sub-id A)) sub-id (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (sub-id A) (sub-id B) sub-id (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (sub-cong exts-id A) (sub-id A)) sub-id (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (sub-id A) (sub-id B) sub-id (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (sub-id A) (sub-id B) sub-id (^ x) = refl sub-id (con c) = cong con (sub-id c) sub-id (SOP xss) = cong SOP (sub-id-VecList xss) sub-id-List [] = refl sub-id-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-id x) (sub-id-List xs) sub-id-VecList [] = refl sub-id-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-id-List xs) (sub-id-VecList xss)
Fusion of exts
and ext
exts-ext : ∀{J K}(α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) --------------------------------- → exts (σ ∘ ρ) α ≡ exts σ (ext ρ α) exts-ext Z = refl exts-ext (S α) = refl
Fusion for sub
and ren
sub-ren : ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) ------------------------------- → sub (σ ∘ ρ) A ≡ sub σ (ren ρ A) sub-ren-List : ∀{J} (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) ------------------------------- → sub-List (σ ∘ ρ) As ≡ sub-List σ (ren-List ρ As) sub-ren-VecList : ∀{n J} → (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) ------------------------------- → sub-VecList (σ ∘ ρ) Tss ≡ sub-VecList σ (ren-VecList ρ Tss) sub-ren (` α) = refl sub-ren (Π A) = cong Π (trans (sub-cong exts-ext A) (sub-ren A)) sub-ren (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (sub-ren A) (sub-ren B) sub-ren (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (sub-cong exts-ext A) (sub-ren A)) sub-ren (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (sub-ren A) (sub-ren B) sub-ren (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (sub-ren A) (sub-ren B) sub-ren (^ x) = refl sub-ren (con c) = cong con (sub-ren c) sub-ren (SOP xss) = cong SOP (sub-ren-VecList xss) sub-ren-List [] = refl sub-ren-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-ren x) (sub-ren-List xs) sub-ren-VecList [] = refl sub-ren-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-ren-List xs) (sub-ren-VecList xss)
Fusion for exts
and ext
ren-ext-exts : ∀{J K}(α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) ------------------------------------------- → exts (ren ρ ∘ σ) α ≡ ren (ext ρ) (exts σ α) ren-ext-exts Z = refl ren-ext-exts (S α) = trans (sym (ren-comp _)) (ren-comp _)
Fusion for ren
and sub
ren-sub : ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) ----------------------------------- → sub (ren ρ ∘ σ) A ≡ ren ρ (sub σ A) ren-sub-List : ∀ {J} (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) --------------------------------------------------------------- → sub-List (ren ρ ∘ σ) As ≡ ren-List ρ (sub-List σ As) ren-sub-VecList : ∀ {n J} (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) --------------------------------------------------------------- → sub-VecList (ren ρ ∘ σ) Tss ≡ ren-VecList ρ (sub-VecList σ Tss) ren-sub (` α) = refl ren-sub (Π A) = cong Π (trans (sub-cong ren-ext-exts A) (ren-sub A)) ren-sub (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (ren-sub A) (ren-sub B) ren-sub (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (sub-cong ren-ext-exts A) (ren-sub A)) ren-sub (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (ren-sub A) (ren-sub B) ren-sub (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (ren-sub A) (ren-sub B) ren-sub (^ x) = refl ren-sub (con c) = cong con (ren-sub c) ren-sub (SOP xss) = cong SOP (ren-sub-VecList xss) ren-sub-List [] = refl ren-sub-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-sub x) (ren-sub-List xs) ren-sub-VecList [] = refl ren-sub-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (ren-sub-List xs) (ren-sub-VecList xss)
Fusion of two exts
extscomp : ∀{J K}(α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) ---------------------------------------------- → exts (sub σ ∘ σ') α ≡ sub (exts σ) (exts σ' α) extscomp Z = refl extscomp {σ' = σ'} (S α) = trans (sym (ren-sub (σ' α))) (sub-ren (σ' α))
Fusion of substitutions/third relative monad law for sub
sub-comp : ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢⋆ J) ------------------------------------- → sub (sub σ ∘ σ') A ≡ sub σ (sub σ' A) sub-com-List : ∀ {J} (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) ------------------------------------------------------------------ → sub-List (sub σ ∘ σ') As ≡ sub-List σ (sub-List σ' As) sub-com-VecList : ∀ {n J} (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ J)) n) ------------------------------------------------------------------ → sub-VecList (sub σ ∘ σ') Tss ≡ sub-VecList σ (sub-VecList σ' Tss) sub-comp (` x) = refl sub-comp (Π A) = cong Π (trans (sub-cong extscomp A) (sub-comp A)) sub-comp (A ⇒ B) = cong₂ _⇒_ (sub-comp A) (sub-comp B) sub-comp (ƛ A) = cong ƛ (trans (sub-cong extscomp A) (sub-comp A)) sub-comp (A · B) = cong₂ _·_ (sub-comp A) (sub-comp B) sub-comp (μ A B) = cong₂ μ (sub-comp A) (sub-comp B) sub-comp (^ x) = refl sub-comp (con c) = cong con (sub-comp c) sub-comp (SOP xss) = cong SOP (sub-com-VecList xss) sub-com-List [] = refl sub-com-List (x ∷ xs) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-comp x) (sub-com-List xs) sub-com-VecList [] = refl sub-com-VecList (xs ∷ xss) = cong₂ _∷_ (sub-com-List xs) (sub-com-VecList xss)
Commuting sub-cons
and ren
ren-sub-cons : (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ) → (A : Φ ⊢⋆ K) → (α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) ------------------------------------------------------- → sub-cons ` (ren ρ A) (ext ρ α) ≡ ren ρ (sub-cons ` A α) ren-sub-cons ρ A Z = refl ren-sub-cons ρ A (S α) = refl
Commuting sub-cons
and sub
sub-sub-cons : (σ : Sub Φ Ψ) → (M : Φ ⊢⋆ K) → (α : Φ ,⋆ K ∋⋆ J) -------------------------------------------------------------- → sub (sub-cons ` (sub σ M)) (exts σ α) ≡ sub σ (sub-cons ` M α) sub-sub-cons σ M Z = refl sub-sub-cons σ M (S α) = trans (sym (sub-ren (σ α))) (sub-id (σ α))
A useful lemma for fixing up the types when renaming a wrap
or unwrap
ren-μ : (ρ⋆ : Ren Φ Ψ) → (A : Φ ⊢⋆ _) → (B : Φ ⊢⋆ K) → ----------------------------------------------------- ren ρ⋆ (A · ƛ (μ (weaken A) (` Z)) · B) ≡ ren ρ⋆ A · ƛ (μ (weaken (ren ρ⋆ A)) (` Z)) · ren ρ⋆ B ren-μ ρ⋆ A B = cong (λ X → ren ρ⋆ A · ƛ (μ X (` Z)) · ren ρ⋆ B) (trans (sym (ren-comp A)) (ren-comp A))
A useful lemma for fixing up the types when renaming a type application
ren-Π : ∀(A : Φ ⊢⋆ K)(B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J)(ρ : Ren Φ Ψ) → ren (ext ρ) B [ ren ρ A ] ≡ ren ρ (B [ A ]) ren-Π A B ρ = trans (sym (sub-ren B)) (trans (sub-cong (ren-sub-cons ρ A) B) (ren-sub B))
A useful lemma for fixing up the types when substituting into a wrap
or unwrap
sub-μ : (σ⋆ : Sub Φ Ψ) → (A : Φ ⊢⋆ _) → (B : Φ ⊢⋆ K) ----------------------------------------------------- → sub σ⋆ (A · ƛ (μ (weaken A) (` Z)) · B) ≡ sub σ⋆ A · ƛ (μ (weaken (sub σ⋆ A)) (` Z)) · sub σ⋆ B sub-μ σ⋆ A B = cong (λ X → sub σ⋆ A · ƛ (μ X (` Z)) · sub σ⋆ B) (trans (sym (sub-ren A)) (ren-sub A))
A useful lemma when substituting into a type application
sub-Π : ∀(A : Φ ⊢⋆ K)(B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J)(σ : Sub Φ Ψ) → sub (exts σ) B [ sub σ A ] ≡ sub σ (B [ A ]) sub-Π A B σ = trans (sym (sub-comp B)) (trans (sub-cong (sub-sub-cons σ A) B) (sub-comp B))
Substituting in the empty type context is the same as doing nothing.
sub-∅ : (A : ∅ ⊢⋆ J) → (x : Sub ∅ ∅) → sub x A ≡ A sub-∅ A x = trans (sub-cong (λ ()) A) (sub-id A)
If we start from a type in an empty context, we may weaken it to any context, and then we have two lemmas.
sub∅ : ∀{Φ K} → ∅ ⊢⋆ K → Φ ⊢⋆ K sub∅ t = sub (λ()) t sub∅-ren : ∀{K} (t : ∅ ⊢⋆ K) (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ) → sub∅ t ≡ ren ρ (sub∅ t) sub∅-ren t ρ = trans (sub-cong (λ ()) t) (ren-sub t) sub∅-sub : ∀{K} (t : ∅ ⊢⋆ K) (ρ : Sub Φ Ψ) → sub∅ t ≡ sub ρ (sub∅ t) sub∅-sub t ρ = trans (sub-cong (λ ()) t) (sub-comp t)
Some properties relating uses of lookup on VecList-functions with List-functions
lookup-ren-VecList : ∀ {n} → (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ) → (e : Fin n) → (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n) -------------------------------------------- → lookup (ren-VecList ρ Tss) e ≡ ren-List ρ (lookup Tss e) lookup-ren-VecList ρ zero (_ ∷ _) = refl lookup-ren-VecList ρ (suc e) (_ ∷ Tss) = lookup-ren-VecList ρ e Tss lookup-sub-VecList : ∀ {n} → (σ : Sub Φ Ψ) → (e : Fin n) → (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n) -------------------------------------------- → lookup (sub-VecList σ Tss) e ≡ sub-List σ (lookup Tss e) lookup-sub-VecList σ zero (_ ∷ _) = refl lookup-sub-VecList σ (suc e) (_ ∷ Tss) = lookup-sub-VecList σ e Tss