
module Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym;trans;cong;cong₂)
open Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.≡-Reasoning
open import Function using (_∘_)

open import Utils using (*;;_⇒_)
open import Type using (Ctx⋆;;_,⋆_;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;Z;S)
open _⊢⋆_
open import Type.Equality using (_≡β_;≡2β)
open _≡β_
open import Type.RenamingSubstitution
      using (Ren;ren;ext;ren-comp;sub;sub-id;sub-comp;sub-cong;exts;sub-ren;weaken;sub-∅)
open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_;_⊢Ne⋆_;renNf;embNf;weakenNf;ren-embNf)
open _⊢Nf⋆_
open _⊢Ne⋆_
open import Type.BetaNormal.Equality using (renNf-comp)
open import Type.BetaNBE using (reify;reflect;Env;eval;nf;renVal;idEnv;_,,⋆_;fresh;exte)
open import Type.BetaNBE.Soundness using (soundness)
open import Type.BetaNBE.Completeness
   using (EnvCR;CR;fund;ren-reify;idext;idCR;reifyCR;renCR;transCR;reflectCR;renVal-eval;renVal-reflect;symCR;ren-eval;sub-eval;completeness)
open import Type.BetaNBE.Stability using (stability)

Renaming is defined in the file Type.BetaNormal as it used in the NBE algorithm.

reify ∘ reflect preserves the neutral term

reify-reflect : ∀{K Φ}(n : Φ ⊢Ne⋆ K)  reify (reflect n)  ne n
reify-reflect {*}     n = refl
reify-reflect {}     n = refl
reify-reflect {K  J} n = refl

eval is closed under propositional equality for terms

evalCRSubst : ∀{Φ Ψ K}{η η' : Env Φ Ψ}
   EnvCR η η'
   {t t' : Φ ⊢⋆ K}
   t  t'
   CR K (eval t η) (eval t' η')
evalCRSubst p {t = t} q = fund p (≡2β q)
ren-nf : ∀{ϕ ψ K}(σ : Ren ϕ ψ)(A : ϕ ⊢⋆ K) 
  renNf σ (nf A)  nf (ren σ A)
ren-nf σ A = trans
  (ren-reify (idext idCR A) σ)
      (renVal-eval A idCR σ)
        (idext (renVal-reflect σ  `) A)
        (symCR (ren-eval A idCR σ))  )))
ren-nf-μ :  {Φ Ψ}{K}
   (ρ⋆ : Ren Φ Ψ)
   (A  : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  *)  K  *)
   (B  : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   renNf ρ⋆
    (nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B))
    (embNf (renNf ρ⋆ A) · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf (renNf ρ⋆ A))) (` Z)) ·
     embNf (renNf ρ⋆ B))
ren-nf-μ ρ⋆ A B = trans
  (ren-nf ρ⋆ (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B))
       X Y  nf (X · ƛ (μ (ren (ext ρ⋆) (embNf (weakenNf A))) (` Z)) · Y))
      (sym (ren-embNf ρ⋆ A))
      (sym (ren-embNf ρ⋆ B)))
         X  nf (embNf (renNf ρ⋆ A) · ƛ (μ (ren (ext ρ⋆) X) (` Z)) · embNf (renNf ρ⋆ B)))
        (ren-embNf S A))
         X  nf (embNf (renNf ρ⋆ A) · ƛ (μ X (` Z)) · embNf (renNf ρ⋆ B)))
          (sym (ren-comp (embNf A)))
          (trans (sym (ren-embNf (S  ρ⋆) A)) (cong embNf (renNf-comp A)))))))
SubNf : Ctx⋆  Ctx⋆  Set
SubNf φ Ψ =  {J}  φ ∋⋆ J  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ J

Substitution for normal forms:

  1. embed back into syntax;
  2. perform substitution;
  3. renormalize.
subNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   SubNf Φ Ψ
   (∀ {J}  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
subNf ρ n = nf (sub (embNf  ρ) (embNf n))

First monad law for subNf

subNf-id :  {Φ J}
   (n : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf (ne  `) n  n
subNf-id n = trans
  (reifyCR (fund idCR (≡2β (sub-id (embNf n)))))
  (stability n)

This version of the first monad law might be η compatible as it doesn’t rely on sub-id

subNf-id' :  {Φ J}
   (n : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf (nf  `) n  n
subNf-id' n = trans
      (sub-eval (embNf n) idCR (embNf  nf  `))
         α  fund idCR (≡2β (cong embNf (stability (ne (` α))))))
        (embNf n))))
  (stability n)

Second monad law for subNf This is often holds definitionally for substitution (e.g. sub) but not here.

subNf-∋ :  {Φ Ψ J}
   (ρ : SubNf Φ Ψ)
   (α : Φ ∋⋆ J)
   subNf ρ (ne (` α))  ρ α
subNf-∋ ρ α = stability (ρ α)

Two lemmas that aim to remove a superfluous additional normalisation via stability

subNf-nf :  {Φ Ψ}
   (σ :  {J}  Φ ∋⋆ J  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   (t : Φ ⊢⋆ J)
   nf (sub (embNf  σ) t)  subNf σ (nf t)
subNf-nf σ t = trans
  (reifyCR (sub-eval t idCR (embNf  σ)))
      (reifyCR (fund  x  idext idCR (embNf (σ x))) (sym≡β (soundness t)))))
    (sym (reifyCR (sub-eval (embNf (nf t)) idCR (embNf  σ)))))

Third Monad Law for subNf

subNf-comp : ∀{Φ Ψ Θ}
  (g : SubNf Φ Ψ)
  (f : SubNf Ψ Θ)
   ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf (subNf f  g) A  subNf f (subNf g A)
subNf-comp g f A = trans
          (embNf A)
          (embNf  nf  sub (embNf  f)  embNf  g)))
      (trans (reifyCR
                  x  fund
                   (sym≡β (soundness (sub (embNf  f) (embNf (g x))))))
                 (embNf A)))
                   (embNf A)
                   (sub (embNf  f)  embNf  g))))))
    (completeness (≡2β (sub-comp (embNf A)))))
  (subNf-nf f (sub (embNf  g) (embNf A)))

extending a normal substitution

extsNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   SubNf Φ Ψ
    {K}  SubNf (Φ ,⋆ K) (Ψ ,⋆ K)
extsNf σ Z      =  ne (` Z)
extsNf σ (S α)  =  weakenNf (σ α)

cons for normal substitutions

subNf-cons : ∀{Φ Ψ}
   (∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   ∀{J}(A : Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   (∀{K}  Φ ,⋆ J ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
subNf-cons σ A Z     = A
subNf-cons σ A (S x) = σ x

Substitution of one variable

_[_]Nf :  {Φ J K}
         Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J
         Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K
         Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J
A [ B ]Nf = subNf (subNf-cons (ne  `) B) A

Congruence lemma for sub

subNf-cong :  {Φ Ψ}
   {f g : ∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K}
   (∀ {J}(x : Φ ∋⋆ J)  f x  g x)
   ∀{K}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   subNf f A  subNf g A
subNf-cong p A =
 reifyCR (fund idCR (≡2β (sub-cong (cong embNf  p ) (embNf A))))
subNf-cong' :  {Φ Ψ}
   (f : ∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   ∀{K}{A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K}
   A  A'
   subNf f A  subNf f A'
subNf-cong' f p = cong (subNf f) p

Pushing renaming through normal substitution

renNf-subNf : ∀{Φ Ψ Θ}
   (g : SubNf Φ Ψ)
   (f : Ren Ψ Θ)
   ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf (renNf f  g) A  renNf f (subNf g A)
renNf-subNf g f A = trans
        (sub-eval (embNf A) idCR (embNf  renNf f  g))
             α  transCR
              (evalCRSubst idCR (ren-embNf f (g α)))
                (ren-eval (embNf (g α)) idCR f)
                (idext (symCR  renVal-reflect f  `) (embNf (g α)))))
            (embNf A))
          (symCR (sub-eval (embNf A) (renCR f  idCR) (embNf  g)))))
      (symCR (renVal-eval (sub (embNf  g) (embNf A)) idCR f))))
  (sym (ren-reify (idext idCR (sub (embNf  g) (embNf A))) f))

Pushing a substitution through a renaming

subNf-renNf : ∀{Φ Ψ Θ}
   (g : Ren Φ Ψ)
   (f : SubNf Ψ Θ)
   ∀{J}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf (f  g) A  subNf f (renNf g A)
subNf-renNf g f A = reifyCR
    (sub-eval (embNf A) idCR (embNf  f  g))
        (symCR (ren-eval (embNf A)  α  idext idCR (embNf (f α))) g))
          (evalCRSubst  α  idext idCR (embNf (f α))) (ren-embNf g A))))
      (symCR (sub-eval (embNf (renNf g A)) idCR (embNf  f)))))

Pushing renaming through a one variable normal substitution

ren[]Nf :  {Φ Θ J K}
         (ρ : Ren Φ Θ)
         (t : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J)
         (u : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K )
         renNf ρ (t [ u ]Nf)  (renNf (ext ρ) t [ renNf ρ u ]Nf)
ren[]Nf ρ t u = trans
  (sym (renNf-subNf (subNf-cons (ne  `) u) ρ t))
      {f = renNf ρ  subNf-cons (ne  `) u}
      {g = subNf-cons (ne  `) (renNf ρ u)  ext ρ}
       { Z  refl ; (S α)  refl})
    (subNf-renNf (ext ρ)(subNf-cons (ne  `) (renNf ρ u)) t))

Pushing a normal substitution through a one place normal substitution

sub[]Nf : ∀{Φ Ψ K J}
   (ρ : ∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   (B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf ρ (B [ A ]Nf)  (subNf (extsNf ρ) B [ subNf ρ A ]Nf)
sub[]Nf ρ A B = trans
  (sym (subNf-comp (subNf-cons (ne  `) A) ρ B))
      {f = subNf ρ  subNf-cons (ne  `) A}
      {g = subNf (subNf-cons (ne  `) (subNf ρ A))  extsNf ρ}
       { Z      sym (subNf-∋ (subNf-cons (ne  `) (subNf ρ A)) Z)
         ; (S α)  trans
              (trans (subNf-∋ ρ α) (sym (subNf-id (ρ α))))
                (subNf-cons (ne  `) (subNf ρ A))
                (ρ α))})
    (subNf-comp  (extsNf ρ) (subNf-cons (ne  `) (subNf ρ A)) B))

Extending a normal environment and then embedding is the same as embedding and then extending.

subNf-lemma : ∀{Φ Ψ K J}
  (ρ : ∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   (t : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J)
   sub (exts (embNf  ρ)) t  sub (embNf  extsNf ρ) t
subNf-lemma ρ t =
  sub-cong  { Z  refl ; (S x)  sym (ren-embNf S (ρ x))}) t

Repair a mismatch between two different ways of extending an environment

subNf-lemma' : ∀{Φ K J}
   (B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ J)
   nf B  reify (eval B ((renVal S  idEnv _) ,,⋆ fresh))
subNf-lemma' B = reifyCR
  (idext  { Z      reflectCR refl
            ; (S x)  symCR (renVal-reflect S (` x))}) B)

combining the above lemmas

note: there are several mismatches here, one due to two different ways of extending a normal substitution and another due to two different ways of extending an environment

sub[]Nf' : ∀{Φ Ψ K J}
   (ρ : ∀{K}  Φ ∋⋆ K  Ψ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   (B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ J)
   subNf ρ (B [ A ]Nf)
    ((reify (eval (sub (exts (embNf  ρ)) (embNf B))
                 ((renVal S  idEnv _) ,,⋆ fresh)))
    [ subNf ρ A ]Nf)
sub[]Nf' ρ A B =
  trans (sub[]Nf ρ A B)
  (subNf-cong' (subNf-cons (ne  `) (subNf ρ A))
     {A = subNf (extsNf ρ) B}
     {A' =
      (eval (sub (exts (embNf  ρ)) (embNf B))
       ((renVal S  idEnv _) ,,⋆ fresh))}
     (trans (sym (completeness (≡2β (subNf-lemma ρ (embNf B)))))
              (subNf-lemma'  (sub (exts (embNf  ρ)) (embNf B)))))
weakenNf-renNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   (ρ⋆ : Ren Φ Ψ)
   (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)
   weakenNf (renNf ρ⋆ A)  renNf (ext ρ⋆ {K = K}) (weakenNf A)
weakenNf-renNf ρ⋆ A = trans (sym (renNf-comp _)) (renNf-comp _)

weakenNf-subNf :  {Φ Ψ}
   (σ⋆ : SubNf Φ Ψ)
   (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)
   weakenNf (subNf σ⋆ A)  subNf (extsNf σ⋆ {K = K}) (weakenNf A)
weakenNf-subNf σ⋆ A = trans
  (sym (renNf-subNf σ⋆ S A))
  (subNf-renNf S (extsNf σ⋆) A)

weakenNf[] :  {Φ K}(B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
         (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)
         A  (weakenNf A [ B ]Nf)
weakenNf[] B A = trans
  (trans (sym (stability A))
         (evalCRSubst idCR (sym (sub-id (embNf A)))))
  (subNf-renNf S (subNf-cons (ne  `) B) A)

sub-nf-Π :  {Φ Ψ}
   (σ⋆ : SubNf Φ Ψ)
   (B : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *)
   subNf (extsNf σ⋆) B
    eval (sub (exts (embNf  σ⋆)) (embNf B)) (exte (idEnv Ψ))
sub-nf-Π σ⋆ B = trans
  (evalCRSubst idCR (sym (subNf-lemma σ⋆ (embNf B))))
  (subNf-lemma' (sub (exts (embNf  σ⋆)) (embNf B)))

sub-nf-μ :  {Φ Ψ}{K}
   (σ⋆ : SubNf Φ Ψ)
   (A  : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K  *)  K  *)
   (B  : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)
   subNf σ⋆ (nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B))
    (embNf (subNf σ⋆ A) ·
     ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf (subNf σ⋆ A))) (` Z))
     · embNf (subNf σ⋆ B))
sub-nf-μ σ⋆ A B = trans
  (sym (subNf-nf σ⋆ (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B)))
    {s = sub (embNf  σ⋆) (embNf A) · ƛ (μ (sub (exts (embNf  σ⋆)) (embNf (weakenNf A))) (` Z)) · sub (embNf  σ⋆) (embNf B)}
    {(embNf (subNf σ⋆ A) · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf (subNf σ⋆ A))) (` Z)) · embNf (subNf σ⋆ B))}
        (soundness (sub (embNf  σ⋆) (embNf A)))
        (ƛ≡β (μ≡β
              (≡2β (cong (sub (exts (embNf  σ⋆))) (ren-embNf S A)))
                (≡2β (sym (sub-ren (embNf A))))
                  (soundness (sub (weaken  embNf  σ⋆) (embNf A)))
                    (cong embNf {nf (sub (weaken  embNf  σ⋆) (embNf A))}{subNf (renNf S  σ⋆) A}
                    (cong nf (sub-cong (sym  ren-embNf S  σ⋆) (embNf A))))))))
            (≡2β (cong embNf (renNf-subNf σ⋆ S A))))
          (refl≡β (` Z)))))
      (soundness (sub (embNf  σ⋆) (embNf B)))))
subNf-cons-[]Nf : ∀{Φ K Ψ'}{σ : SubNf Ψ' Φ}{A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K}(X : Ψ' ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *) 
  subNf (subNf-cons σ A) X
  reify (eval (sub (exts (embNf  σ)) (embNf X)) (exte (idEnv Φ))) [ A ]Nf
subNf-cons-[]Nf {σ = σ}{A} X = trans
  (trans (subNf-cong {f = subNf-cons σ A}{g = subNf (subNf-cons (ne  `) A)  extsNf σ}  {Z  sym (stability A) ; (S α)  trans (trans (sym (stability (σ α))) (cong nf (sym (sub-id (embNf (σ α)))))) (subNf-renNf S (subNf-cons (ne  `) A) (σ α)) }) X)
         (subNf-comp (extsNf σ)
                       (subNf-cons (ne  `) A)
  (cong (_[ A ]Nf)
        (sub-nf-Π σ X))
-- A version of subNf that is definitionally the identity on the empty context
subNf∅ : ∀{Φ K}   ⊢Nf⋆ K  Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K
subNf∅ {} t = t
subNf∅ {Φ ,⋆ x} t = subNf (λ()) t

-- But this is equivalent to the normal subNf
subNf∅≡subNf : ∀{Φ K}  {A :  ⊢Nf⋆ K}  subNf∅ {Φ} A  subNf (λ()) A
subNf∅≡subNf {} {_} {A} = begin
            ≡⟨ sym (stability A) 
             nf (embNf A)
           ≡⟨ cong nf (sym (sub-∅ (embNf A)  (embNf   λ()))) 
             nf (sub (embNf  λ()) (embNf A))
           ≡⟨ refl 
             subNf  ()) A
subNf∅≡subNf {Φ ,⋆ x} = refl

subNf∅-renNf : ∀{Φ Ψ K} (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ) (A :  ⊢Nf⋆ K)  renNf ρ (subNf∅ A)  subNf∅ A
subNf∅-renNf ρ A = begin
            renNf ρ (subNf∅ A)
          ≡⟨ cong (renNf ρ) subNf∅≡subNf 
             renNf ρ (subNf  ()) A)
         ≡⟨ sym (renNf-subNf (λ()) ρ A)  
            subNf (renNf ρ   ())) A
          ≡⟨ sym (subNf-cong {f = λ()} {renNf ρ  λ ()}  ()) A) 
            subNf  ()) A
          ≡⟨ sym subNf∅≡subNf 
           subNf∅ A

subNf∅-subNf : ∀{Φ Ψ K}  (σ : SubNf Φ Ψ)  (A :  ⊢Nf⋆ K)  subNf σ (subNf∅ A)  subNf∅ A
subNf∅-subNf σ A = begin
             subNf σ (subNf∅ A)
          ≡⟨ cong (subNf σ) subNf∅≡subNf 
             subNf σ (subNf  ()) A)
          ≡⟨ sym (subNf-comp (λ()) σ A) 
            subNf (subNf σ   ())) A
          ≡⟨ subNf-cong {f = subNf σ   ())}  ()}  ()) A 
            subNf  ()) A
          ≡⟨ sym subNf∅≡subNf 
           subNf∅ A