CEK Machine with Costs

CEK Machine with costs

This module implements a CEK machine for UPLC which computes costs.

open import Cost.Base

module Untyped.CEKWithCost {Budget : Set}(machineParameters : MachineParameters Budget) where


open import Data.Unit using (;tt)
open import Data.Nat using (;zero;suc)
open import Data.List using (List;[];_∷_)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;reverse)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym)

open import Untyped using (_⊢)
open _⊢
open import Utils using (Writer;_>>_;_>>=_;return;maybe;Either;inj₁;inj₂;RuntimeError;gasError;either;_∔_≣_)
open Writer
open import RawU using (tmCon)
open import Builtin using (Builtin;arity;signature)
open import Builtin.Signature using (fv;args♯)

open StepKind
open ExBudgetCategory

open import Untyped.CEK

Cost Monad

We instantiate a Writer Monad with the operations from the machine parameters

open MachineParameters machineParameters renaming (ε to e)
open Utils.WriterMonad e _∙_

CekM : Set  Set
CekM = Writer Budget

Spending operations

As opposed to the production implemention, our spend function does not implement slippage. Slippage is an optimization that allows the interpreter to only add costs every n steps. Slippage is only semantically relevant in restricting mode (not currently implemented in agda), so we do not need to consider it here.

spend : StepKind  CekM 
spend st = tell (cekMachineCost (BStep st))

spendStartupCost : CekM 
spendStartupCost = tell startupCost

In order to calculate the cost of executing a builtin, we obtain a vector with the size of each constant argument using extractArgSizes.

Non-constant argument should only occur in places where the builtin is polymorphic and should be ignored by the cost model of the corresponding builtin. Therefore, they are added with a size of 0.

The function extractArgSizes get the arguments in inverse order, so we reverse them in the spendBuiltin function.

extractConstants : ∀{b}
           ∀{tn tm}  {pt : tn  tm  fv (signature b)}
           ∀{an am}  {pa : an  am  args♯ (signature b)}
           BApp b pt pa  Vec Value an
extractConstants base = []
extractConstants (app bapp v) = v  extractConstants bapp
extractConstants (app⋆ bapp) = extractConstants bapp

spendBuiltin : (b : Builtin)  fullyAppliedBuiltin b  CekM 
spendBuiltin b bapp = tell (cekMachineCost (BBuiltinApp b argsizes))
     where argsizes = reverse (extractConstants bapp)

Step with costs

Function step performs a single step in the CEK machine.

stepC : State  CekM State
-- computeCEK in the Haskell implementation
stepC (s ; ρ  ` x)               = do
    spend BVar
    return (s  lookup ρ x)
stepC (s ; ρ  ƛ t)               = do
    spend BLamAbs
    return (s  V-ƛ ρ t)
stepC (s ; ρ  (t · u))           = do
    spend BApply
    return ((s ,  ρ u) ; ρ  t)
stepC (s ; ρ  force t)           = do
    spend BForce
    return ((s , force-) ; ρ  t)
stepC (s ; ρ  delay t)           = do
    spend BDelay
    return (s  V-delay ρ t)
stepC (s ; ρ  con (tmCon t c))   = do
    spend BConst
    return (s  V-con t c)
stepC (s ; ρ  constr i [])       = do
    spend BConstr
    return (s  V-constr i ε)
stepC (s ; ρ  constr i (x  xs)) = do
    spend BConstr
    return ((s , constr- i ε ρ xs); ρ  x)
stepC (s ; ρ  case t ts)         = do
    spend BCase
    return ((s , case- ρ ts) ; ρ  t)
stepC (s ; ρ  builtin b)         = do
    spend BBuiltin
    return (s  ival b)
stepC (s ; ρ  error)             = return 

-- return∁EK in the Haskell implementation
stepC (ε  v)                               = return ( v)
stepC ((s ,  ρ u)  v)                    = return ((s , (v ·-)) ; ρ  u)
stepC ((s , -·v v)  vf)                    = return ((s , vf ·-)  v)
stepC ((s , (V-ƛ ρ t ·-))  v)              = return (s ; ρ  v  t)
stepC ((s , (V-con _ _   ·-))  v)          = return  -- constant in function position
stepC ((s , (V-delay _ _ ·-))  v)          = return  -- delay in function position
stepC ((s , (V-IΠ b bapp ·-))  v)          = return  -- delayed builtin in function position
stepC ((s , (V-constr i vs ·-))  v)        = return  -- SOP in function position
stepC ((s , force-)  V-IΠ b bapp)          = return (s  V-I b (app⋆ bapp))
stepC ((s , force-)  V-delay ρ t)          = stepC (s ; ρ  t) -- this recursive call could be inlined
                                                                -- in order to make evident that this is a single step
                                                                -- but this would make the definition much longer.
stepC ((s , force-)  V-ƛ _ _)              = return  -- lambda in delay position
stepC ((s , force-)  V-con _ _)            = return  -- constant in delay position
stepC ((s , force-)  V-I⇒ b bapp)          = return  -- function in delay position
stepC ((s , force-)  V-constr i vs)        = return  -- SOP in delay position
stepC ((s , constr- i vs ρ [])  v)         = return (s  V-constr i (vs , v))
stepC ((s , constr- i vs ρ (x  ts))  v)   = return ((s , constr- i (vs , v) ρ ts); ρ  x)
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-constr i vs)    = return (maybe (pushValueFrames s vs ; ρ ▻_)  (lookup? i ts))
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-ƛ _ _)          = return  -- case of lambda
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-con _ _)        = return  -- case of constant
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-delay _ _)      = return  -- case of delay
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-I⇒ _ _)         = return  -- case of builtin value
stepC ((s , case- ρ ts)  V-IΠ _ _)         = return  -- case of delayed builtin
stepC ((s , (V-I⇒ b {am = 0} bapp ·-))  v) = do --fully applied builtin function
          let bapp' = mkFullyAppliedBuiltin (app bapp v) -- proof that b is fully applied
          spendBuiltin b bapp'
          return (either (BUILTIN b bapp')  _   ) (s ◅_))
stepC ((s , (V-I⇒ b {am = suc _} bapp ·-))  v) =  --partially applied builtin function
          return (s  V-I b (app bapp v))

stepC ( v)               = return ( v)
stepC                    = return 

stepperC-internal :   (s : State)  CekM (Either RuntimeError State)
stepperC-internal 0       s = return (inj₁ gasError)
stepperC-internal (suc n) s = do
       s'  stepC s
       go s'
       go : (t : State)  CekM (Either RuntimeError State)
       go ( v) = return (inj₂ ( v))
       go      = return (inj₂ )
       go s'    = stepperC-internal n s'

stepperC :   (s : State)  CekM (Either RuntimeError State)
stepperC n s = do
       stepperC-internal n s

Proof of equivalence between CEK machine with and without costs

cekStepEquivalence :  (s : State)  step s  wrvalue (stepC s)
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  ` _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  ƛ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  (_ · _)) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  force _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  delay _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  con (tmCon _ _)) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  constr _ []) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  constr _ (_  _)) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  case _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  builtin _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  error) = refl
cekStepEquivalence (ε  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s ,  _ _)  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , -·v _)  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-ƛ _ _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-con _ _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-delay _ _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-constr _ _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-I⇒ b {am = zero} x ·-))  V) with BUILTIN' b (app x V)
... | inj₁ _ = refl
... | inj₂ _ = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-I⇒ _ {am = suc _} _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , (V-IΠ _ _ ·-))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-ƛ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-con _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-delay ρ x) = cekStepEquivalence (s ; ρ  x)
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-constr _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-I⇒ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , force-)  V-IΠ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , constr- _ _ _ [])  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , constr- _ _ _ (_  _))  _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-ƛ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-con _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-delay _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-constr _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-I⇒ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ((s , case- _ _)  V-IΠ _ _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence ( _) = refl
cekStepEquivalence  = refl

cekStepperEquivalence :  n s  stepper n s  wrvalue (stepperC n s)
cekStepperEquivalence zero s = refl
cekStepperEquivalence (suc n) s rewrite sym (cekStepEquivalence s) with step s
... | s ; ρ  t = cekStepperEquivalence n (s ; ρ  t)
... | s  v = cekStepperEquivalence n  (s  v)
... |  x = refl
... |  = refl