Raw - Interface to Haskell

This module provides the interface between the Haskell code and the Agda code. It replicates the Haskell representation of Raw. In particular, for term constants, we need the following extension to be able to replicate the Haskell representation of Universes.

{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

module RawU where


open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Bool using (Bool;_∧_;true;false)
open import Data.Integer using ()
open import Data.String using (String)
open import Relation.Binary using (DecidableEquality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym;cong;cong₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (does;yes;no;¬_)
open import Data.Unit using (;tt)
open import Data.Product using (Σ;proj₁;proj₂) renaming (_,_ to _,,_)

open import Utils using (;ByteString;DATA;List;[];_∷_;_×_;_,_;eqDATA;Bls12-381-G1-Element;Bls12-381-G2-Element;Bls12-381-MlResult)
open import Utils.Decidable using (dcong;dcong₂)
import Builtin as B
open import Builtin using (Builtin;equals)
open Builtin.Builtin

open import Builtin.Signature as B using (Sig;sig;_⊢♯)
open _⊢♯
import Builtin.Constant.Type as T
open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (AtomicTyCon;decAtomicTyCon)
open AtomicTyCon

open import Type using (Ctx⋆;)
open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_;_⊢Ne⋆_)
open _⊢Nf⋆_
open _⊢Ne⋆_
open B.FromSig _⊢Nf⋆_ _⊢Ne⋆_ ne ` _·_ ^ con _⇒_   Π
     using (⊢♯2TyNe♯;sig2type;SigTy;sigTy2type;convSigTy) public
open import Algorithmic using (⟦_⟧)

{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Raw #-}

A (Haskell) Universe for types

The following tags use type-in-type, and map more directly to the Haskell representation of the default universe.

Tags are indexed by the real type they represent. The Esc datatype is used in the Haskell implementation to “escape” any kind into Type. For constants, we only care about kind *, but we need it to match the Haskell implementation.

data Esc (a : Set) : Set where
{-# INJECTIVE Esc #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Esc = data Esc () #-}

data Tag : Set  Set where
  integer              : Tag (Esc )
  bytestring           : Tag (Esc ByteString)
  string               : Tag (Esc String)
  bool                 : Tag (Esc Bool)
  unit                 : Tag (Esc )
  pdata                : Tag (Esc DATA)
  pair                 : ∀{A B}  Tag (Esc A)  Tag (Esc B)  Tag (Esc (A × B))
  list                 : ∀{A}  Tag (Esc A)  Tag (Esc (List A))
  bls12-381-g1-element : Tag (Esc Bls12-381-G1-Element)
  bls12-381-g2-element : Tag (Esc Bls12-381-G2-Element)
  bls12-381-mlresult   : Tag (Esc Bls12-381-MlResult)

{-# FOREIGN GHC type Tag = DefaultUni #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagInt                  = DefaultUniInteger  #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagBS                   = DefaultUniByteString #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagStr                  = DefaultUniString #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagBool                 = DefaultUniBool #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagUnit                 = DefaultUniUnit #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagData                 = DefaultUniData #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagPair ta tb           = DefaultUniPair ta tb #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagList ta              = DefaultUniList ta #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagBLS12_381_G1_Element = DefaultUniBLS12_381_G1_Element #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagBLS12_381_G2_Element = DefaultUniBLS12_381_G2_Element #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagBLS12_381_MlResult   = DefaultUniBLS12_381_MlResult #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Tag                             = data Tag (TagInt
                                                           | TagBS
                                                           | TagStr
                                                           | TagBool
                                                           | TagUnit
                                                           | TagData
                                                           | TagPair
                                                           | TagList
                                                           | TagBLS12_381_G1_Element
                                                           | TagBLS12_381_G2_Element
                                                           | TagBLS12_381_MlResult)

Term constants

Term constants are pairs of a tag and the corresponding type.

data TagCon : Set where
  tagCon : ∀{A}  Tag (Esc A)  A  TagCon

{-# FOREIGN GHC type TagCon = Some (ValueOf DefaultUni) #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC pattern TagCon t x = Some (ValueOf t x) #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC TagCon = data TagCon (TagCon) #-}

decTagCon' : ∀{A B}  (t : Tag (Esc A))  (x : A)  (t' : Tag (Esc B))  (y : B)  Bool
decTagCon' integer i integer i'                          = does (i Data.Integer.≟ i')
decTagCon' bytestring b bytestring b'                    = equals b b'
decTagCon' string s string s'                            = does (s Data.String.≟ s')
decTagCon' bool b bool b'                                = does (b Data.Bool.≟ b')
decTagCon' unit  unit                                 = true
decTagCon' pdata d pdata d'                              = eqDATA d d'
decTagCon' (pair t₁ t₂) (x₁ , x₂) (pair u₁ u₂) (y₁ , y₂) = decTagCon' t₁ x₁ u₁ y₁
                                                          decTagCon' t₂ x₂ u₂ y₂
decTagCon' (list t) [] (list t') []                      = true -- TODO: check that the tags t and t' are equal
decTagCon' (list t) (x  xs) (list t') (y  ys)          = decTagCon' t x t' y
                                                          decTagCon' (list t) xs (list t') ys
decTagCon' _ _ _ _                                       = false

-- Comparison of TagCon. Written with an auxiliary function to pass the termination checker.
decTagCon : (C C' : TagCon)  Bool
decTagCon (tagCon t x) (tagCon t' y) = decTagCon' t x t' y

Raw syntax

This version is not intrinsically well-scoped. It’s an easy to work with rendering of the untyped plutus-core syntax.

data Untyped : Set where
  UVar :   Untyped
  ULambda : Untyped  Untyped
  UApp : Untyped  Untyped  Untyped
  UCon : TagCon  Untyped
  UError : Untyped
  UBuiltin : Builtin  Untyped
  UDelay : Untyped  Untyped
  UForce : Untyped  Untyped
  UConstr :   List Untyped  Untyped
  UCase : Untyped  List Untyped  Untyped

{-# FOREIGN GHC import Untyped #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Untyped = data UTerm (UVar | ULambda  | UApp | UCon | UError | UBuiltin | UDelay | UForce | UConstr | UCase) #-}

Agda-Style universes

In the rest of the formalisation we use the following representation of type tags.

TyTag : Set
TyTag = 0 ⊢♯

TyTags can be given an interpretation as an Agda type.

⟦_⟧tag : 0 ⊢♯  Set
 t ⟧tag =   ne (⊢♯2TyNe♯ t) 

Equality of TyTags is decidable

decTag : DecidableEquality TyTag
decTag (atomic x) (atomic y) = dcong atomic  { refl   refl}) (decAtomicTyCon x y)
decTag (atomic _) (list _) = no λ()
decTag (atomic _) (pair _ _) = no λ()
decTag (list _) (atomic _) = no λ()
decTag (list x) (list y) = dcong list  { refl  refl}) (decTag x y)
decTag (list _) (pair _ _) = no λ()
decTag (pair _ _) (atomic _) = no λ()
decTag (pair _ _) (list _) = no λ()
decTag (pair x x') (pair y y') = dcong₂ pair  {refl  refl ,, refl}) (decTag x y) (decTag x' y')

Again term constants are a pair of a tag, and its meaning, except this time the meaning is given by the semantic function ⟦_⟧tag.

data TmCon : Set where
  tmCon : (t : TyTag)   t ⟧tag  TmCon

Conversion between universe representations

We can convert between the two universe representations.

From Haskell-style to Agda-style

tag2TyTag : ∀{A}  Tag A  TyTag
tag2TyTag integer = B.integer
tag2TyTag bytestring = B.bytestring
tag2TyTag string = B.string
tag2TyTag bool = B.bool
tag2TyTag unit = B.unit
tag2TyTag pdata = B.pdata
tag2TyTag bls12-381-g1-element = B.bls12-381-g1-element
tag2TyTag bls12-381-g2-element = B.bls12-381-g2-element
tag2TyTag bls12-381-mlresult = B.bls12-381-mlresult
tag2TyTag (pair t u) = pair (tag2TyTag t) (tag2TyTag u)
tag2TyTag (list t) = list (tag2TyTag t)

tagLemma : ∀{A}(t : Tag (Esc A))   A   tag2TyTag t ⟧tag
tagLemma integer = refl
tagLemma bytestring = refl
tagLemma string = refl
tagLemma bool = refl
tagLemma unit = refl
tagLemma pdata = refl
tagLemma (pair t u) = cong₂ _×_ (tagLemma t) (tagLemma u)
tagLemma (list t) = cong List (tagLemma t)
tagLemma bls12-381-g1-element = refl
tagLemma bls12-381-g2-element = refl
tagLemma bls12-381-mlresult = refl

tagCon2TmCon : TagCon  TmCon
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon integer x) = tmCon (B.integer) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon bytestring x) = tmCon (B.bytestring) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon string x) = tmCon (B.string) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon bool x) = tmCon (B.bool) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon unit x) = tmCon (B.unit) tt
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon pdata x) = tmCon (B.pdata) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon bls12-381-g1-element x) = tmCon (B.bls12-381-g1-element) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon bls12-381-g2-element x) = tmCon (B.bls12-381-g2-element) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon bls12-381-mlresult x) = tmCon (B.bls12-381-mlresult) x
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon (pair x y) (a , b))
   rewrite tagLemma x | tagLemma y = tmCon (pair (tag2TyTag x) (tag2TyTag y)) (a , b)
tagCon2TmCon (tagCon (list x) xs) rewrite tagLemma x = tmCon (list (tag2TyTag x)) xs

From Agda-style to Haskell-style

tyTag2Tag : TyTag  Σ Set  A  Tag (Esc A))
tyTag2Tag (atomic aInteger) =  ,, integer
tyTag2Tag (atomic aBytestring) = ByteString ,, bytestring
tyTag2Tag (atomic aString) = String ,, string
tyTag2Tag (atomic aUnit) =  ,, unit
tyTag2Tag (atomic aBool) = Bool ,, bool
tyTag2Tag (atomic aData) = DATA ,, pdata
tyTag2Tag (atomic aBls12-381-g1-element) = Bls12-381-G1-Element ,, bls12-381-g1-element
tyTag2Tag (atomic aBls12-381-g2-element) = Bls12-381-G2-Element ,, bls12-381-g2-element
tyTag2Tag (atomic aBls12-381-mlresult) = Bls12-381-MlResult ,, bls12-381-mlresult
tyTag2Tag (list t)  with tyTag2Tag t
... | A ,, a = List A ,, list a
tyTag2Tag (pair t u)  with tyTag2Tag t | tyTag2Tag u
... | A ,, a | B ,, b  = (A × B) ,, pair a b

tyTagLemma : (t : TyTag)   t ⟧tag  proj₁ (tyTag2Tag t)
tyTagLemma (atomic aInteger) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aBytestring) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aString) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aUnit) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aBool) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aData) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aBls12-381-g1-element) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aBls12-381-g2-element) = refl
tyTagLemma (atomic aBls12-381-mlresult) = refl
tyTagLemma (list t) = cong List (tyTagLemma t)
tyTagLemma (pair t u) = cong₂ _×_ (tyTagLemma t) (tyTagLemma u)

tmCon2TagCon : TmCon  TagCon
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aInteger) x) = tagCon integer x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aBytestring) x) = tagCon bytestring x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aString) x) = tagCon string x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aUnit) x) = tagCon unit tt
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aBool) x) = tagCon bool x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aData) x) = tagCon pdata x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-g1-element) x) = tagCon bls12-381-g1-element x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-g2-element) x) = tagCon bls12-381-g2-element x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (atomic aBls12-381-mlresult) x) = tagCon bls12-381-mlresult x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (list t) x) rewrite tyTagLemma t = tagCon (list (proj₂ (tyTag2Tag t))) x
tmCon2TagCon (tmCon (pair t u) (x , y)) rewrite tyTagLemma t | tyTagLemma u =
    tagCon (pair (proj₂ (tyTag2Tag t)) (proj₂ (tyTag2Tag u))) (x , y)