

This module contains the basic definitions and structures for modelling costs.

module Cost where


open import Agda.Builtin.Unit using (tt)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Bool using (if_then_else_)
open import Data.Fin using (Fin;zero;suc)
open import Data.Nat using (;zero;suc;_+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-assoc;+-identityʳ)
open import Data.Nat.Show using () renaming (show to showℕ)
open import Data.Integer using (;∣_∣)
open import Data.Float using (Float;fromℕ;_÷_;_≤ᵇ_) renaming (show to show𝔽;_*_ to _*f_)
import Data.List as L

open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe;just;nothing;maybe′;fromMaybe) renaming (map to mapMaybe; _>>=_ to _>>=m_ )
open import Data.Product using () renaming (_,_ to _,,_)
open import Data.String using (String;_++_;padLeft;padRight;length)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec;replicate;[];_∷_;foldr)
open import Algebra using (IsMonoid)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes;no)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;isEquivalence;cong₂)
open import Text.Printf using (printf)
open import Relation.Binary using (StrictTotalOrder)
open import Data.Char using (_≈ᵇ_)
open import Data.String.Properties using (<-strictTotalOrder-≈)
open import Data.Tree.AVL.Map <-strictTotalOrder-≈ as AVL
          using (Map;empty;unionWith;singleton)
          renaming (lookup to lookupAVL)

open import Utils using (_×_;_,_)
open import Builtin using (Builtin;showBuiltin;builtinList;arity)
open Builtin.Builtin
open import Builtin.Signature using (_⊢♯)
open _⊢♯
open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (AtomicTyCon)
open AtomicTyCon

open import Cost.Base
open import Cost.Size using (defaultValueMeasure)
open import Cost.Model
open import Cost.Raw
open import Untyped.CEK using (Value;V-con)

Execution Budget

An execution budget consist of two costs: CPU and memory costs.

record ExBudget : Set where
  constructor mkExBudget
    ExCPU : CostingNat -- CPU usage
    ExMem : CostingNat -- Memory usage

open ExBudget

fromHExBudget : HExBudget  ExBudget
fromHExBudget hb = mkExBudget (getCPUCost hb) (getMemoryCost hb)

The type for execution budget should be a Monoid. We show that this is the case for ExBudget.

-- unit of the monoid
ε€ : ExBudget
ε€ = mkExBudget 0 0

-- binary operation
_∙€_ : ExBudget  ExBudget  ExBudget
(mkExBudget xCPU xMem) ∙€ (mkExBudget yCPU yMem) = mkExBudget (xCPU + yCPU) (xMem + yMem)

-- Note: working with `Monoid` instances would imply working in Set₁, so we avoid it
-- and just state that `ExBudget` is a Monoid

isMonoidExBudget : IsMonoid _≡_ _∙€_ ε€
isMonoidExBudget = record {
       isSemigroup = record {
           isMagma = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence ; ∙-cong = λ {refl refl  refl }}
           ; assoc = λ x y z  cong₂ mkExBudget (+-assoc (ExCPU x) (ExCPU y) (ExCPU z))
                                                (+-assoc (ExMem x) (ExMem y) (ExMem z)) }
     ; identity =  x  refl) ,, λ x  cong₂ mkExBudget (+-identityʳ (ExCPU x)) (+-identityʳ (ExMem x)) }

Cost of executing a builtin

To calculate the cost of a builtin we obtain the corresponding builtin model, and run the cpu and memory model using the vector of argument sizes.

builtinCost : (b : Builtin)  BuiltinModel (arity b)  Vec Value (arity b)  ExBudget
builtinCost b bc cs = mkExBudget (runModel (costingCPU bc) cs) (runModel (costingMem bc) cs)

Default Machine Parameters

The machine parameters for ExBudget for a given Cost Model

CostModel = HCekMachineCosts × ModelAssignment

cekMachineCostFunction : HCekMachineCosts  StepKind  ExBudget
cekMachineCostFunction mc BConst = fromHExBudget (getCekConstCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BVar = fromHExBudget (getCekVarCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BLamAbs = fromHExBudget (getCekLamCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BApply = fromHExBudget (getCekApplyCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BDelay = fromHExBudget (getCekDelayCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BForce = fromHExBudget (getCekForceCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BBuiltin = fromHExBudget (getCekBuiltinCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BConstr = fromHExBudget (getCekConstCost mc)
cekMachineCostFunction mc BCase = fromHExBudget (getCekCaseCost mc)

exBudgetCategoryCost : CostModel  ExBudgetCategory  ExBudget
exBudgetCategoryCost (cekMc , _) (BStep x) = cekMachineCostFunction cekMc x
exBudgetCategoryCost (_ , ma) (BBuiltinApp b cs) = builtinCost b (ma b) cs
exBudgetCategoryCost (cekMc , _) BStartup = fromHExBudget (getCekStartupCost cekMc)

machineParameters : CostModel  MachineParameters ExBudget
machineParameters costmodel = record {
    cekMachineCost = exBudgetCategoryCost costmodel
  ; ε = ε€
  ; _∙_ = _∙€_
  ; costMonoid = isMonoidExBudget

countingReport : ExBudget  String
countingReport (mkExBudget cpu mem) =
      "\nCPU budget:    " ++ showℕ cpu
   ++ "\nMemory budget: " ++ showℕ mem

## Tallying budget

These functions define a type for Budgets that can record detailed cost information about nodes and builtins.

We need a map from ExBudgetCategory into ExBudget. It’s not the most efficient, but the simplest thing to do is to transform ExBudgetCategory into a string, and use that as keys.

mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory : ExBudgetCategory  String
mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory (BStep x) = "0" ++ showStepKind x
mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory (BBuiltinApp x _) = "1"++ showBuiltin x
mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory BStartup = "2"

TallyingBudget : Set
TallyingBudget = Map ExBudget × ExBudget

lookup : Map ExBudget  ExBudgetCategory  ExBudget
lookup m k with lookupAVL m (mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory k)
... | just x = x
... | nothing = ε€

As required, TallyingBudget is a monoid.

--unit of TallyingBudget
εT : TallyingBudget
εT = empty , ε€

-- adding TallyingBudgets
_∙T_ : TallyingBudget  TallyingBudget  TallyingBudget
(m , x) ∙T (n , y) = unionWith u m n , (x ∙€ y)
   where u : ExBudget  Maybe (ExBudget)  ExBudget
         u x (just y) = x ∙€ y
         u x nothing = x

-- TODO : Prove these postulates.
postulate TallyingBudget-assoc : Algebra.Associative _≡_ _∙T_
postulate Tallying-budget-identityʳ : Algebra.RightIdentity _≡_ εT _∙T_

isMonoidTallyingBudget : IsMonoid _≡_ _∙T_ εT
isMonoidTallyingBudget = record {
       isSemigroup = record {
           isMagma = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
                            ; ∙-cong = λ {refl refl  refl }}
           ; assoc = TallyingBudget-assoc }
     ; identity =  x  refl) ,, Tallying-budget-identityʳ }

tallyingCekMachineCost : CostModel  ExBudgetCategory  TallyingBudget
tallyingCekMachineCost cm k =
      let spent = exBudgetCategoryCost cm k
      in singleton (mkKeyFromExBudgetCategory k) spent , spent

tallyingMachineParameters : CostModel  MachineParameters TallyingBudget
tallyingMachineParameters cm = record {
        cekMachineCost = tallyingCekMachineCost cm
      ; ε = εT
      ; _∙_ = _∙T_
      ; costMonoid = isMonoidTallyingBudget

tallyingReport : TallyingBudget  String
tallyingReport (mp , budget) =
       countingReport budget
    ++ "\n"
    ++ "\n"
    ++ printStepReport mp
    ++ "\n"
    ++ "startup    " ++ budgetToString (lookup mp BStartup) ++ "\n"
    ++ "compute    " ++ budgetToString totalComputeCost ++ "\n"
    -- ++ "AST nodes  " ++ ++ "\n"
    ++ "\n\n"
    ++ printBuiltinReport mp
    ++ "\n"
    ++ "Total builtin costs:   " ++ budgetToString totalBuiltinCosts ++ "\n"
     -- We would like to be able to print the following  number as "%4.2f"
     -- but Agda's printf currently doesn't support it.
    ++ printf "Time spent executing builtins:  %f%%\n" (fromℕ 100 *f (getCPU totalBuiltinCosts) ÷ (getCPU budget)) ++ "\n"
    ++ "\n"
    ++ "Total budget spent:    " ++ budgetToString budget ++ "\n"
    ++  "Predicted execution time: " ++ formatTimePicoseconds (getCPU budget)
    totalComputeCost totalBuiltinCosts : ExBudget
    totalComputeCost = L.foldr  x acc  (lookup mp (BStep x)) ∙€ acc) ε€ stepKindList
    totalBuiltinCosts = L.foldr _∙€_ ε€ ( (lookup mp   b  BBuiltinApp b (replicate (arity b) (V-con (atomic aUnit) tt)))) builtinList)

    getCPU : ExBudget  Float
    getCPU n = fromℕ (ExCPU n)

    budgetToString : ExBudget  String
    budgetToString (mkExBudget cpu mem) = padLeft ' ' 15 (showℕ cpu) ++ "  "
                                       ++ padLeft ' ' 15 (showℕ mem)

    printStepCost : StepKind  ExBudget  String
    printStepCost sk budget = padRight ' ' 10 (showStepKind sk) ++ " "
                           ++ padLeft ' ' 20 (budgetToString budget) ++ "\n"

    printStepReport : Map ExBudget  String
    printStepReport mp = L.foldr  s xs  printStepCost s (lookup mp (BStep s)) ++ xs)

    printBuiltinCost : Builtin  ExBudget  String
    printBuiltinCost b (mkExBudget 0 0) = ""
    printBuiltinCost b budget = padRight ' ' 22 (showBuiltin b) ++ " "
                             ++ budgetToString budget ++ "\n"

    printBuiltinReport : Map ExBudget  String
    printBuiltinReport mp =
        L.foldr  b xs  printBuiltinCost b (lookup mp (BBuiltinApp b (replicate (arity b) (V-con (atomic aUnit) tt)))) ++ xs)

    formatTimePicoseconds : Float  String
    formatTimePicoseconds t = if 1e12 ≤ᵇ t then (printf "%f s" (t ÷ 1e12)) else
                              if 1e9 ≤ᵇ t then  (printf "%f ms" (t ÷ 1e9)) else
                              if 1e6 ≤ᵇ t then  (printf "%f μs" (t ÷ 1e6)) else
                              if 1e3 ≤ᵇ t then  (printf "%f ns" (t ÷ 1e3)) else
                              printf "%f ps" t