
Raw Cost structures to inferface with Haskell

module Cost.Raw where


open import Cost.Base using (CostingNat)
open import Data.String
open import Utils

Interface with Haskell Machine Parameters

{-# FOREIGN GHC import Data.SatInt (fromSatInt) #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity) #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudget (ExBudget(..))  #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExMemory (ExCPU(..), ExMemory(..)) #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudgetingDefaults (defaultCekMachineCostsForTesting) #-}
{-# FOREIGN GHC import UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek.CekMachineCosts (CekMachineCostsBase(..)) #-}

postulate HCekMachineCosts : Set
postulate HExBudget : Set

{-# COMPILE GHC HCekMachineCosts = type CekMachineCostsBase Identity #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC HExBudget = type ExBudget #-}

postulate getCekStartupCost : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekVarCost     : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekConstCost   : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekLamCost     : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekDelayCost   : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekForceCost   : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekApplyCost   : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekBuiltinCost : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekConstrCost  : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget
postulate getCekCaseCost    : HCekMachineCosts   HExBudget

{-# COMPILE GHC getCekStartupCost = runIdentity . cekStartupCost  #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekVarCost     = runIdentity . cekVarCost      #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekConstCost   = runIdentity . cekConstCost    #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekLamCost     = runIdentity . cekLamCost      #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekDelayCost   = runIdentity . cekDelayCost    #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekForceCost   = runIdentity . cekForceCost    #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekApplyCost   = runIdentity . cekApplyCost    #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekBuiltinCost = runIdentity . cekBuiltinCost  #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekConstrCost  = runIdentity . cekConstrCost   #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getCekCaseCost    = runIdentity . cekCaseCost     #-}

postulate getCPUCost : HExBudget  CostingNat
postulate getMemoryCost : HExBudget  CostingNat

{-# COMPILE GHC getCPUCost = fromSatInt . (\(ExCPU x) -> x) . exBudgetCPU  #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC getMemoryCost = fromSatInt . (\(ExMemory x) -> x) . exBudgetMemory  #-}

-- postulate defaultHCekMachineCosts : HCekMachineCosts

-- {-# COMPILE GHC defaultHCekMachineCosts = defaultCekMachineCostsForTesting #-}

Interface with Builtin model from JSON

{-# FOREIGN GHC import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.CostingFun.SimpleJSON  #-}

record LinearFunction : Set where
    constructor mkLinearFunction
        intercept : CostingNat
        slope : CostingNat

{-# COMPILE GHC LinearFunction = data LinearFunction(LinearFunction) #-}

record OneVariableQuadraticFunction : Set where
    constructor mkOneVariableQuadraticFunction
        coeff0 : CostingNat
        coeff1 : CostingNat
        coeff2 : CostingNat

{-# COMPILE GHC OneVariableQuadraticFunction = data OneVariableQuadraticFunction(OneVariableQuadraticFunction) #-}

record TwoVariableLinearFunction : Set where
    constructor mkTwoVariableLinearFunction
        intercept : CostingNat
        slope1 : CostingNat
        slope2 : CostingNat

{-# COMPILE GHC TwoVariableLinearFunction = data TwoVariableLinearFunction(TwoVariableLinearFunction) #-}

record TwoVariableQuadraticFunction : Set where
    constructor mkTwoVariableQuadraticFunction
        minimum : CostingNat
        coeff00 : CostingNat
        coeff10 : CostingNat
        coeff01 : CostingNat
        coeff20 : CostingNat
        coeff11 : CostingNat
        coeff02 : CostingNat

{-# COMPILE GHC TwoVariableQuadraticFunction = data TwoVariableQuadraticFunction(TwoVariableQuadraticFunction) #-}

data RawModel : Set where
    ConstantCost          : CostingNat  RawModel
    AddedSizes            : LinearFunction  RawModel
    MultipliedSizes       : LinearFunction  RawModel
    MinSize               : LinearFunction  RawModel
    MaxSize               : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LinearInX             : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LinearInY             : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LinearInZ             : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LiteralInYOrLinearInZ : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LinearInMaxYZ         : LinearFunction  RawModel
    LinearInYAndZ         : TwoVariableLinearFunction -> RawModel
    QuadraticInY          : OneVariableQuadraticFunction  RawModel
    QuadraticInZ          : OneVariableQuadraticFunction  RawModel
    QuadraticInXAndY      : TwoVariableQuadraticFunction  RawModel
    SubtractedSizes       : LinearFunction  CostingNat  RawModel
    ConstAboveDiagonal    : CostingNat  RawModel  RawModel
    ConstBelowDiagonal    : CostingNat  RawModel  RawModel
    ConstOffDiagonal      : CostingNat  RawModel  RawModel

{-# COMPILE GHC RawModel = data Model (ConstantCost | AddedSizes |
    MultipliedSizes | MinSize | MaxSize | LinearInX | LinearInY | LinearInZ |
    LiteralInYOrLinearInZ | LinearInMaxYZ | LinearInYAndZ |QuadraticInY |
    QuadraticInZ | QuadraticInXAndY | SubtractedSizes | ConstAboveDiagonal |
    ConstBelowDiagonal | ConstOffDiagonal) #-}

record CpuAndMemoryModel : Set where
     constructor mkCpuAndMemoryModel
        cpuModel : RawModel
        memoryModel : RawModel

{-# COMPILE GHC CpuAndMemoryModel = data CpuAndMemoryModel (CpuAndMemoryModel) #-}

BuiltinCostMap : Set
BuiltinCostMap = List (String × CpuAndMemoryModel)
RawCostModel : Set
RawCostModel = HCekMachineCosts × BuiltinCostMap