module Cost.Model where
open import Agda.Builtin.Int using (Int;pos) open import Data.Bool using (true;false;if_then_else_;not) open import Data.Fin using (Fin;zero;suc) open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe;just;nothing) renaming (map to mapMaybe) open import Data.Nat using (ℕ;zero;suc;_+_;_*_;_∸_;_⊔_;_⊓_;_<ᵇ_;_≡ᵇ_) open import Data.Nat.DivMod using (_/_) open import Data.List using ([];_∷_) import Data.List as L open import Data.Product using (Σ;_,_) open import Data.String using (_==_) open import Relation.Nullary using (_because_;ofʸ) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (refl) open import Utils using (List;_×_;[];_∷_;_,_;length) open import Data.Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;sum;foldr;lookup;map) open import Cost.Base open import Cost.Raw renaming (mkLinearFunction to mkLF; mkTwoVariableLinearFunction to mkLF2; mkOneVariableQuadraticFunction to mkQF1; mkTwoVariableQuadraticFunction to mkQF2) open import Cost.Size using () renaming (defaultValueMeasure to sizeOf) open import Builtin using (Builtin;arity;builtinList;showBuiltin;decBuiltin) open import Builtin.Signature using (_⊢♯) open _⊢♯ open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (AtomicTyCon;aInteger) open import Untyped.CEK using (Value;V-con)
Intercept : Set Intercept = CostingNat Slope : Set Slope = CostingNat
A model is indexed by the number of arguments.
For example, for ifThenElse
we would assign a model constantCost : CostingModel 3
which is a model for a builtin that takes three arguments.
For linearCost
the model takes an index indicating on which argument the cost
should be calculated.
data CostingModel : ℕ → Set where -- Any number of arguments constantCost : ∀{n} → CostingNat → CostingModel n linearCostIn : ∀{n} → Fin n → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel n quadraticCostIn1 : ∀{n} → Fin n → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingModel n quadraticCostIn2 : ∀{n} → Fin n → Fin n → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingNat → CostingModel n -- take the cost literally if it is a positive integer, or else, use the provided model. literalCostIn : ∀{n} → Fin n → CostingModel n → CostingModel n addedSizes : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel n multipliedSizes : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel n -- at least one argument minSize : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (1 + n) maxSize : ∀{n} → Intercept → Slope → CostingModel (1 + n) -- exactly two arguments twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes : Intercept → Slope → CostingNat → CostingModel 2 twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal : CostingNat → CostingModel 2 → CostingModel 2 twoArgumentsConstBelowDiagonal : CostingNat → CostingModel 2 → CostingModel 2 twoArgumentsConstOffDiagonal : CostingNat → CostingModel 2 → CostingModel 2 -- exactly 3 arguments twoArgumentsLinearInYAndZ : Intercept → Slope → Slope → CostingModel 3 twoArgumentsLinearInMaxYZ : Intercept → Slope → CostingModel 3
A model of a builtin consists of a pair of costing models, one for CPU and one for memory.
record BuiltinModel (ar : ℕ) : Set where field costingCPU costingMem : CostingModel ar open BuiltinModel public
Some helper functions.
prod : ∀ {n} → Vec ℕ n → ℕ prod = foldr _ _*_ 1 maximum minimum : ∀ {n} → Vec ℕ (suc n) → ℕ maximum (a ∷ xs) = foldr _ _⊔_ a xs minimum (a ∷ xs) = foldr _ _⊓_ a xs
Given a model and the sizes of the arguments we can compute a cost.
runModel : ∀{n} → CostingModel n → Vec Value n → CostingNat runModel (constantCost x) _ = x runModel (linearCostIn n i s) xs = i + s * sizeOf (lookup xs n) runModel (quadraticCostIn1 n c0 c1 c2) xs = let x = sizeOf (lookup xs n) in c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x * x runModel (quadraticCostIn2 m n min c00 c10 c01 c20 c11 c02) xs = let x = sizeOf (lookup xs m) y = sizeOf (lookup xs n) r = c00 + c10 * x + c01 * y + c20 * x * x + c11 * x * y + c02 * y * y in min ⊔ r runModel (addedSizes i s) xs = i + s * (sum (map sizeOf xs)) runModel (multipliedSizes i s) xs = i + s * (prod (map sizeOf xs)) runModel (minSize i s) xs = i + s * minimum (map sizeOf xs) runModel (maxSize i s) xs = i + s * maximum (map sizeOf xs) runModel (twoArgumentsLinearInYAndZ i s₁ s₂) (_ ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf y b = sizeOf z in i + s₁ * a + s₂ * b runModel (twoArgumentsLinearInMaxYZ i s) (_ ∷ y ∷ z ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf y b = sizeOf z in i + s * maximum (a ∷ b ∷ []) runModel (twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes i s min) (x ∷ y ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf x b = sizeOf y in i + s * (min ⊔ (a ∸ b)) runModel (twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal c m) (x ∷ y ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf x b = sizeOf y in if a <ᵇ b then c else runModel m (x ∷ y ∷ []) runModel (twoArgumentsConstBelowDiagonal c m) (x ∷ y ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf x b = sizeOf y in if b <ᵇ a then c else runModel m (x ∷ y ∷ []) runModel (twoArgumentsConstOffDiagonal c m) (x ∷ y ∷ []) = let a = sizeOf x b = sizeOf y in if not (a ≡ᵇ b) then c else runModel m (x ∷ y ∷ []) runModel (literalCostIn n m) xs with lookup xs n ... | V-con (atomic aInteger) (pos (suc n)) = (n / 8) + 1 --only uses the literal size if positive integer. ... | _ = runModel m xs
May fail if the model doesn’t correspond to the number of arguments.
convertRawModel : ∀{n} → RawModel → Maybe (CostingModel n) convertRawModel (ConstantCost c) = just (constantCost c) convertRawModel (AddedSizes (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (addedSizes intercept slope) convertRawModel (MultipliedSizes (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (multipliedSizes intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc n} (MinSize (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (minSize intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc n} (MaxSize (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (maxSize intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc n} (LinearInX (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (linearCostIn zero intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc (suc n)} (LinearInY (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (linearCostIn (suc zero) intercept slope) convertRawModel {3} (LinearInYAndZ (mkLF2 intercept slope1 slope2)) = just (twoArgumentsLinearInYAndZ intercept slope1 slope2) convertRawModel {3} (LinearInMaxYZ (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (twoArgumentsLinearInMaxYZ intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc (suc n)} (QuadraticInY (mkQF1 c0 c1 c2)) = just (quadraticCostIn1 (suc zero) c0 c1 c2) convertRawModel {suc (suc (suc n))}(LinearInZ (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (linearCostIn (suc (suc zero)) intercept slope) convertRawModel {suc (suc (suc n))} (QuadraticInZ (mkQF1 c0 c1 c2)) = just (quadraticCostIn1 (suc (suc zero)) c0 c1 c2) convertRawModel {suc (suc n)} (QuadraticInXAndY (mkQF2 minVal c00 c10 c01 c20 c11 c02)) = just (quadraticCostIn2 zero (suc zero) minVal c00 c10 c01 c20 c11 c02) convertRawModel {suc (suc (suc n))} (LiteralInYOrLinearInZ (mkLF intercept slope)) = just (literalCostIn (suc zero) (linearCostIn (suc (suc zero)) intercept slope)) convertRawModel {2} (SubtractedSizes (mkLF intercept slope) c) = just (twoArgumentsSubtractedSizes intercept slope c) convertRawModel {2} (ConstAboveDiagonal c m) = mapMaybe (twoArgumentsConstAboveDiagonal c) (convertRawModel m) convertRawModel {2} (ConstBelowDiagonal c m) = mapMaybe (twoArgumentsConstBelowDiagonal c) (convertRawModel m) convertRawModel {2} (ConstOffDiagonal c m) = mapMaybe (twoArgumentsConstOffDiagonal c) (convertRawModel m) convertRawModel _ = nothing convertCpuAndMemoryModel : ∀{n} → CpuAndMemoryModel → Maybe (BuiltinModel n) convertCpuAndMemoryModel (mkCpuAndMemoryModel cpuModel memoryModel) with convertRawModel cpuModel | convertRawModel memoryModel ... | just cm | just mm = just (record { costingCPU = cm ; costingMem = mm }) ... | _ | _ = nothing
Creates a function mapping builtins to their corresponding costing models,
starting from a BuiltinCostMap
We need to construct a BuiltinModel (arity b)
for each b
, and this may fail if
the model in the map doesn’t correspond to the arity.
getModel : Builtin → BuiltinCostMap → Maybe (Σ Builtin (λ b → (BuiltinModel (arity b)))) getModel b [] = nothing getModel b ((bn , rm) ∷ xs) with showBuiltin b == bn ... | false = getModel b xs ... | true = mapMaybe (b ,_) (convertCpuAndMemoryModel rm)
Once we have a list of all the builtins and their corresponding model, we need to turn this into a function.
However Agda doesn’t know that we are providing a model for every constructor,
so we provide a dummyModel
to answer in the []
dummyModel : ∀{n} → BuiltinModel n dummyModel = record { costingCPU = constantCost 0 ; costingMem = constantCost 0 } lookupModel : L.List (Σ Builtin (λ b → (BuiltinModel (arity b)))) → (b : Builtin) → BuiltinModel (arity b) lookupModel [] _ = dummyModel --should not happen if builtinList is complete --but Agda doesn't know this (we do). lookupModel ((b , bm) ∷ xs) b' with decBuiltin b b' ... | false because p = lookupModel xs b' ... | true because ofʸ refl = bm allJust : {A : Set} → (xs : L.List (Maybe A)) → Maybe (L.List A) allJust [] = just [] allJust (just x ∷ xs) with allJust xs ... | just xs' = just (x ∷ xs') ... | nothing = nothing allJust (nothing ∷ xs) = nothing ModelAssignment : Set ModelAssignment = (b : Builtin) → BuiltinModel (arity b) createMap : BuiltinCostMap → Maybe ModelAssignment createMap bmap = let modelMaybeList = (λ b → getModel b bmap) builtinList maybeModelList = allJust modelMaybeList in mapMaybe lookupModel maybeModelList