This module implements typechecking and inference for Scoped terms.
Scoped terms ScopedTm
have scoped types ScopedTy
which don’t have kinds, so
kinds need to be inferred. Since we have two base kinds (*
and ♯
) and the
latter embeds into the former, there is some subtleties discussed below.
module Check where
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ;zero;suc;_≟_;_<?_;_<_) open import Data.Fin using (Fin;zero;suc;fromℕ<) open import Data.List.Properties using (≡-dec) open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_) open import Data.Vec.Properties using () renaming (≡-dec to ≡v-dec) open import Data.Product using (Σ) renaming (_,_ to _,,_) open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_;inj₁;inj₂) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;cong₂;cong;sym) open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec;yes;no;_because_;¬_) open import Agda.Builtin.String using (String) import Utils as U open import Utils.List using (List;[];_∷_) open import Utils.Decidable using (dcong;dcong₂;dhcong;dhcong₂) open import Scoped using (ScopedTy;Weirdℕ;WeirdFin;ScopedTm) open ScopedTy open ScopedTm open Weirdℕ open WeirdFin open import Type using (Ctx⋆;∅;_,⋆_;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;Z;S) open _⊢⋆_ open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_;_⊢Ne⋆_;weakenNf;renNf;embNf) open _⊢Nf⋆_ open _⊢Ne⋆_ open import Utils as U using (Kind;*;♯;_⇒_;Either;inj₁;inj₂;withE;Monad;dec2Either) open Monad open import RawU using (TmCon;tmCon;TyTag) open import Builtin.Signature using (_⊢♯) open import Builtin.Constant.Type open import Type.Equality using (_≡β_;≡2β) open _≡β_ open import Type.BetaNBE using (nf) open import Type.BetaNBE.Soundness using (soundness) open import Algorithmic using (_⊢_;Ctx;_∋_;sty2ty;ConstrArgs;[];_∷_;Cases;mkCaseType) open import Algorithmic.Signature using (btype) open _⊢_ open Ctx open _∋_ open import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution using (_[_]Nf;subNf∅) open import Builtin.Constant.AtomicType using (AtomicTyCon;decAtomicTyCon) open AtomicTyCon
We define the possible type errors that may occur.
data TypeError : Set where kindMismatch : (K K' : Kind) → ¬ (K ≡ K') → TypeError notFunKind : (K : Kind) → (∀ K' J → ¬ (K ≡ K' ⇒ J)) → TypeError notPat : (K : Kind) → (∀ K' → ¬ (K ≡ (K' ⇒ *) ⇒ (K' ⇒ *))) → TypeError UnknownType : TypeError notPi : ∀{Φ}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → (∀{K}(A' : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *) → ¬ (A ≡ Π A')) → TypeError notMu : ∀{Φ}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → (∀{K}(A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ _)(B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) → ¬ (A ≡ μ A' B)) → TypeError notFunType : ∀{Φ}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → ((A' B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → ¬ (A ≡ A' ⇒ B)) → TypeError notSOP : ∀{Φ}(A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → (∀{n}(Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n) → ¬ (A ≡ SOP Tss)) → TypeError IndexOutOfBounds : ∀{i n} → ¬(i < n) → TypeError TooManyConstrArgs : TypeError TooFewConstrArgs : TypeError TooFewCases : TypeError TooManyCases : TypeError typeMismatch : ∀{Φ K}(A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) → ¬ (A ≡ A') → TypeError builtinError : TypeError Unimplemented : String → TypeError
len⋆ : Ctx⋆ → ℕ len⋆ ∅ = 0 len⋆ (Φ ,⋆ K) = suc (len⋆ Φ) inferTyVar : ∀ Φ (i : Fin (len⋆ Φ)) → Σ Kind (Φ ∋⋆_) inferTyVar (Φ ,⋆ K) zero = K ,, Z inferTyVar (Φ ,⋆ K) (suc i) = let J ,, α = inferTyVar Φ i in J ,, S α decKind : (K K' : Kind) → Dec (K ≡ K') decKind * * = yes refl decKind ♯ ♯ = yes refl decKind * ♯ = no λ() decKind ♯ * = no λ() decKind * (K' ⇒ J') = no λ() decKind ♯ (K' ⇒ J') = no λ() decKind (K ⇒ J) * = no λ() decKind (K ⇒ J) ♯ = no λ() decKind (K ⇒ J) (K' ⇒ J') = dcong₂ _⇒_ (λ { refl → refl ,, refl}) (decKind K K') (decKind J J') isFunKind : ∀{Φ} → Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_) → Either TypeError (Σ Kind λ K → Σ Kind λ J → Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K ⇒ J) isFunKind (K ⇒ J ,, A) = return (K ,, J ,, A) isFunKind (♯ ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunKind ♯ λ _ _ ()) isFunKind (* ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunKind * λ _ _ ()) isPat : ∀{Φ} → Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_) → Either TypeError (Σ Kind λ K → Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K ⇒ *)) isPat (* ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat * λ _ ()) isPat (♯ ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ♯ λ _ ()) isPat ((* ⇒ K₁) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat (* ⇒ K₁) λ _ ()) isPat ((♯ ⇒ K₁) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat (♯ ⇒ K₁) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ K₂) ⇒ *) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ K₂) ⇒ *) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ K₂) ⇒ ♯) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ K₂) ⇒ ♯) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ *)) ,, A) = do refl ← withE (kindMismatch _ _) (dec2Either (decKind K K₁)) return (K ,, A) isPat (((K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ ♯)) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ ♯)) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ (K₃ ⇒ K₄))) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ (K₃ ⇒ K₄))) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ ♯) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ K₃)) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ ♯) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ K₃)) λ _ ()) isPat (((K ⇒ (K₂ ⇒ K₄)) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ K₃)) ,, A) = inj₁ (notPat ((K ⇒ (K₂ ⇒ K₄)) ⇒ (K₁ ⇒ K₃)) λ _ ()) isPi : ∀{Φ Γ} → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) (Γ ⊢_) → Either TypeError (Σ Kind λ K → Σ (Φ ,⋆ K ⊢Nf⋆ *) λ A → Γ ⊢ Π A) isPi (Π A ,, L) = return (_ ,, A ,, L) isPi (A ⇒ B ,, _) = inj₁ (notPi (A ⇒ B) (λ _ ())) isPi (ne A ,, _) = inj₁ (notPi (ne A) (λ _ ())) isPi (con {Φ} c ,, _) = inj₁ (notPi (con {Φ} c) (λ _ ())) isPi (μ A B ,, _) = inj₁ (notPi (μ A B) (λ _ ())) isPi (SOP x ,, _) = inj₁ (notPi (SOP x) (λ _ ())) isFunType : ∀{Φ Γ} → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) (Γ ⊢_) → Either TypeError (Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) λ A → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) λ B → Γ ⊢ A ⇒ B) isFunType (A ⇒ B ,, L ) = return (A ,, B ,, L) isFunType (Π A ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunType (Π A) (λ _ _ ())) isFunType (ne A ,, _ ) = inj₁ (notFunType (ne A) (λ _ _ ())) isFunType (con {Φ} c ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunType (con {Φ} c) (λ _ _ ())) isFunType (μ A B ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunType (μ A B) (λ _ _ ())) isFunType (SOP x ,, _) = inj₁ (notFunType (SOP x) (λ _ _ ())) isMu : ∀{Φ Γ} → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) (Γ ⊢_) → Either TypeError (Σ Kind λ K → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ (K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K ⇒ *)) λ A → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) λ B → Γ ⊢ μ A B) isMu (μ A B ,, L) = return (_ ,, A ,, B ,, L) isMu (Π A ,, _) = inj₁ (notMu (Π A) (λ _ _ ())) isMu (ne A ,, _) = inj₁ (notMu (ne A) (λ _ _ ())) isMu (con {Φ} c ,, _) = inj₁ (notMu (con {Φ} c) (λ _ _ ())) isMu (A ⇒ B ,, _) = inj₁ (notMu (A ⇒ B) (λ _ _ ())) isMu (SOP x ,, _) = inj₁ (notMu (SOP x) (λ _ _ ())) isSOPType : ∀{Φ} → (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → Either TypeError (Σ ℕ (Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)))) isSOPType (Π A) = inj₁ (notSOP (Π A) (λ _ ())) isSOPType (A ⇒ B) = inj₁ (notSOP (A ⇒ B) (λ _ ())) isSOPType (ne A) = inj₁ (notSOP (ne A) (λ _ ())) isSOPType (con c) = inj₁ (notSOP (con c) (λ _ ())) isSOPType (μ A B) = inj₁ (notSOP (μ A B) (λ _ ())) isSOPType (SOP {n = n} Tss) = return (n ,, Tss) isSOP : ∀{Φ Γ} → Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) (Γ ⊢_) → Either TypeError (Σ ℕ λ n → Σ (Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n) λ Tss → Γ ⊢ SOP Tss) isSOP (Π A ,, _) = inj₁ (notSOP (Π A) (λ _ ())) isSOP ((A ⇒ B) ,, _) = inj₁ (notSOP (A ⇒ B) (λ _ ())) isSOP (ne A ,, _) = inj₁ (notSOP (ne A) (λ _ ())) isSOP (con c ,, _) = inj₁ (notSOP (con c) (λ _ ())) isSOP (μ A B ,, x) = inj₁ (notSOP (μ A B) (λ _ ())) isSOP (SOP {n = n} Tss ,, x) = return (n ,, (Tss ,, x)) chkIdx : ∀ (i n : ℕ) → Either TypeError (Fin n) chkIdx i n with i <? n ... | no ¬p = inj₁ (IndexOutOfBounds ¬p) ... | yes p = return (fromℕ< p)
We have two base kinds, * and ♯, and we have an embedding of ♯ into *
con : Φ ⊢⋆ ♯ —— → Φ ⊢⋆ *
Hence, when inferring a kind we sometimes need to decide if we want a ♯ kind or a * kind. For example,
con (atomic aInteger) : ScopedTy 0
might be inferred as kind ♯
or as kind *
Whenever we have a constant of kind ♯
we embed it into *
using con
This means that a composition of, for instance a list (kind ♯ ⇒ ♯
) applied
to a constant (which will be of kind *
) doesn’t match exactly. So we relax
this condition when checking kinds and allow
-kinded type against ♯
, whenever the type is of the form con A
we “downgrade” the type to A of kind ♯
-kinded type against *
we “upgrade” the type to *
using con
.Another option to one may try is to leave alone kind ♯
and only upgrade it as
needed. However, this is not easy, as when one detects the need to upgrade a ♯
to *, it might be too late. One example of this, would be in the case of μ
where one needs a kind (K ⇒ *) ⇒ (K ⇒ *). Here, it is difficult to upgrade a
kind (K ⇒ ♯) ⇒ (K ⇒ ♯) because one would need to find the places inside the type
to insert the appropriate con
inferTyCon : ∀ {Φ} {K} → TyCon K → Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_) inferTyCon {K = K} tycon = K ,, (ne (^ tycon)) checkKind : ∀ Φ (A : ScopedTy (len⋆ Φ)) → ∀ K → Either TypeError (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) inferKind : ∀ Φ (A : ScopedTy (len⋆ Φ)) → Either TypeError (Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_)) inferKind-List : ∀ Φ (xs : U.List (ScopedTy (len⋆ Φ))) → Either TypeError (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) inferKind-List Φ U.[] = return [] inferKind-List Φ (x U.∷ xs) = do A ← checkKind Φ x * As ← inferKind-List Φ xs return (A ∷ As) inferKind-VecList : ∀ Φ (xss : U.List (U.List (ScopedTy (len⋆ Φ)))) → Either TypeError (Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) (U.length xss)) inferKind-VecList Φ U.[] = return [] inferKind-VecList Φ (xs U.∷ xss) = do Ts ← inferKind-List Φ xs Tss ← (inferKind-VecList Φ xss) return (Ts ∷ Tss) checkKind-aux : ∀{Φ} → (Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_)) → ∀ K → Either TypeError (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) checkKind-aux (* ,, A) * = return A checkKind-aux (♯ ,, A) * = return (con A) --upgrade from ♯ to * checkKind-aux ((K ⇒ J) ,, _) * = inj₁ (kindMismatch (K ⇒ J) * (λ ())) checkKind-aux (* ,, con A) ♯ = return A --downgrade from * to ♯ checkKind-aux (* ,, _) ♯ = inj₁ (kindMismatch ♯ * (λ ())) checkKind-aux (♯ ,, A) ♯ = return A checkKind-aux ((K ⇒ J) ,, _) ♯ = inj₁ (kindMismatch (K ⇒ J) ♯ (λ ())) checkKind-aux (* ,, A) (J ⇒ J₁) = inj₁ (kindMismatch * (J ⇒ J₁) (λ ())) checkKind-aux (♯ ,, A) (J ⇒ J₁) = inj₁ (kindMismatch ♯ (J ⇒ J₁) (λ ())) checkKind-aux (K ,, A) K'@(_ ⇒ _) = do refl ← withE (kindMismatch _ _) (dec2Either (decKind K K')) return A checkKind Φ A K = do KA ← inferKind Φ A checkKind-aux KA K -- When the kind is ♯ we may convert it to a constant of kind * addCon : ∀ {Φ} → (Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_)) → (Σ Kind (Φ ⊢Nf⋆_)) addCon (♯ ,, snd) = * ,, con snd addCon kA = kA -- But we don't need to add con to variables, because ♯ only should occur under `pair` or `list` inferKind Φ (` α) = let K ,, β = inferTyVar Φ α in return (K ,, ne (` β)) inferKind Φ (A ⇒ B) = do A ← checkKind Φ A * B ← checkKind Φ B * return (* ,, A ⇒ B) inferKind Φ (Π K A) = do A ← checkKind (Φ ,⋆ K) A * return (* ,, Π A) inferKind Φ (ƛ K A) = do J ,, A ← inferKind (Φ ,⋆ K) A return (K ⇒ J ,, ƛ A) inferKind Φ (A · B) = do KA ← inferKind Φ A (K ,, J ,, A) ← isFunKind KA B ← checkKind Φ B K return (addCon (J ,, nf (embNf A · embNf B))) inferKind Φ (con tc) = return (addCon (inferTyCon tc)) inferKind Φ (μ A B) = do KA ← inferKind Φ A K ,, A ← isPat KA B ← checkKind Φ B K return (* ,, μ A B) inferKind Φ (SOP x) = do Tss ← inferKind-VecList Φ x return (* ,, SOP Tss)
Some examples to check that everything is working as expected
private module _ where int : ∀{n} → ScopedTy n int = con (atomic aInteger) -- integer _ : inferKind ∅ int ≡ inj₂ (* ,, con (ne (^ (atomic aInteger)))) _ = refl -- list of integers _ : inferKind ∅ (con list · int) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, con (ne (^ list · ne (^ (atomic aInteger))))) _ = refl -- list of lists of integers _ : inferKind ∅ (con list · (con list · int)) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, con (ne (^ list · ne (^ list · ne (^ (atomic aInteger)))))) _ = refl _ : inferKind ∅ (con list · int) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, con (ne (^ list · ne (^ (atomic aInteger))))) _ = refl -- pair of some variables of kind ♯ _ : inferKind (∅ ,⋆ ♯ ,⋆ ♯) (con pair · ` zero · ` (suc zero)) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, (con (ne (^ pair · ne (` Z) · ne (` (S Z)))))) _ = refl -- we can't have kind * under a pair _ : inferKind (∅ ,⋆ ♯ ,⋆ *) (con pair · ` zero · ` (suc zero)) ≡ inj₁ (kindMismatch ♯ * (λ ())) _ = refl -- list of integer under a function _ : inferKind ∅ ((con list · int) ⇒ int) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, (con (nf (^ list · ^ (atomic aInteger))) ⇒ con (ne (^ (atomic aInteger))))) _ = refl -- Some Π type. Note that the variable is of kind ♯ _ : inferKind ∅ (Π ♯ (con list · ` zero)) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, Π (con (ne (^ list · ne (` Z))))) _ = refl -- The variable to which we apply the list cannot be * _ : inferKind ∅ (Π * (con list · ` zero)) ≡ inj₁ (kindMismatch ♯ * (λ ())) _ = refl -- Some mu type, where we need to upgrade ♯. _ : inferKind ∅ (μ (ƛ (* ⇒ *) (ƛ * int)) int) ≡ inj₂ (* ,, μ (ƛ (ƛ (con (ne (^ (atomic aInteger)))))) (con (ne (^ (atomic aInteger))))) _ = refl
len : ∀{Φ} → Ctx Φ → Weirdℕ (len⋆ Φ) len ∅ = Z len (Γ ,⋆ J) = Weirdℕ.T (len Γ) len (Γ , A) = Weirdℕ.S (len Γ) inferVarType : ∀{Φ}(Γ : Ctx Φ) → WeirdFin (len Γ) → Either TypeError (Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) λ A → Γ ∋ A) inferVarType (Γ ,⋆ J) (WeirdFin.T x) = do A ,, α ← inferVarType Γ x return (weakenNf A ,, T α) inferVarType (Γ , A) Z = return (A ,, Z) inferVarType (Γ , A) (S x) = do A ,, α ← inferVarType Γ x return (A ,, S α)
decTyVar : ∀{Φ K}(α α' : Φ ∋⋆ K) → Dec (α ≡ α') decTyVar Z Z = yes refl decTyVar (S α) (S α') with (decTyVar α α') ... | yes refl = yes refl ... | no ¬p = (no (λ { refl → ¬p refl})) decTyVar Z (S α') = (no λ()) decTyVar (S α) Z = (no λ()) decNfTy : ∀{Φ K}(A A' : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K) → Dec (A ≡ A') decNeTy : ∀{Φ K}(A A' : Φ ⊢Ne⋆ K) → Dec (A ≡ A') decNfTy-List : ∀{Φ K}(xs ys : List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)) → Dec (xs ≡ ys) decNfTy-List [] [] = yes refl decNfTy-List [] (x ∷ ys) = no λ() decNfTy-List (x ∷ xs) [] = no λ() decNfTy-List (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = dcong₂ _∷_ (λ { refl → refl ,, refl}) (decNfTy x y) (decNfTy-List xs ys) decNfTy-VecList : ∀{Φ n K}(xss yss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ K)) n) → Dec (xss ≡ yss) decNfTy-VecList [] [] = yes refl decNfTy-VecList (xs ∷ xss) (ys ∷ yss) = dcong₂ _∷_ (λ { refl → refl ,, refl}) (decNfTy-List xs ys) (decNfTy-VecList xss yss) decTyCon : ∀{Φ}(c c' : TyCon Φ) → Dec (c ≡ c') decTyCon (atomic x) (atomic y) = dcong atomic (λ {refl → refl}) (decAtomicTyCon x y) decTyCon list list = yes refl decTyCon pair pair = yes refl decNfTy (Π {K = K} A) (Π {K = K'} A') = dhcong (λ k t → Π {K = k} t) (λ {refl → refl ,, refl}) (decKind K K') (decNfTy A) decNfTy (Π _) (_ ⇒ _) = no λ() decNfTy (Π _) (ne _) = no λ() decNfTy (Π _) (con _) = no λ() decNfTy (Π _) (μ _ _) = no λ() decNfTy (_ ⇒ _) (Π _) = no λ() decNfTy (A ⇒ B) (A' ⇒ B') = dcong₂ _⇒_ (λ {refl → refl ,, refl }) (decNfTy A A') (decNfTy B B') decNfTy (_ ⇒ _) (ne _) = no λ() decNfTy (_ ⇒ _) (con _) = no λ() decNfTy (_ ⇒ _) (μ _ _) = no λ() decNfTy (ƛ A) (ƛ A') = dcong ƛ (λ {refl → refl}) (decNfTy A A') decNfTy (ƛ _) (ne _) = no λ() decNfTy (ne _) (Π _) = no λ() decNfTy (ne _) (_ ⇒ _) = no λ() decNfTy (ne _) (ƛ _) = no λ() decNfTy (ne A) (ne A') = dcong ne (λ {refl → refl}) (decNeTy A A') decNfTy (ne _) (con _) = no λ() decNfTy (ne _) (μ _ _) = no λ() decNfTy (con _) (Π _) = no λ() decNfTy (con _) (_ ⇒ _) = no λ() decNfTy (con _) (ne _) = no λ() decNfTy (con t) (con u) = dcong con (λ {refl → refl}) (decNfTy t u) decNfTy (con _) (μ _ _) = no λ() decNfTy (μ _ _) (Π _) = no λ() decNfTy (μ _ _) (u ⇒ u₁) = no λ() decNfTy (μ _ _) (ne _) = no λ() decNfTy (μ _ _) (con _) = no λ() decNfTy (μ {K = K} A B) (μ {K = K'} A' B') = dhcong₂ (λ k x y → μ {K = k} x y) (λ { refl → refl ,, refl ,, refl }) (decKind K K') (decNfTy A) (decNfTy B) decNfTy (SOP x) (Π A') = no λ() decNfTy (SOP x) (A' ⇒ A'') = no λ() decNfTy (SOP x) (ne x₁) = no λ() decNfTy (SOP x) (con A') = no λ() decNfTy (SOP x) (μ A' A'') = no λ() decNfTy (Π A) (SOP x) = no λ() decNfTy (A ⇒ A₁) (SOP x) = no λ() decNfTy (ne x₁) (SOP x) = no λ() decNfTy (con A) (SOP x) = no λ() decNfTy (μ A A₁) (SOP x) = no λ() decNfTy (SOP {n = n} x) (SOP {n = m} y) with n ≟ m ... | no ¬p = no (λ {refl → ¬p refl}) ... | yes refl with decNfTy-VecList x y ... | no ¬p = no (λ {refl → ¬p refl}) ... | yes refl = yes refl decNeTy (` α) (` α') = dcong ` (λ {refl → refl}) (decTyVar α α') decNeTy (` _) (_ · _) = no λ() decNeTy (` _) (^ _) = no λ() decNeTy (_ · _) (` _) = no λ() decNeTy (_·_ {K = K} A B) (_·_ {K = K'} A' B') = dhcong₂ (λ k t u → _·_ {K = k} t u) (λ { refl → refl ,, refl ,, refl }) (decKind K K') (decNeTy A) (decNfTy B) decNeTy (_ · _) (^ _) = no λ() decNeTy (^ _) (` _) = no λ() decNeTy (^ _) (_ · _) = no λ() decNeTy (^ C) (^ C') = dcong ^ (λ {refl → refl}) (decTyCon C C')
checkType : ∀{Φ}(Γ : Ctx Φ) → ScopedTm (len Γ) → (A : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → Either TypeError (Γ ⊢ A) inferType : ∀{Φ}(Γ : Ctx Φ) → ScopedTm (len Γ) → Either TypeError (Σ (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) λ A → Γ ⊢ A) checkType Γ L A = do A' ,, L ← inferType Γ L let d = decNfTy A A' refl ← withE (typeMismatch _ _) (dec2Either d) return L checkConstrArgs-List : ∀{Φ}(Γ : Ctx Φ) → U.List (ScopedTm (len Γ)) → (As : List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) → Either TypeError (ConstrArgs Γ As) checkConstrArgs-List Γ U.[] [] = return [] checkConstrArgs-List Γ U.[] (A ∷ As) = inj₁ TooFewConstrArgs checkConstrArgs-List Γ (c U.∷ cs) [] = inj₁ TooManyConstrArgs checkConstrArgs-List Γ (c U.∷ cs) (A ∷ As) = do t ← checkType Γ c A ts ← checkConstrArgs-List Γ cs As return (t ∷ ts) checkCases-List : ∀{Φ}(Γ : Ctx Φ) → (B : Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → U.List (ScopedTm (len Γ)) → ∀{n}(Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢Nf⋆ *)) n) → Either TypeError (Cases Γ B Tss) checkCases-List Γ B U.[] [] = return [] checkCases-List Γ B U.[] (_ ∷ _) = inj₁ TooFewCases checkCases-List Γ B (_ U.∷ _) [] = inj₁ TooManyCases checkCases-List Γ B (c U.∷ cs) (Ts ∷ Tss) = do x ← checkType Γ c (mkCaseType B Ts) xs ← checkCases-List Γ B cs Tss return (x ∷ xs) inferType Γ (` x) = do A ,, α ← inferVarType Γ x return (A ,, ` α) inferType Γ (Λ K L) = do A ,, L ← inferType (Γ ,⋆ K) L return (Π A ,, Λ L) inferType Γ (L ·⋆ A) = do t ← inferType Γ L K ,, B ,, L ← isPi t A ← checkKind _ A K return (B [ A ]Nf ,, L ·⋆ A / refl) inferType Γ (ƛ A L) = do A ← checkKind _ A * B ,, L ← inferType (Γ , A) L return (A ⇒ B ,, ƛ L) inferType {Φ} Γ (L · M) = do ty ← inferType Γ L A ,, B ,, L ← isFunType ty M ← checkType Γ M A return (B ,, L · M) inferType Γ (con (tmCon t x)) = do return (con (subNf∅ (sty2ty t)) ,, con x refl) inferType Γ (error A) = do A ← checkKind _ A * return (A ,, error A) inferType Γ (builtin b) = do let bty = btype b return (bty ,, builtin b / refl) inferType Γ (wrap A B L) = do KA ← inferKind _ A K ,, A ← isPat KA B ← checkKind _ B K L ← checkType Γ L (nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B)) return (μ A B ,, wrap A B L) inferType Γ (unwrap L) = do TL ← inferType Γ L K ,, A ,, B ,, L ← isMu TL return (nf (embNf A · ƛ (μ (embNf (weakenNf A)) (` Z)) · embNf B) ,, unwrap L refl) inferType Γ (constr A i cs) = do -- A is of kind * with type SOP Tss B ← checkKind _ A * (n ,, Tss) ← isSOPType B -- i < length cs e ← chkIdx i n -- cs has type Vec.lookup Tss e L ← checkConstrArgs-List Γ cs (Vec.lookup Tss e) return ((SOP Tss) ,, (constr e Tss refl L)) inferType Γ (case A x cs) = do B ← checkKind _ A * -- check x is of SOP type L ← inferType Γ x (n ,, Tss ,, t) ← isSOP L cases ← checkCases-List Γ B cs Tss return (B ,, case t cases)