CK machine
module Algorithmic.CK where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Data.Vec as Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym;trans;subst;cong)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ;zero;suc)
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to _,,_)
open import Utils using (Kind;*;_⇒_;Either;inj₁;RuntimeError;Monad)
open RuntimeError
open Monad
open import Utils.List using (IBwd;[];_∷_;_:<_;_<><_;_<>>I_;start;bubble;no-empty-≣-<>>;lemma<>2;lem-≣-<>>)
open import Type using (Ctx⋆;∅;_,⋆_;_⊢⋆_)
open _⊢⋆_
open import Type.BetaNormal using (_⊢Nf⋆_)
open _⊢Nf⋆_
open import Algorithmic using (Ctx;_⊢_;[];_∷_;lookupCase;bwdMkCaseType;lemma-bwdfwdfunction')
open Ctx
open _⊢_
open import Algorithmic.Signature using (_[_]SigTy)
open import Algorithmic.RenamingSubstitution using (_[_];_[_]⋆)
open import Algorithmic.ReductionEC using (Frame;Value;deval;ival;BUILTIN';V-I;VList;[];_[_]ᶠ)
renaming (step to app;step⋆ to app⋆)
open Frame
open Value
data Stack : (T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *)(H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → Set where
ε : {T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T T
_,_ : {T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{H1 : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{H2 : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}
→ Stack T H1 → Frame H1 H2 → Stack T H2
data State (T : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *) : Set where
_▻_ : {H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T H → ∅ ⊢ H → State T
_◅_ : {H : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *} → Stack T H → {t : ∅ ⊢ H} → Value t → State T
□ : {t : ∅ ⊢ T} → Value t → State T
◆ : (A : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *) → State T
closeStack : ∀{T H} → Stack T H → ∅ ⊢ H → ∅ ⊢ T
closeStack ε t = t
closeStack (s , f) t = closeStack s ( f [ t ]ᶠ)
closeState : ∀{T} → State T → ∅ ⊢ T
closeState (s ▻ t) = closeStack s t
closeState (_◅_ s {t = t} v) = closeStack s t
closeState (□ {t = t} v) = t
closeState (◆ A) = error _
discharge : ∀{A : ∅ ⊢Nf⋆ *}{t : ∅ ⊢ A} → Value t → ∅ ⊢ A
discharge {t = t} _ = t
pushValueFrames : ∀{T H Bs Xs} → Stack T H → {xs : IBwd (∅ ⊢_) Bs} → VList xs → Xs ≡ bwdMkCaseType Bs H → Stack T Xs
pushValueFrames s [] refl = s
pushValueFrames s (vs :< v) refl = pushValueFrames (s , -·v v) vs refl
step : ∀{A} → State A → State A
step (s ▻ ƛ L) = s ◅ V-ƛ L
step (s ▻ (L · M)) = (s , -· M) ▻ L
step (s ▻ Λ L) = s ◅ V-Λ L
step (s ▻ (L ·⋆ A / refl)) = (s , -·⋆ A) ▻ L
step (s ▻ wrap A B L) = (s , wrap-) ▻ L
step (s ▻ unwrap L refl) = (s , unwrap-) ▻ L
step (s ▻ con cn refl) = s ◅ V-con cn
step (s ▻ constr e Tss refl xs) with Vec.lookup Tss e in eq
step (s ▻ constr e Tss refl []) | [] = s ◅ V-constr e Tss (sym eq) refl [] refl
step (s ▻ constr e Tss refl (x ∷ xs)) | _ ∷ _ = (s , constr- e Tss (sym eq) {tidx = start} [] xs) ▻ x
step (s ▻ case t ts) = (s , case- ts) ▻ t
step (s ▻ error A) = ◆ A
step (ε ◅ V) = □ V
step ((s , (-· M)) ◅ V) = ((s , V ·-) ▻ M)
step ((s , -·v v) ◅ vf) = (s , vf ·-) ◅ v
step ((s , (V-ƛ t ·-)) ◅ V) = s ▻ (t [ discharge V ])
step ((s , (-·⋆ A)) ◅ V-Λ t) = s ▻ (t [ A ]⋆)
step ((s , wrap-) ◅ V) = s ◅ (V-wrap V)
step ((s , unwrap-) ◅ V-wrap V) = s ▻ deval V
step ((s , constr- i Tss refl {tidx} vs ts) ◅ v) with Vec.lookup Tss i in eq
... | [] with no-empty-≣-<>> tidx
... | ()
step ((s , constr- {n} {Vs} {H} i Tss refl {tidx}{tvs} vs []) ◅ v) | _ ∷ _ = s ◅
V-constr i Tss
(sym eq)
(trans (sym (lemma<>2 Vs (H ∷ []))) (sym (cong ([] <><_) (lem-≣-<>> tidx))))
{tvs :< deval v}
(vs :< v)
step ((s , constr- i Tss refl {r} vs (t ∷ ts)) ◅ v) | _ ∷ _ =
(s , constr- i Tss (sym eq) {bubble r} (vs :< v) ts) ▻ t
step ((s , case- cs) ◅ V-constr e Tss refl refl vs x) = pushValueFrames s vs (lemma-bwdfwdfunction' (Vec.lookup Tss e)) ▻ lookupCase e cs
step (s ▻ (builtin b / refl)) = s ◅ ival b
step ((s , (V-I⇒ b {am = 0} bt ·-)) ◅ vu) = s ▻ BUILTIN' b (app bt vu)
step ((s , (V-I⇒ b {am = suc _} bt ·-)) ◅ vu) = s ◅ V-I b (app bt vu)
step ((s , -·⋆ A) ◅ V-IΠ b {σA = σ} bt) = s ◅ V-I b (app⋆ bt refl {σ [ A ]SigTy})
step (□ V) = □ V
step (◆ A) = ◆ A
stepper : ℕ → ∀{T}
→ State T
→ Either RuntimeError (State T)
stepper zero st = inj₁ gasError
stepper (suc n) st with step st
stepper (suc n) st | (s ▻ M) = stepper n (s ▻ M)
stepper (suc n) st | (s ◅ V) = stepper n (s ◅ V)
stepper (suc n) st | (□ V) = return (□ V)
stepper (suc n) st | ◆ A = return (◆ A)