Declarative syntax

module Declarative where


open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;lookup)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl)

open import Type using (Ctx⋆;_⊢⋆_;_∋⋆_;Φ;Ψ;A;B)
open Ctx⋆
open _⊢⋆_
open _∋⋆_

open import Type.RenamingSubstitution using (weaken;sub;Ren;ren;Sub;_[_];sub∅;sub∅-ren;sub∅-sub)
open import Type.Equality using (_≡β_)
open import Builtin using (Builtin;signature)
open Builtin.Builtin

open import Utils using (Kind;*;;_⇒_;K)
open import Utils.List using (List;IList;[];_∷_)
open import Builtin.Constant.Type using (TyCon)
open TyCon

open import Builtin.Signature using ()
open Builtin.Signature.FromSig  (_⊢⋆_) (_⊢⋆_)  x  x) (`) _·_ ^ con _⇒_ Π
          using (sig2type;sig2type⇒;sig2typeΠ;⊢♯2TyNe♯;mkTy) public
open import Type.BetaNBE using (nf)
open import Algorithmic using (⟦_⟧;ty2sty)
open import RawU using (TyTag)

Fixity declarations

To begin, we get all our infix declarations out of the way. We list separately operators for judgements, types, and terms.

infix  4 _∋_
infix  3 _⊢_
infixl 5 _,_

Contexts and erasure

A context is either empty, or extends a context by a type variable of a given kind, or extends a context by a variable of a given type.

Contexts are indexed by type contexts. The type context has all the same type variables as the term context but no term variables.

data Ctx : Ctx⋆  Set where
   : Ctx 
  _,⋆_ : Ctx Φ  (J : Kind)  Ctx (Φ ,⋆ J)
  _,_ : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  Φ ⊢⋆ *  Ctx Φ

Let Γ, Δ range over contexts:

  Γ Δ : Ctx Φ


A variable is indexed by its context and type. Notice there is only one Z as a type variable cannot be a term.

data _∋_ : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  Φ ⊢⋆ *  Set where
  Z : ----------
      Γ , A  A

  S : Γ  A
     Γ , B  A

  T : Γ  A
     Γ ,⋆ K  weaken A

Let x, y range over variables.

Builtin Machinery

Compute the type for a builtin:

btype : Builtin  Φ ⊢⋆ *
btype b = sub∅ (sig2type (signature b))

Two lemmas concerning renaming and substituting types of builtins:

btype-ren :  b (ρ : Ren Φ Ψ)  btype b  ren ρ (btype b)
btype-ren b ρ = sub∅-ren (sig2type (signature b)) ρ

btype-sub :  b (ρ : Sub Φ Ψ)  btype b  sub ρ (btype b)
btype-sub b ρ = sub∅-sub (sig2type (signature b)) ρ

The meaning of types is the meaning of its normalised type. We define it this way because it is easier to define the meaning of a normalised type.

⟦_⟧d :  (A :  ⊢⋆ )  Set
 A ⟧d =  nf A 
ty2TyTag :  (A :  ⊢⋆ )  TyTag
ty2TyTag A = ty2sty (nf A)


A term is indexed over by its context and type. A term is a variable, an abstraction, an application, a type abstraction, or a type application.

mkCaseType : ∀{Φ} (A : Φ ⊢⋆ *)  List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)  Φ ⊢⋆ *
mkCaseType A [] = A
mkCaseType A (x  xs) = x  (mkCaseType A xs)

ConstrArgs : (Γ : Ctx Φ)  List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)  Set
data Cases (Γ : Ctx Φ) (B : Φ ⊢⋆ *) : ∀{n}  Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n  Set

data _⊢_ (Γ : Ctx Φ) : Φ ⊢⋆ *  Set where

  ` : Γ  A
     Γ  A

  ƛ : Γ , A  B
     Γ  A  B

  _·_ : Γ  A  B
       Γ  A
       Γ  B

  Λ : Γ ,⋆ K  B
     Γ  Π B

  _·⋆_ : Γ  Π B
        (A : Φ ⊢⋆ K)
        Γ  B [ A ]

  wrap : (A : Φ ⊢⋆ (K  *)  K  *)
        (B : Φ ⊢⋆ K)
        Γ  A · ƛ (μ (weaken A) (` Z)) · B
        Γ  μ A B

  unwrap : Γ  μ A B
          Γ  A · ƛ (μ (weaken A) (` Z)) · B

  constr : ∀{n}
       (e : Fin n)
       (Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n)
        {ts}  ts  lookup Tss e
       ConstrArgs Γ ts
       Γ  SOP Tss

  case : ∀{n}{Tss : Vec _ n}{A : Φ ⊢⋆ *}
       (t : Γ  SOP Tss)
       (cases : Cases Γ A Tss)
       Γ  A

  conv : A ≡β B
        Γ  A
        Γ  B

  con :  {A :  ⊢⋆  }{B}
        A ⟧d
       B ≡β sub∅ A
       Γ  con B

  builtin : (b : Builtin)
           Γ  btype b

  error : (A : Φ ⊢⋆ *)
         Γ  A

ConstrArgs Γ = IList (Γ ⊢_)

data Cases Γ B where
   []  : Cases Γ B []
   _∷_ : ∀{n}{Ts}{Tss : Vec _ n}(
         c : Γ  (mkCaseType B Ts))
        (cs : Cases Γ B Tss)
        Cases Γ B (Ts  Tss)

Substituting types or contexts of term variables by propositionally equal ones:

conv∋ : Γ  Δ
       A  B
       Γ  A
       Δ  B
conv∋ refl refl t = t

Substituting types or contexts of terms by propositionally equal ones:

conv⊢ : Γ  Δ
       A  B
       Γ  A
       Δ  B
conv⊢ refl refl t = t

getting the type of a term, a var, and the pieces of πs and μs

typeOf : ∀{Γ : Ctx Φ}  Γ  A  Φ ⊢⋆ *
typeOf {A = A} _ = A

typeOf∋ : ∀{Γ : Ctx Φ}  Γ  A  Φ ⊢⋆ *
typeOf∋ {A = A} _ = A

piBody : {A : Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ *}  Γ  Π A  Φ ,⋆ K ⊢⋆ *
piBody {A = A} _ = A

muPat : {A : Φ ⊢⋆ (K  *)  K  *}  Γ  μ A B  Φ ⊢⋆ (K  *)  K  *
muPat {A = A} _ = A

muArg : {B : Φ ⊢⋆ K}  Γ  μ A B  Φ ⊢⋆ K
muArg {B = B} _ = B