(Declarative) Term Renaming and Substitution

module Declarative.RenamingSubstitution where


open import Data.Fin using (Fin)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_;refl;sym;trans;subst;cong)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec;[];_∷_;lookup)

open import Utils using (Kind;*;K)
open import Utils.List using (List;IList;[];_∷_)
open import Type using (Ctx⋆;_⊢⋆_;Φ;Ψ;A;B)
open _⊢⋆_
import Type.RenamingSubstitution as 
open import Type.Equality using (ren≡β;sub≡β;≡2β;_≡β_)
open _≡β_
open import Declarative as Dec using (Ctx;Γ;Δ;_∋_;conv∋;_⊢_;conv⊢;piBody;btype-ren;btype-sub;muPat;muArg;typeOf;typeOf∋)
open Ctx
open _∋_
open _⊢_


A term renaming maps every term variables in a context Γ to a variable in context Δ. It is indexed by a type renaming which does the same thing for type variables.

Ren :  Γ Δ  ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ  Set
Ren Γ Δ ρ = ∀{A}  Γ  A  Δ  ⋆.ren ρ A

Extending a renaming to work on longer context extended by an additional variable - used when going under a binder. It maps the new variable Z to Z and shift everything else along.

ext : (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ)
     Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆
     Ren (Γ , B) (Δ , ⋆.ren ρ⋆ B) ρ⋆
ext _ ρ Z     = Z
ext _ ρ (S x) = S (ρ x)

Extending a renaming to work on a context extended by one additional type variable - used when going under a type binder. This doesn’t actually change any term variables, it is a case of managing the type information.

ext⋆ : (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ)
      Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆
      Ren (Γ ,⋆ K) (Δ ,⋆ K) (⋆.ext ρ⋆)
ext⋆ _ ρ (T x) = conv∋
  (trans (sym (⋆.ren-comp _)) (⋆.ren-comp _))
  (T (ρ x))

Renaming for terms

ren : (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ)
     Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆
     (∀{A}  Γ  A  Δ  ⋆.ren ρ⋆ A)

ren-ConstrArgs :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ} (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ)
                   (ρ : Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆)
                   {Ts : List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)}
                   (cs : Dec.ConstrArgs Γ Ts) 
                 Dec.ConstrArgs Δ (⋆.ren-List ρ⋆ Ts)
ren-ConstrArgs ρ⋆ ρ [] = []
ren-ConstrArgs ρ⋆ ρ (c  cs) = (ren ρ⋆ ρ c)  (ren-ConstrArgs ρ⋆ ρ cs)

lem-ren-mkCaseType :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ}
                           (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ) (ρ : Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆)
                           {A : Φ ⊢⋆ *}
                           (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ *))
           ⋆.ren ρ⋆ (Dec.mkCaseType A As)  Dec.mkCaseType (⋆.ren ρ⋆ A) (⋆.ren-List ρ⋆ As)
lem-ren-mkCaseType ρ⋆ ρ [] = refl
lem-ren-mkCaseType ρ⋆ ρ (A  As) = cong (⋆.ren _ _ ⇒_) (lem-ren-mkCaseType ρ⋆ ρ As)

ren-Cases :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ} (ρ⋆ : ⋆.Ren Φ Ψ)
              (ρ : Ren Γ Δ ρ⋆) {A : Φ ⊢⋆ *} {n} {Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n}
              (cases : Dec.Cases Γ A Tss) 
              Dec.Cases Δ (⋆.ren ρ⋆ A) (⋆.ren-VecList ρ⋆ Tss)
ren-Cases ρ⋆ ρ Dec.[] = Dec.[]
ren-Cases ρ⋆ ρ (Dec._∷_ {Ts = As} c cs) = subst (_ ⊢_) (lem-ren-mkCaseType  ρ⋆ ρ As) (ren ρ⋆ ρ c)
                                        Dec.∷ (ren-Cases ρ⋆ ρ cs)

ren _ ρ (` x) = ` (ρ x)
ren _ ρ (ƛ L) = ƛ (ren _ (ext _ ρ) L)
ren _ ρ (L · M) = ren _ ρ L · ren _ ρ M
ren _ ρ (Λ L) = Λ (ren _ (ext⋆ _ ρ) L)
ren ρ⋆ ρ (L ·⋆ A) =
  conv⊢ refl (⋆.ren-Π A (piBody L) ρ⋆) (ren _ ρ L ·⋆ ⋆.ren ρ⋆ A)
ren _ ρ (wrap A B L) = wrap _ _ (conv⊢ refl (⋆.ren-μ _ A B) (ren _ ρ L))
ren _ ρ (unwrap L) = conv⊢ refl (sym (⋆.ren-μ _ _ _)) (unwrap (ren _ ρ L))
ren _ ρ (conv p L) = conv (ren≡β _ p) (ren _ ρ L)
ren ρ⋆ ρ (con {A} cn p) = con {A = A} cn (trans≡β (ren≡β ρ⋆ p) (≡2β (sym (⋆.sub∅-ren A ρ⋆))))
ren ρ⋆ _ (builtin b) = conv⊢ refl (btype-ren b ρ⋆) (builtin b)
ren _ _ (error A) = error (⋆.ren _ A)
ren ρ⋆ ρ (constr e Tss refl cs) = constr e (⋆.ren-VecList ρ⋆ Tss) (sym (⋆.lookup-ren-VecList ρ⋆ e Tss)) (ren-ConstrArgs ρ⋆ ρ cs)
ren ρ⋆ ρ (case L cases) = case (ren ρ⋆ ρ L) (ren-Cases ρ⋆ ρ cases)

Weakening a term by an additional type variable

weaken : Γ  A
        Γ , B  A
weaken x = conv⊢
  (⋆.ren-id _)
  (ren _ (conv∋ refl (sym (⋆.ren-id _))  S) x)
weaken⋆ : Γ  A
         Γ ,⋆ K  ⋆.weaken A
weaken⋆ x = ren _ T x


A substitution maps term variables to terms. It is indexed by a type substitution.

Sub :  Γ Δ  ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ  Set
Sub Γ Δ σ = ∀{A}  Γ  A  Δ  ⋆.sub σ A

Extend a substitution by an additional term variable. Used for going under binders.

exts : (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
      Sub Γ Δ σ⋆
      Sub (Γ , B) (Δ , ⋆.sub σ⋆ B) σ⋆
exts σ⋆ σ Z     = ` Z
exts σ⋆ σ (S x) = weaken (σ x)

Extend a substitution by an additional type variable. Used for going under type binders.

exts⋆ : (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
       Sub Γ Δ σ⋆
       Sub (Γ ,⋆ K) (Δ ,⋆ K) (⋆.exts σ⋆)
exts⋆ _ σ (T {A = A} x) = conv⊢
  (trans (sym (⋆.ren-sub A)) (⋆.sub-ren A))
  (weaken⋆ (σ x))

Substitution for terms

sub : (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
     Sub Γ Δ σ⋆
     ∀{A}  Γ  A  Δ  ⋆.sub σ⋆ A

sub-ConstrArgs :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ} (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
                   (σ : Sub Γ Δ σ⋆)
                   {Ts : List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)}
                   (cs : Dec.ConstrArgs Γ Ts) 
                 Dec.ConstrArgs Δ (⋆.sub-List σ⋆ Ts)
sub-ConstrArgs σ⋆ σ [] = []
sub-ConstrArgs σ⋆ σ (c  cs) = (sub σ⋆ σ c)  (sub-ConstrArgs σ⋆ σ cs)

lem-sub-mkCaseType :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ}
                              (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ) (σ : Sub Γ Δ σ⋆) {A : Φ ⊢⋆ *}
                              (As : List (Φ ⊢⋆ *))
       ⋆.sub σ⋆ (Dec.mkCaseType A As)  Dec.mkCaseType (⋆.sub σ⋆ A) (⋆.sub-List σ⋆ As)
lem-sub-mkCaseType σ⋆ σ [] = refl
lem-sub-mkCaseType σ⋆ σ (A  As) = cong (⋆.sub σ⋆ A ⇒_) (lem-sub-mkCaseType σ⋆ σ As)

sub-Cases :  {Φ} {Ψ} {Γ : Ctx Φ} {Δ : Ctx Ψ} (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
              (σ : Sub Γ Δ σ⋆) {A : Φ ⊢⋆ *} {n} {Tss : Vec (List (Φ ⊢⋆ *)) n}
              (cases : Dec.Cases Γ A Tss) 
            Dec.Cases Δ (⋆.sub σ⋆ A) (⋆.sub-VecList σ⋆ Tss)
sub-Cases σ⋆ σ Dec.[] = Dec.[]
sub-Cases σ⋆ σ (Dec._∷_ {Ts = As} c cases) = subst (_ ⊢_) (lem-sub-mkCaseType σ⋆ σ As) (sub σ⋆ σ c)
                                 Dec.∷ (sub-Cases σ⋆ σ cases)

sub _  σ (` k)        = σ k
sub _  σ (ƛ L)        = ƛ (sub _ (exts _ σ) L)
sub _  σ (L · M)      = sub _ σ L · sub _ σ M
sub _  σ (Λ L)        = Λ (sub _ (exts⋆ _ σ) L)
sub σ⋆ σ (L ·⋆ A)     =
  conv⊢ refl (⋆.sub-Π A (piBody L) σ⋆) (sub σ⋆ σ L ·⋆ ⋆.sub σ⋆ A)
sub _  σ (wrap A B L) = wrap _ _ (conv⊢ refl (⋆.sub-μ _ A B) (sub _ σ L))
sub _  σ (unwrap L)   =
  conv⊢ refl (sym (⋆.sub-μ _ (muPat L) (muArg L))) (unwrap (sub _ σ L))
sub _  σ (conv p L)   = conv (sub≡β _ p) (sub _ σ L)
sub σ⋆ _ (con {A} cn p) = con {A = A} cn (trans≡β (sub≡β σ⋆ p) (≡2β (sym (⋆.sub∅-sub A σ⋆))))
sub _  _ (builtin b)  = conv⊢ refl (btype-sub b _) (builtin b)
sub _  _ (error A)    = error (⋆.sub _ A)
sub σ⋆ σ (constr e Tss refl cs) = constr e (⋆.sub-VecList σ⋆ Tss) (sym (⋆.lookup-sub-VecList σ⋆ e Tss)) (sub-ConstrArgs σ⋆ σ cs)
sub σ⋆ σ (case L cases) = case (sub σ⋆ σ L) (sub-Cases σ⋆ σ  cases)

Extending a substitution by a term. Substitutions are implemented as functions but they could also be implemented as lists. This operation corresponds to cons (_∷_) for backwards lists.

subcons : (σ⋆ : ⋆.Sub Φ Ψ)
         (Sub Γ Δ σ⋆)
         Δ  ⋆.sub σ⋆ A
         Sub (Γ , A) Δ σ⋆
subcons _ σ L Z     = L
subcons _ σ L (S x) = σ x

Substitute a single variable in a term. Used to specify the beta-rule for appliction in reduction.

_[_] : Γ , A  B
      Γ  A
      Γ  B
L [ M ] = conv⊢
  (⋆.sub-id (typeOf L))
    (subcons ` (`  conv∋ refl (sym (⋆.sub-id _)))
    (conv⊢ refl (sym (⋆.sub-id (typeOf M))) M)) L)

Substitute a single type variable in a term. Used to specify the beta-rule for type instantiation in reduction.

_[_]⋆ : Γ ,⋆ K  B
       (A : Φ ⊢⋆ K)
       Γ  B ⋆.[ A ]
L [ A ]⋆ = sub
   {(T x) 
        conv⊢ refl (trans (sym (⋆.sub-id _)) (⋆.sub-ren (typeOf∋ x))) (` x)})