
Float-Delay Translation Phase

module VerifiedCompilation.UFloatDelay where


open import VerifiedCompilation.Equality using (DecEq; _≟_;decPointwise)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedViews using (Pred; isCase?; isApp?; isLambda?; isForce?; isBuiltin?; isConstr?; isDelay?; isTerm?; isVar?; allTerms?; iscase; isapp; islambda; isforce; isbuiltin; isconstr; isterm; allterms; isdelay; isvar)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedTranslation using (Translation; translation?; Relation; convert; reflexive)
open import Relation.Nullary using (_×-dec_)
open import Untyped using (_⊢; case; builtin; _·_; force; `; ƛ; delay; con; constr; error)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; _≢_)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Function using (case_of_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.List using (map; all)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
import Relation.Binary as Binary using (Decidable)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.List using (List)
open import Builtin using (Builtin)
open import RawU using (TmCon)
open import VerifiedCompilation.Purity using (UPure; isUPure?)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; all?)

  X : Set
  x x' y y' : X 

Translation Relation

This translation “floats” delays in applied terms into the abstraction, without inlining the whole term. This is separate from inlining because the added delay may make it seem like a substantial increase in code size, and so dissuade the inliner from executing. However, it may be that the laziness inside the resulting term is more computationally efficient.

This translation will only preserve semantics if the instances of the bound variable are under a force and if the applied term is “Pure”.

This requires a function to check all the bound variables are under force. The AllForced type is defined in terms of the de Brujin index of the bound variable, since this will be incremented under further lambdas.

data AllForced (X : Set) : X  (X )  Set where
  var : (v : X)  {v' : X}  v'  v  AllForced X v (` v')
  forced : (v : X)  AllForced X v (force (` v))
  force : (v : X)  AllForced X v x'  AllForced X v (force x')
  delay : (v : X)  AllForced X v x'  AllForced X v (delay x')
  ƛ : (v : X)  {t : (Maybe X) }
       AllForced (Maybe X) (just v) t
       AllForced X v (ƛ t)
  app : (v : X)
       AllForced X v x
       AllForced X v y
       AllForced X v (x · y)
  error : {v : X}  AllForced X v error
  builtin : {v : X}  {b : Builtin}  AllForced X v (builtin b)
  con : {v : X}  {c : TmCon}  AllForced X v (con c)
  case : (v : X)  {t : X } {ts : List (X )}
       AllForced X v t
       All (AllForced X v) ts
       AllForced X v (case t ts)
  constr : (v : X)  {i : } {xs : List (X )}
       All (AllForced X v) xs
       AllForced X v (constr i xs)

isAllForced? :   (v : X)  (t : X )  Dec (AllForced X v t)
isAllForced? v t with isForce? isTerm? t
... | yes (isforce (isterm t)) with isVar? t
...           | no ¬var with isAllForced? v t
...                       | yes allForced = yes (force v allForced)
...                       | no ¬allForced = no λ { (forced .v)  ¬var (isvar v) ; (force .v p)  ¬allForced p }
isAllForced? v t | yes (isforce (isterm _)) | yes (isvar v₁) with v₁  v
...                       | yes refl = yes (forced v)
...                       | no v₁≢v = yes (force v (var v v₁≢v))
isAllForced? v (` x) | no ¬force with x  v
... | yes refl = no λ { (var .v x≢v)  x≢v refl}
... | no x≢v = yes (var v x≢v)
isAllForced? {X} v (ƛ t) | no ¬force with isAllForced? {Maybe X} (just v) t
... | yes p = yes (ƛ v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (ƛ .v p)  ¬p p}
isAllForced? v (t₁ · t₂) | no ¬force with (isAllForced? v t₁) ×-dec (isAllForced? v t₂)
... | yes (pt₁ , pt₂) = yes (app v pt₁ pt₂)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (app .v x₁ x₂)  ¬p (x₁ , x₂)}
isAllForced? v (force t) | no ¬force = no λ { (forced .v)  ¬force (isforce (isterm t)) ; (force .v x)  ¬force (isforce (isterm t)) }
isAllForced? v (delay t) | no ¬force with isAllForced? v t
... | yes p = yes (delay v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (delay .v pp)  ¬p pp}
isAllForced? v (con x) | no ¬force = yes con
isAllForced? v (constr i xs) | no ¬force with all? (isAllForced? v) xs
... | yes p = yes (constr v p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (constr .v p)  ¬p p }
isAllForced? v (case t ts) | no ¬force with (isAllForced? v t) ×-dec (all? (isAllForced? v) ts)
... | yes (p₁ , p₂) = yes (case v p₁ p₂)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (case .v p₁ p₂)  ¬p ((p₁ , p₂)) }
isAllForced? v (builtin b) | no ¬force = yes builtin
isAllForced? v error | no ¬force = yes error

The delay needs to be added to all bound variables.

subs-delay : {X : Set}  (v : Maybe X)  (Maybe X )  (Maybe X )
subs-delay v (` x) with v  x
... | yes refl = (delay (` x))
... | no _ = (` x)
subs-delay v (ƛ t) = ƛ (subs-delay (just v) t) -- The de Brujin index has to be incremented
subs-delay v (t · t₁) = (subs-delay v t) · (subs-delay v t₁)
subs-delay v (force t) = force (subs-delay v t) -- This doesn't immediately apply Force-Delay
subs-delay v (delay t) = delay (subs-delay v t)
subs-delay v (con x) = con x
subs-delay v (constr i xs) = constr i (map (subs-delay v) xs)
subs-delay v (case t ts) = case (subs-delay v t) (map (subs-delay v) ts)
subs-delay v (builtin b) = builtin b
subs-delay v error = error

The translation relation is then fairly striaghtforward.

data FlD {X : Set}  : (X )  (X )  Set₁ where
  floatdelay : {y y' : X } {x x' : (Maybe X) }
           Translation FlD (subs-delay nothing x) x'
           Translation FlD y y'
           UPure X y'
           FlD (ƛ x · (delay y)) (ƛ x' · y')

FloatDelay : {X : Set}   (ast : X )  (ast' : X )  Set₁
FloatDelay = Translation FlD

Decision Procedure

isFloatDelay? : {X : Set}   Binary.Decidable (FloatDelay {X})

isFlD? : {X : Set}   Binary.Decidable (FlD {X})
isFlD? ast ast' with (isApp? (isLambda? isTerm?) (isDelay? isTerm?)) ast
... | no ¬match = no λ { (floatdelay x x₁ x₂)  ¬match ((isapp (islambda (isterm _)) (isdelay (isterm _)))) }
... | yes (isapp (islambda (isterm t₁)) (isdelay (isterm t₂))) with (isApp? (isLambda? isTerm?) isTerm?) ast'
... | no ¬match = no λ { (floatdelay x x₁ x₂)  ¬match ((isapp (islambda (isterm _)) (isterm _))) }
... | yes (isapp (islambda (isterm t₁')) (isterm t₂')) with (isFloatDelay? (subs-delay nothing t₁) t₁') ×-dec (isFloatDelay? t₂ t₂') ×-dec (isUPure? t₂')
... | no ¬p = no λ { (floatdelay x₁ x₂ x₃)  ¬p ((x₁ , x₂ , x₃))}
... | yes (p₁ , p₂ , pure) = yes (floatdelay p₁ p₂ pure)
isFloatDelay? = translation? isFlD?