Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Primitive names and functions for working with Plutus Core builtins.
- data BuiltinByteString
- appendByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- consByteString ∷ Integer → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- sliceByteString ∷ Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- lengthOfByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer
- indexByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → Integer
- emptyByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString
- equalsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- lessThanByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- lessThanEqualsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- greaterThanByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- greaterThanEqualsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- sha2_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- sha3_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- blake2b_224 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- blake2b_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- keccak_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- ripemd_160 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- verifyEd25519Signature ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- verifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool
- decodeUtf8 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinString
- newtype BuiltinByteStringHex = BuiltinByteStringHex {}
- newtype BuiltinByteStringUtf8 = BuiltinByteStringUtf8 {}
- data Integer
- addInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- subtractInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- multiplyInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- divideInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- modInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- quotientInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- remainderInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer
- greaterThanInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool
- greaterThanEqualsInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool
- lessThanInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool
- lessThanEqualsInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool
- equalsInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool
- expModInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Integer → Integer
- error ∷ () → a
- data BuiltinData
- chooseData ∷ ∀ a. BuiltinData → a → a → a → a → a → a
- caseData' ∷ (Integer → BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (BuiltinList (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) → r) → (BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → BuiltinData → r
- caseData ∷ (Integer → [BuiltinData] → r) → ([(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → r) → ([BuiltinData] → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → BuiltinData → r
- matchData ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer → [BuiltinData] → r) → ([(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → r) → ([BuiltinData] → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → r
- matchData' ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer → BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (BuiltinList (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) → r) → (BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → r
- equalsData ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinData → Bool
- serialiseData ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinByteString
- mkConstr ∷ Integer → [BuiltinData] → BuiltinData
- mkMap ∷ [(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → BuiltinData
- mkList ∷ [BuiltinData] → BuiltinData
- mkI ∷ Integer → BuiltinData
- mkB ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinData
- unsafeDataAsConstr ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer, [BuiltinData])
- unsafeDataAsMap ∷ BuiltinData → [(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)]
- unsafeDataAsList ∷ BuiltinData → [BuiltinData]
- unsafeDataAsI ∷ BuiltinData → Integer
- unsafeDataAsB ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinByteString
- builtinDataToData ∷ BuiltinData → Data
- dataToBuiltinData ∷ Data → BuiltinData
- data BuiltinString
- appendString ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinString → BuiltinString
- emptyString ∷ BuiltinString
- equalsString ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinString → Bool
- encodeUtf8 ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinByteString
- pairToPair ∷ BuiltinPair a b → (a, b)
- mkNil ∷ MkNil arep ⇒ BuiltinList arep
- mkNilOpaque ∷ BuiltinList a
- null ∷ ∀ a. BuiltinList a → Bool
- caseList' ∷ ∀ a r. r → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → BuiltinList a → r
- caseList ∷ ∀ a r. (() → r) → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → BuiltinList a → r
- matchList ∷ ∀ a r. BuiltinList a → (() → r) → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → r
- matchList' ∷ ∀ a r. BuiltinList a → r → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → r
- headMaybe ∷ BuiltinList a → Maybe a
- head ∷ BuiltinList a → a
- tail ∷ BuiltinList a → BuiltinList a
- drop ∷ Integer → BuiltinList a → BuiltinList a
- uncons ∷ BuiltinList a → Maybe (a, BuiltinList a)
- unsafeUncons ∷ BuiltinList a → (a, BuiltinList a)
- data BuiltinArray a
- listToArray ∷ BuiltinList a → BuiltinArray a
- sopListToArray ∷ (HasToOpaque a arep, MkNil arep) ⇒ [a] → BuiltinArray arep
- lengthOfArray ∷ BuiltinArray a → BuiltinInteger
- indexArray ∷ BuiltinArray a → BuiltinInteger → a
- trace ∷ BuiltinString → a → a
- data BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_equals ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → Bool
- bls12_381_G1_add ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_scalarMul ∷ Integer → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_neg ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_compress ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinByteString
- bls12_381_G1_uncompress ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_hashToGroup ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
- bls12_381_G1_compressed_zero ∷ BuiltinByteString
- bls12_381_G1_compressed_generator ∷ BuiltinByteString
- data BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_equals ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → Bool
- bls12_381_G2_add ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_scalarMul ∷ Integer → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_neg ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_compress ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinByteString
- bls12_381_G2_uncompress ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_hashToGroup ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
- bls12_381_G2_compressed_zero ∷ BuiltinByteString
- bls12_381_G2_compressed_generator ∷ BuiltinByteString
- data BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult
- bls12_381_millerLoop ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult
- bls12_381_mulMlResult ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult
- bls12_381_finalVerify ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → Bool
- fromOpaque ∷ HasFromOpaque arep a ⇒ arep → a
- toOpaque ∷ HasToOpaque a arep ⇒ a → arep
- useToOpaque ∷ a → a
- useFromOpaque ∷ a → a
- fromBuiltin ∷ HasFromBuiltin arep ⇒ arep → FromBuiltin arep
- toBuiltin ∷ HasToBuiltin a ⇒ a → ToBuiltin a
- data ByteOrder
- integerToByteString ∷ ByteOrder → Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString
- byteStringToInteger ∷ ByteOrder → BuiltinByteString → Integer
- andByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- orByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- xorByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- complementByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString
- readBit ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → Bool
- writeBits ∷ BuiltinByteString → [Integer] → Bool → BuiltinByteString
- replicateByte ∷ Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString
- shiftByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → BuiltinByteString
- rotateByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → BuiltinByteString
- countSetBits ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer
- findFirstSetBit ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer
Bytestring builtins
data BuiltinByteString Source #
An opaque type representing Plutus Core ByteStrings.
appendByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Concatenates two ByteString
consByteString ∷ Integer → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Adds a byte to the front of a ByteString
sliceByteString ∷ Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Returns the substring of a ByteString
from index start
of length n
lengthOfByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer Source #
Returns the length of a ByteString
indexByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → Integer Source #
Returns the byte of a ByteString
at index.
emptyByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString Source #
An empty ByteString
equalsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool Source #
Check if two ByteString
s are equal.
lessThanByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool Source #
Check if one ByteString
is less than another.
lessThanEqualsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool Source #
Check if one ByteString
is less than or equal to another.
greaterThanByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool Source #
Check if one ByteString
is greater than another.
greaterThanEqualsByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → Bool Source #
Check if one ByteString
is greater than another.
sha2_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The SHA2-256 hash of a ByteString
sha3_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The SHA3-256 hash of a ByteString
blake2b_224 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The BLAKE2B-224 hash of a ByteString
blake2b_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The BLAKE2B-256 hash of a ByteString
keccak_256 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The KECCAK-256 hash of a ByteString
ripemd_160 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
The RIPEMD-160 hash of a ByteString
verifyEd25519Signature Source #
∷ BuiltinByteString | Public Key (32 bytes) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Message (arbirtary length) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Signature (64 bytes) |
→ Bool |
Ed25519 signature verification. Verify that the signature is a signature of the message by the public key. This will fail if key or the signature are not of the expected length.
verifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature Source #
∷ BuiltinByteString | Verification key (33 bytes) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Message hash (32 bytes) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Signature (64 bytes) |
→ Bool |
Given an ECDSA SECP256k1 verification key, an ECDSA SECP256k1 signature,
and an ECDSA SECP256k1 message hash (all as BuiltinByteString
s), verify the
hash with that key and signature.
There are additional well-formation requirements for the arguments beyond their length:
- The first byte of the public key must correspond to the sign of the y
coordinate: this is
if y is even, and0x03
otherwise. - The remaining bytes of the public key must correspond to the x coordinate, as a big-endian integer.
- The first 32 bytes of the signature must correspond to the big-endian integer representation of _r_.
- The last 32 bytes of the signature must correspond to the big-endian integer representation of _s_.
While this primitive accepts a hash, any caller should only pass it hashes that they computed themselves: specifically, they should receive the message from a sender and hash it, rather than receiving the hash from said sender. Failure to do so can be dangerous. Other than length, we make no requirements of what hash gets used.
See also
; this implements the format for the verification key that we accept, given a length argument of 33 and theSECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED
; this implements the format for the signature that we accept.
verifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature Source #
∷ BuiltinByteString | Verification key (32 bytes) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Message (arbitrary length) |
→ BuiltinByteString | Signature (64 bytes) |
→ Bool |
Given a Schnorr SECP256k1 verification key, a Schnorr SECP256k1 signature,
and a message (all as BuiltinByteString
s), verify the message with that key
and signature.
There are additional well-formation requirements for the arguments beyond
their length. Throughout, we refer to co-ordinates of the point R
- The bytes of the public key must correspond to the x coordinate, as a big-endian integer, as specified in BIP-340.
- The first 32 bytes of the signature must correspond to the x coordinate, as a big-endian integer, as specified in BIP-340.
- The last 32 bytes of the signature must correspond to the bytes of s, as a big-endian integer, as specified in BIP-340.
See also
- BIP-340
; this implements the format for the verification key that we accept.secp256k1_schnorrsig_sign
; this implements the signing logic for signatures this builtin can verify.
decodeUtf8 ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinString Source #
Converts a ByteString to a String.
newtype BuiltinByteStringHex Source #
BuiltinByteStringHex | |
newtype BuiltinByteStringUtf8 Source #
BuiltinByteStringUtf8 | |
Integer builtins
Arbitrary precision integers. In contrast with fixed-size integral types
such as Int
, the Integer
type represents the entire infinite range of
Integers are stored in a kind of sign-magnitude form, hence do not expect two's complement form when using bit operations.
If the value is small (fit into an Int
), IS
constructor is used.
Otherwise Integer
and IN
constructors are used to store a BigNat
representing respectively the positive or the negative value magnitude.
Invariant: Integer
and IN
are used iff value doesn't fit in IS
greaterThanInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool Source #
Check whether one Integer
is greater than another.
greaterThanEqualsInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool Source #
Check whether one Integer
is greater than or equal to another.
lessThanEqualsInteger ∷ Integer → Integer → Bool Source #
Check whether one Integer
is less than or equal to another.
data BuiltinData Source #
A type corresponding to the Plutus Core builtin equivalent of Data
The point of this type is to be an opaque equivalent of Data
, so as to
ensure that it is only used in ways that the compiler can handle.
As such, you should use this type in your on-chain code, and in any data structures that you want to be representable on-chain.
For off-chain usage, there are conversion functions builtinDataToData
, but note that these will not work on-chain.
chooseData ∷ ∀ a. BuiltinData → a → a → a → a → a → a Source #
Given five values for the five different constructors of BuiltinData
, selects
one depending on which corresponds to the actual constructor of the given value.
caseData' ∷ (Integer → BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (BuiltinList (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) → r) → (BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → BuiltinData → r Source #
caseData ∷ (Integer → [BuiltinData] → r) → ([(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → r) → ([BuiltinData] → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → BuiltinData → r Source #
matchData ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer → [BuiltinData] → r) → ([(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → r) → ([BuiltinData] → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → r Source #
Given a BuiltinData
value and matching functions for the five constructors,
applies the appropriate matcher to the arguments of the constructor and returns the result.
matchData' ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer → BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (BuiltinList (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) → r) → (BuiltinList BuiltinData → r) → (Integer → r) → (BuiltinByteString → r) → r Source #
equalsData ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinData → Bool Source #
Check if two BuiltinData
s are equal.
serialiseData ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinByteString Source #
Convert a String into a ByteString.
mkConstr ∷ Integer → [BuiltinData] → BuiltinData Source #
Constructs a BuiltinData
value with the Constr
mkMap ∷ [(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] → BuiltinData Source #
Constructs a BuiltinData
value with the Map
mkList ∷ [BuiltinData] → BuiltinData Source #
Constructs a BuiltinData
value with the List
mkI ∷ Integer → BuiltinData Source #
Constructs a BuiltinData
value with the I
mkB ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinData Source #
Constructs a BuiltinData
value with the B
unsafeDataAsConstr ∷ BuiltinData → (Integer, [BuiltinData]) Source #
Deconstructs a BuiltinData
as a Constr
, or fails if it is not one.
unsafeDataAsMap ∷ BuiltinData → [(BuiltinData, BuiltinData)] Source #
Deconstructs a BuiltinData
as a Map
, or fails if it is not one.
unsafeDataAsList ∷ BuiltinData → [BuiltinData] Source #
Deconstructs a BuiltinData
as a List
, or fails if it is not one.
unsafeDataAsI ∷ BuiltinData → Integer Source #
Deconstructs a BuiltinData
as an I
, or fails if it is not one.
unsafeDataAsB ∷ BuiltinData → BuiltinByteString Source #
Deconstructs a BuiltinData
as a B
, or fails if it is not one.
builtinDataToData ∷ BuiltinData → Data Source #
Convert a BuiltinData
into a Data
. Only works off-chain.
dataToBuiltinData ∷ Data → BuiltinData Source #
Convert a Data
into a BuiltinData
. Only works off-chain.
data BuiltinString Source #
appendString ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinString → BuiltinString Source #
Append two String
emptyString ∷ BuiltinString Source #
An empty String
equalsString ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinString → Bool Source #
Check if two strings are equal
encodeUtf8 ∷ BuiltinString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Convert a String into a ByteString.
pairToPair ∷ BuiltinPair a b → (a, b) Source #
Turn a builtin pair into a normal pair, useful in patterns.
mkNil ∷ MkNil arep ⇒ BuiltinList arep Source #
mkNilOpaque ∷ BuiltinList a Source #
The empty list of elements of the given type that gets spotted by the plugin (grep for
in the plugin code) and replaced by the actual empty list constant for types that
are supported (a subset of built-in types).
null ∷ ∀ a. BuiltinList a → Bool Source #
caseList' ∷ ∀ a r. r → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → BuiltinList a → r Source #
caseList ∷ ∀ a r. (() → r) → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → BuiltinList a → r Source #
matchList ∷ ∀ a r. BuiltinList a → (() → r) → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → r Source #
matchList' ∷ ∀ a r. BuiltinList a → r → (a → BuiltinList a → r) → r Source #
headMaybe ∷ BuiltinList a → Maybe a Source #
head ∷ BuiltinList a → a Source #
tail ∷ BuiltinList a → BuiltinList a Source #
drop ∷ Integer → BuiltinList a → BuiltinList a Source #
uncons ∷ BuiltinList a → Maybe (a, BuiltinList a) Source #
Uncons a builtin list, failing if the list is empty, useful in patterns.
unsafeUncons ∷ BuiltinList a → (a, BuiltinList a) Source #
Uncons a builtin list, failing if the list is empty, useful in patterns.
data BuiltinArray a Source #
listToArray ∷ BuiltinList a → BuiltinArray a Source #
sopListToArray ∷ (HasToOpaque a arep, MkNil arep) ⇒ [a] → BuiltinArray arep Source #
indexArray ∷ BuiltinArray a → BuiltinInteger → a Source #
trace ∷ BuiltinString → a → a Source #
Emit the given string as a trace message before evaluating the argument.
data BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element Source #
bls12_381_G1_add ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element Source #
bls12_381_G1_scalarMul ∷ Integer → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element Source #
bls12_381_G1_hashToGroup ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element Source #
data BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element Source #
bls12_381_G2_add ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element Source #
bls12_381_G2_scalarMul ∷ Integer → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element Source #
bls12_381_G2_hashToGroup ∷ BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element Source #
data BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult Source #
bls12_381_millerLoop ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult Source #
bls12_381_mulMlResult ∷ BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult → BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult Source #
fromOpaque ∷ HasFromOpaque arep a ⇒ arep → a Source #
toOpaque ∷ HasToOpaque a arep ⇒ a → arep Source #
useToOpaque ∷ a → a Source #
useFromOpaque ∷ a → a Source #
fromBuiltin ∷ HasFromBuiltin arep ⇒ arep → FromBuiltin arep Source #
toBuiltin ∷ HasToBuiltin a ⇒ a → ToBuiltin a Source #
Byte ordering.
BigEndian | most-significant-byte occurs in lowest address. |
LittleEndian | least-significant-byte occurs in lowest address. |
Bounded ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Enum ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Defined in GHC.ByteOrder Methods succ ∷ ByteOrder → ByteOrder Source # pred ∷ ByteOrder → ByteOrder Source # toEnum ∷ Int → ByteOrder Source # fromEnum ∷ ByteOrder → Int Source # enumFrom ∷ ByteOrder → [ByteOrder] Source # enumFromThen ∷ ByteOrder → ByteOrder → [ByteOrder] Source # enumFromTo ∷ ByteOrder → ByteOrder → [ByteOrder] Source # enumFromThenTo ∷ ByteOrder → ByteOrder → ByteOrder → [ByteOrder] Source # | |
Generic ByteOrder | |
Read ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Show ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Eq ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Ord ByteOrder | Since: base- |
Defined in GHC.ByteOrder | |
type Rep ByteOrder | Since: base- |
integerToByteString ∷ ByteOrder → Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString Source #
Convert a BuiltinInteger
into a BuiltinByteString
, as described in
The first argument indicates the endianness of the conversion and the third
argument is the integer to be converted, which must be non-negative. The
second argument must also be non-negative and it indicates the required width
of the output. If the width is zero then the output is the smallest
bytestring which can contain the converted input (and in this case, the
integer 0 encodes to the empty bytestring). If the width is nonzero then the
output bytestring will be padded to the required width with 0x00 bytes (on
the left for big-endian conversions and on the right for little-endian
conversions); if the input integer is too big to fit into a bytestring of the
specified width then the conversion will fail. Conversion will also fail if
the specified width is greater than 8192 or the input integer is too big to
fit into a bytestring of length 8192.
byteStringToInteger ∷ ByteOrder → BuiltinByteString → Integer Source #
Convert a BuiltinByteString
to a BuiltinInteger
, as described in
The first argument indicates the endianness of the conversion and the second
is the bytestring to be converted. There is no limitation on the size of
the bytestring. The empty bytestring is converted to the integer 0.
andByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Perform logical AND on two BuiltinByteString
arguments, as described in
The first argument indicates whether padding semantics should be used or not;
if False
, truncation semantics will be used instead.
See also
orByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Perform logical OR on two BuiltinByteString
arguments, as described
The first argument indicates whether padding semantics should be used or not;
if False
, truncation semantics will be used instead.
See also
xorByteString ∷ Bool → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString → BuiltinByteString Source #
Perform logical XOR on two BuiltinByteString
arguments, as described
The first argument indicates whether padding semantics should be used or not;
if False
, truncation semantics will be used instead.
See also
readBit ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → Bool Source #
Read a bit at the _bit_ index given by the Integer
argument in the
argument. The result will be True
if the corresponding bit is set, and
if it is clear. Will error if given an out-of-bounds index argument; that is, if the
index is either negative, or equal to or greater than the total number of bits in the
See also
writeBits ∷ BuiltinByteString → [Integer] → Bool → BuiltinByteString Source #
Given a BuiltinByteString
, a list of indexes to change, and a boolean
value b
to change those indexes to, set the bit at each of the specified
index as follows:
- If
, set that bit; - Otherwise, clear that bit.
Will error if any of the indexes are out-of-bounds: that is, if the index is either negative, or
equal to or greater than the total number of bits in the BuiltinByteString
This differs slightly from the description of the corresponding operation in CIP-122; instead of a single changelist argument comprised of pairs, we instead pass a single list of indexes to change, and a single boolean value to change those indexes to. The original proposal allowed one to set and clear bits in a single operation, but constructing the list of boolean values for the updates was somewhat expensive. If it's really necessary to set some bits and clear others then it is easier to call the function twice, once to set bits and and once to clear them.
See also
replicateByte ∷ Integer → Integer → BuiltinByteString Source #
Given a length (first argument) and a byte (second argument), produce a BuiltinByteString
that length, with that byte in every position. Will error if given a negative length, or a second
argument that isn't a byte (less than 0, greater than 255).
See also
shiftByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → BuiltinByteString Source #
Shift a BuiltinByteString
, as per
rotateByteString ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer → BuiltinByteString Source #
Rotate a BuiltinByteString
, as per
countSetBits ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer Source #
Count the set bits in a BuiltinByteString
, as per
findFirstSetBit ∷ BuiltinByteString → Integer Source #
Find the lowest index of a set bit in a BuiltinByteString
, as per
If given a BuiltinByteString
which consists only of zero bytes (including the empty
, this returns -1