{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances     #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-specialise #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-omit-interface-pragmas #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module PlutusTx.Builtins.HasOpaque where

import PlutusTx.Base (id, ($))
import PlutusTx.Bool (Bool (..))
import PlutusTx.Builtins.Internal

import Data.Kind qualified as GHC
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Prelude qualified as Haskell (String)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,20,0)
import Prelude (type (~))

{- Note [GHC.Magic.noinline]
For some functions we have two conflicting desires:
- We want to have the unfolding available for the plugin.
- We don't want the function to *actually* get inlined before the plugin runs, since we rely
on being able to see the original function for some reason.

'INLINABLE' achieves the first, but may cause the function to be inlined too soon.

We can solve this at specific call sites by using the 'noinline' magic function from
GHC. This stops GHC from inlining it. As a bonus, it also won't be inlined if
that function is compiled later into the body of another function.

We do therefore need to handle 'noinline' in the plugin, as it itself does not have
an unfolding.

stringToBuiltinByteString :: Haskell.String -> BuiltinByteString
stringToBuiltinByteString :: String -> BuiltinByteString
stringToBuiltinByteString String
str = BuiltinString -> BuiltinByteString
encodeUtf8 (BuiltinString -> BuiltinByteString)
-> BuiltinString -> BuiltinByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> BuiltinString
stringToBuiltinString String
{-# OPAQUE stringToBuiltinByteString #-}

stringToBuiltinString :: Haskell.String -> BuiltinString
stringToBuiltinString :: String -> BuiltinString
stringToBuiltinString String
str = Text -> BuiltinString
BuiltinString (String -> Text
Text.pack String
{-# OPAQUE stringToBuiltinString #-}

instance IsString BuiltinByteString where
    -- Try and make sure the dictionary selector goes away, it's simpler to match on
    -- the application of 'stringToBuiltinByteString'
    fromString :: String -> BuiltinByteString
fromString = String -> BuiltinByteString
    {-# INLINE fromString #-}

-- We can't put this in `Builtins.hs`, since that force `O0` deliberately, which prevents
-- the unfoldings from going in. So we just stick it here. Fiddly.
instance IsString BuiltinString where
    -- Try and make sure the dictionary selector goes away, it's simpler to match on
    -- the application of 'stringToBuiltinString'
    fromString :: String -> BuiltinString
fromString = String -> BuiltinString
    {-# INLINE fromString #-}

{- Note [Built-in types and their Haskell counterparts]
'HasToBuiltin' allows us to convert a value of a built-in type such as 'ByteString' to its Plutus
Tx counterpart, 'BuiltinByteString' in this case. The idea is the same for all built-in types: just
take the Haskell version and make it the Plutus Tx one.

'HasToOpaque' is different, we use it for converting values of only those built-in types that exist
in the Plutus Tx realm, within the Plutus Tx realm. I.e. we cannot convert a 'ByteString', since
'ByteString's don't exist in Plutus Tx, only 'BuiltinByteString's do.

Consider, say, the built-in pair type. In Plutus Tx, we have an (opaque) type for this. It's opaque
because you can't actually pattern match on it, instead you can only in fact use the specific
functions that are available as builtins.

We _also_ have the normal Haskell pair type. This is very different: you can pattern match on it,
and you can use whatever user-defined functions you like on it.

Users would really like to use the latter, and not the former. So we often want to _wrap_ our
built-in functions with little adapters that convert between the opaque "version" of a
type and the "normal Haskell" "version" of a type.

This is what the 'HasToOpaque' and 'HasFromOpaque' classes do. They let us write wrappers for
builtins relatively consistently by just calling 'toOpaque' on their arguments and 'fromOpaque' on
the result. They shouldn't probably be used otherwise.

Ideally, we would not have instances for types which don't have a different Haskell representation
type, such as 'Integer'. 'Integer' in Plutus Tx user code _is_ the opaque built-in type, we don't
expose a different one. So there's no conversion to do. However, this interacts badly with the
instances for polymorphic built-in types, which also convert the type _inside_ them. (This is
necessary to avoid doing multiple traversals of the type, e.g. we don't want to turn a built-in list
into a Haskell list, and then traverse it again to conver the contents). Then we _need_ instances
for all built-in types, so we provide a @default@ implementation for both 'toOpaque' and
'fromOpaque' that simply returns the argument back and use it for those types that don't require any

Summarizing, 'toBuiltin'/'fromBuiltin' should be used to cross the boundary between Plutus Tx and
Haskell, while 'toOpaque'/'fromOpaque' should be used within Plutus Tx to convert values to/from
their @Builtin*@ representation, which we need because neither pattern matching nor standard library
functions are available for values of @Builtin*@ types that we get from built-in functions.

{- Note [HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque instances for polymorphic builtin types]
For various technical reasons
(see Note [Representable built-in functions over polymorphic built-in types])
it's not always easy to provide polymorphic constructors for built-in types, but we can usually
provide destructors.

What this means in practice is that we can write a generic 'HasFromOpaque' instance for pairs that
makes use of polymorphic @fst@/@snd@ builtins, but we can't write a polymorphic 'ToOpaque' instance
because we'd need a polymorphic version of the '(,)' constructor.

Instead we write monomorphic instances corresponding to monomorphic constructor builtins that we add
for specific purposes.

{- Note [Fundeps versus type families in HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque]
We could use a type family here to get the builtin representation of a type. After all, it's
entirely determined by the Haskell type.

However, this is harder for the plugin to deal with. It's okay to have a type variable for the
representation type that needs to be instantiated later, but it's *not* okay to have an irreducible
type application on a type variable. So fundeps are much nicer here.

-- See Note [Built-in types and their Haskell counterparts].
-- See Note [HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque instances for polymorphic builtin types].
-- See Note [Fundeps versus type families in HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque].
-- | A class for converting values of transparent Haskell-defined built-in types (such as '()',
-- 'Bool', '[]' etc) to their opaque Plutus Tx counterparts. Instances for built-in types that are
-- not transparent are provided as well, simply as identities, since those types are already opaque.
type HasToOpaque :: GHC.Type -> GHC.Type -> GHC.Constraint
class HasToOpaque a arep | a -> arep where
    toOpaque :: a -> arep
    default toOpaque :: a ~ arep => a -> arep
    toOpaque = a -> a
a -> arep
forall a. a -> a
    {-# INLINABLE toOpaque #-}

-- See Note [Built-in types and their Haskell counterparts].
-- See Note [HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque instances for polymorphic builtin types].
-- See Note [Fundeps versus type families in HasFromOpaque/HasToOpaque].
-- | A class for converting values of opaque Plutus Tx types to their transparent Haskell-defined
-- counterparts (a.k.a. pattern-matchable) built-in types (such as '()', 'Bool', '[]' etc). If no
-- transparent counterpart exists, then the implementation is identity.
type HasFromOpaque :: GHC.Type -> GHC.Type -> GHC.Constraint
class HasFromOpaque arep a | arep -> a where
    fromOpaque :: arep -> a
    default fromOpaque :: a ~ arep => arep -> a
    fromOpaque = arep -> arep
arep -> a
forall a. a -> a
    {-# INLINABLE fromOpaque #-}

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinInteger BuiltinInteger
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinInteger BuiltinInteger

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinByteString BuiltinByteString
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinByteString BuiltinByteString

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinString BuiltinString
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinString BuiltinString

{- Note [Strict conversions to/from unit]
Converting to/from unit *should* be straightforward: just `const ()`.
*But* GHC is very good at optimizing this, and we sometimes use unit
where side effects matter, e.g. as the result of `trace`. So GHC will
tend to turn `fromOpaque (trace s)` into `()`, which is wrong.

So we want our conversions to/from unit to be strict in Haskell. This
means we need to case pointlessly on the argument, which means we need
case on unit (`chooseUnit`) as a builtin. But then it all works okay.

-- See Note [Strict conversions to/from unit].
instance HasToOpaque () BuiltinUnit where
    toOpaque :: () -> BuiltinUnit
toOpaque ()
x = case ()
x of () -> BuiltinUnit
    {-# INLINABLE toOpaque #-}
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinUnit () where
    fromOpaque :: BuiltinUnit -> ()
fromOpaque BuiltinUnit
u = BuiltinUnit -> () -> ()
forall a. BuiltinUnit -> a -> a
chooseUnit BuiltinUnit
u ()
    {-# INLINABLE fromOpaque #-}

instance HasToOpaque Bool BuiltinBool where
    toOpaque :: Bool -> BuiltinBool
toOpaque Bool
b = if Bool
b then BuiltinBool
true else BuiltinBool
    {-# INLINABLE toOpaque #-}
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinBool Bool where
    fromOpaque :: BuiltinBool -> Bool
fromOpaque BuiltinBool
b = BuiltinBool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
forall a. BuiltinBool -> a -> a -> a
ifThenElse BuiltinBool
b Bool
True Bool
    {-# INLINABLE fromOpaque #-}

-- | The empty list of elements of the given type that gets spotted by the plugin (grep for
-- 'mkNilOpaque' in the plugin code) and replaced by the actual empty list constant for types that
-- are supported (a subset of built-in types).
mkNilOpaque :: BuiltinList a
mkNilOpaque :: forall a. BuiltinList a
mkNilOpaque = [a] -> BuiltinList a
forall a. [a] -> BuiltinList a
BuiltinList []
{-# OPAQUE mkNilOpaque #-}

class MkNil arep where
    mkNil :: BuiltinList arep
    mkNil = BuiltinList arep
forall a. BuiltinList a
instance MkNil BuiltinInteger
instance MkNil BuiltinBool
instance MkNil BuiltinData
instance MkNil (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)

instance (HasToOpaque a arep, MkNil arep) => HasToOpaque [a] (BuiltinList arep) where
    toOpaque :: [a] -> BuiltinList arep
toOpaque = [a] -> BuiltinList arep
goList where
        goList :: [a] -> BuiltinList arep
        goList :: [a] -> BuiltinList arep
goList []     = BuiltinList arep
forall arep. MkNil arep => BuiltinList arep
        goList (a
ds) = arep -> BuiltinList arep -> BuiltinList arep
forall a. a -> BuiltinList a -> BuiltinList a
mkCons (a -> arep
forall a arep. HasToOpaque a arep => a -> arep
toOpaque a
d) ([a] -> BuiltinList arep
goList [a]
    {-# INLINABLE toOpaque #-}
instance HasFromOpaque arep a => HasFromOpaque (BuiltinList arep) [a] where
    fromOpaque :: BuiltinList arep -> [a]
fromOpaque = BuiltinList arep -> [a]
          -- The combination of both INLINABLE and a type signature seems to stop this getting
          -- lifted to the top level, which means it gets a proper unfolding, which means that
          -- specialization can work, which can actually help quite a bit here.
          go :: BuiltinList arep -> [a]
          -- Note that we are using builtin chooseList here so this is *strict* application! So we
          -- need to do the manual laziness ourselves.
          go :: BuiltinList arep -> [a]
go BuiltinList arep
l = BuiltinList arep
-> (BuiltinUnit -> [a])
-> (BuiltinUnit -> [a])
-> BuiltinUnit
-> [a]
forall a b. BuiltinList a -> b -> b -> b
chooseList BuiltinList arep
l (\BuiltinUnit
_ -> []) (\BuiltinUnit
_ -> arep -> a
forall arep a. HasFromOpaque arep a => arep -> a
fromOpaque (BuiltinList arep -> arep
forall a. BuiltinList a -> a
head BuiltinList arep
l) a -> [a] -> [a]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: BuiltinList arep -> [a]
go (BuiltinList arep -> BuiltinList arep
forall a. BuiltinList a -> BuiltinList a
tail BuiltinList arep
l)) BuiltinUnit
          {-# INLINABLE go #-}
    {-# INLINABLE fromOpaque #-}

instance HasToOpaque (BuiltinData, BuiltinData) (BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) where
    toOpaque :: (BuiltinData, BuiltinData) -> BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData
toOpaque (BuiltinData
d1, BuiltinData
d2) = BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData
mkPairData (BuiltinData -> BuiltinData
forall a arep. HasToOpaque a arep => a -> arep
toOpaque BuiltinData
d1) (BuiltinData -> BuiltinData
forall a arep. HasToOpaque a arep => a -> arep
toOpaque BuiltinData
    {-# INLINABLE toOpaque #-}
instance (HasFromOpaque arep a, HasFromOpaque brep b) =>
        HasFromOpaque (BuiltinPair arep brep) (a, b) where
    fromOpaque :: BuiltinPair arep brep -> (a, b)
fromOpaque BuiltinPair arep brep
p = (arep -> a
forall arep a. HasFromOpaque arep a => arep -> a
fromOpaque (arep -> a) -> arep -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ BuiltinPair arep brep -> arep
forall a b. BuiltinPair a b -> a
fst BuiltinPair arep brep
p, brep -> b
forall arep a. HasFromOpaque arep a => arep -> a
fromOpaque (brep -> b) -> brep -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ BuiltinPair arep brep -> brep
forall a b. BuiltinPair a b -> b
snd BuiltinPair arep brep
    {-# INLINABLE fromOpaque #-}

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinData BuiltinData
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinData BuiltinData

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element BuiltinBLS12_381_G1_Element

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element BuiltinBLS12_381_G2_Element

instance HasToOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult
instance HasFromOpaque BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult BuiltinBLS12_381_MlResult