
Force-Delay Translation Phase

module VerifiedCompilation.UForceDelay where


open import VerifiedCompilation.Equality using (DecEq; _≟_; decPointwise)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedViews using (Pred; isCase?; isApp?; isLambda?; isForce?; isBuiltin?; isConstr?; isDelay?; isTerm?; allTerms?; iscase; isapp; islambda; isforce; isbuiltin; isconstr; isterm; allterms; isdelay)
open import VerifiedCompilation.UntypedTranslation using (Translation; TransMatch; translation?; Relation; convert; reflexive)
open import Relation.Nullary using (_×-dec_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
import Relation.Binary as Binary using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Untyped using (_⊢; case; builtin; _·_; force; `; ƛ; delay; con; constr; error)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (cong)
open import Data.Empty using ()
open import Agda.Builtin.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Untyped.RenamingSubstitution using (weaken)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])

Translation Relation

The Force-Delay translation removes the redundant application of the force operator to the delay operator.

The simplest case of this is where there is a direct application force (delay t) that simply cancels out. However, the translation also applies to nested or repeated applications, e.g. force (force (delay (delay t))).

Additionally, the translation applies where there is a Lambda abstraction paired with an application, so force (ƛ (delay t) · t₂) for example. There can be multiple abstractions and applications, so long as they cancel out precisely.

pureFD is a mathematical expression of the relation. FD is more amenable to building a decision procedure. Ultimately they should be equivalent.

data pureFD {X : Set}  : X   X   Set₁ where
  forcedelay : {x x' : X }  pureFD x x'  pureFD (force (delay x)) x'
  pushfd : {x x' : Maybe X }  {y y' : X }
          pureFD x x'
          pureFD y y'
          pureFD (force ((ƛ x) · y)) ((ƛ (force x')) · y')
  _⨾_ : {x x'' x' : X }
          pureFD x x''
          pureFD x'' x'
          pureFD x x'
  translationfd : {x x' : X }
          Translation pureFD x x'
          pureFD x x'

  appfd : {x : Maybe X }  {y z : X }  pureFD (((ƛ x) · y) · z) (ƛ (x · (weaken z)) · y)
  appfd⁻¹ : {x : Maybe X }  {y z : X }  pureFD (ƛ (x · (weaken z)) · y) (((ƛ x) · y) · z)

_ : pureFD {Maybe } (force (delay (` nothing))) (` nothing)
_ = forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.var))

forceappdelay : pureFD {Maybe } (force ((ƛ (delay (` nothing))) · (` nothing))) ((ƛ (` nothing)) · (` nothing))
forceappdelay = (pushfd (translationfd (Translation.match
                                         (TransMatch.delay (Translation.match TransMatch.var)))) (translationfd reflexive))  (translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation
                                                                                                                                                          (forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.var)))))) (Translation.match TransMatch.var))))

_ : pureFD {Maybe } (force (force (delay (delay error)))) error
_ = translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive)))))  forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.error))

_ : pureFD {Maybe } (force (force (ƛ (ƛ (delay (delay (` nothing))) · (` nothing)) · (` nothing)))) (ƛ (ƛ (` nothing) · (` nothing)) · (` nothing))
_ = (translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))))))  ((translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))))) reflexive)))))  ( pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive)  ((translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))))) reflexive)))  (translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation ((translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.delay (Translation.match TransMatch.var)))))))))  (forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.var))))))) reflexive)))) reflexive))))))

test4 : {X : Set}  {N : Maybe (Maybe X) } {M M' : X }  pureFD (force (((ƛ (ƛ (delay N))) · M) · M')) (((ƛ (ƛ N)) · M) · M')
test4 = (translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.istranslation appfd))))  ((pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))  ((translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))))) reflexive )))  (translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive))))) reflexive)))) reflexive))  appfd⁻¹)))

data FD {X : Set}  :     X   X   Set₁ where
  forcefd : (n nₐ : )  {x x' : X }
                   FD (suc n) nₐ x x'  FD n nₐ (force x) x'
  delayfd : (n nₐ : )  {x x' : X }
                  FD n nₐ x x'  FD (suc n) nₐ (delay x) x'
  lastdelay : (n nₐ : )  {x x' : X }
                  Translation (FD zero zero) x x'
                  FD (suc zero) zero (delay x) x'
  multiappliedfd : (n nₐ : )  {x y x' y' : X }
                  Translation (FD zero zero) y y'
                  FD n (suc nₐ) (force x) x'
                  FD n nₐ (force (x · y)) (x' · y')
  multiabstractfd : (n nₐ : )  {x x' : Maybe X }
                    FD n nₐ (force x) x'
                    FD n (suc nₐ) (force (ƛ x)) (ƛ x')

_ : FD {} zero zero (force (ƛ (delay error) · error)) (ƛ error · error)
_ = multiappliedfd zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.error)
     (multiabstractfd zero zero
      (forcefd zero zero (lastdelay zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))

_ : FD {} zero zero (force (delay error)) error
_ = forcefd zero zero (lastdelay zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.error))

_ : FD {} zero zero (force (force (delay (delay error)))) error
_ = forcefd zero zero
     (forcefd 1 zero
      (delayfd 1 zero (lastdelay zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))

_ : FD {Maybe } zero zero (force (force (ƛ (ƛ (delay (delay (` nothing))) · (` nothing)) · (` nothing)))) (ƛ (ƛ (` nothing) · (` nothing)) · (` nothing))
_ = forcefd zero zero
     (multiappliedfd 1 zero (Translation.match TransMatch.var)
      (multiabstractfd 1 zero
       (multiappliedfd 1 zero (Translation.match TransMatch.var)
        (multiabstractfd 1 zero
         (forcefd 1 zero
          (delayfd 1 zero (lastdelay zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.var))))))))

ForceDelay : {X : Set}   (ast : X )  (ast' : X )  Set₁
ForceDelay = Translation (FD zero zero)

t :  
t = force (((ƛ (ƛ (delay error))) · error) · error)

t' :  
t' = ((ƛ (ƛ error)) · error) · error

test-ffdd : FD {} zero zero (force (force (delay (delay error)))) (error)
test-ffdd = forcefd zero zero
     (forcefd 1 zero
      (delayfd 1 zero (lastdelay zero zero (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))

_ : pureFD t t'
_ = (translationfd (Translation.match (TransMatch.force (Translation.istranslation appfd))))
                        ((pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))
                        (translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation ((pushfd ((translationfd reflexive)) (translationfd reflexive))
                                                          translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.error)))))) (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))))) (Translation.match TransMatch.error)))

_ : pureFD {} (force (ƛ (ƛ (delay error) · error) · error)) (ƛ (ƛ error · error) · error)
_ = (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))
       (translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation ((pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive))
                        translationfd (Translation.match ( (Translation.match (TransMatch.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd (Translation.match TransMatch.error)))))) (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))))) (Translation.match TransMatch.error))))

FD implies pureFD

The two counters in FD track the number of forces and applications removed, to be “consumed” later. Consequently, at any stage we should be able to put n forces and nₐ applications back on to the current term and have a valid pureFD relation.

forces : {X : Set} → ℕ → X ⊢ → X ⊢
forces zero x = x
forces (suc n) x = forces n (force x)

-- What actually gets applied? Does it matter?....
-- The `y` in the FD rules gets handled separately, here it just
-- matters that there is an application that can be paired
-- with a lambda. `error` has the advantage that it is always
-- in scope, even if it is semantically silly.
applications : {X : Set} → List (X ⊢) → X ⊢ → X ⊢
applications [] x = x
applications (y ∷ args) (force x) = applications args (force (x · y))
applications (y ∷ args) x = applications args (x · y) -- Does this ever happen?

forces-translation : {X : Set}  {x x' : X ⊢} {R : Relation} → (n : ℕ) → Translation R  x x' → Translation R  (forces n x) (forces n x')
forces-translation zero xx' = xx'
forces-translation (suc n) xx' = forces-translation n (Translation.force xx')

apps-translation : {X : Set} {x x' : X ⊢}{R : Relation} → (n : ℕ) → Translation R  x x' → Translation R  (applications n x) (applications n x')
apps-translation zero t = t
apps-translation {x = x} {x' = x'} (suc n) t = {!!}

FD→pureFD : {X : Set} {x x' : X ⊢} → FD  zero zero x x' → pureFD  x x'

TFD→TpureFD : {X : Set} {x x' : X ⊢} → Translation (FD zero zero) x x' → Translation pureFD  x x'
TFD→TpureFD = convert FD→pureFD

nFD→pureFD : {X : Set} {x x' : X ⊢} {n nₐ : ℕ} → FD n nₐ x x' → pureFD  (forces n (applications nₐ x)) x'
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {nₐ = zero} p = FD→pureFD p
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {nₐ = zero} (forcefd .(suc n) .zero p) = nFD→pureFD p -- Fixme: is this correct? It might be because the forces are encoded in n
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {nₐ = zero} (delayfd .n .zero p) = (translationfd (forces-translation n (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive))))) ⨾ (nFD→pureFD p)
nFD→pureFD {n = suc .0} {nₐ = zero} (lastdelay n nₐ p) = forcedelay (translationfd (TFD→TpureFD p))
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {nₐ = zero} (multiappliedfd .(suc n) .zero x p) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {nₐ = suc nₐ} (forcefd .zero .(suc nₐ) p) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {nₐ = suc nₐ} (multiappliedfd .zero .(suc nₐ) p p₁) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {x' = x'} {n = zero} {nₐ = suc nₐ} (multiabstractfd .zero .nₐ p) = (translationfd (apps-translation nₐ (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd {!!}) (translationfd reflexive))))) ⨾ translationfd (apps-translation {!!} {!!})
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {nₐ = suc nₐ} p = {!!}

nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = []} (forcefd .(suc n) .[] p) = nFD→pureFD p -- Fixme: is this correct? It might be because the forces are encoded in n
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = []} (delayfd .n .[] p) = (translationfd (forces-translation n (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive))))) ⨾ nFD→pureFD p
--nFD→pureFD {n = suc .0} {args = zero} (lastdelay n args p) = forcedelay (translationfd (TFD→TpureFD p))
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = []} (multiappliedfd .(suc n) .[] p₁ (forcefd .(suc n) _ p)) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = []} (multiappliedfd .(suc n) .[] p₁ (multiappliedfd .(suc n) _ x p)) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = []} (multiappliedfd .(suc n) .[] p₁ (multiabstractfd .(suc n) _ p)) = (translationfd (forces-translation (suc n) (Translation.istranslation (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd (TFD→TpureFD p₁)))))) ⨾ ((translationfd (forces-translation (suc n) ( (Translation.ƛ (Translation.istranslation {!!})) {!!}))) ⨾  {!p!})
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {args = (y ∷ args)} (forcefd .zero .(y ∷ args) p) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {args = (y ∷ args)} (multiappliedfd .zero .(y ∷ args) p p₁) = {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = zero} {args = (y ∷ args)} (multiabstractfd .zero .args p) = {!!} ⨾ {!!}
nFD→pureFD {n = suc n} {args = (y ∷ args)} p = {!!}

FD→pureFD p = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force _))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero p)) = (translationfd (Translation.force {!!})) ⨾ (FD→pureFD (forcefd zero zero {!!}))
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (delay _))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (delayfd .0 .zero p)) = forcedelay (FD→pureFD p)
--FD→pureFD {x = .(force (delay _))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (lastdelay n args p)) = forcedelay (translationfd (TFD→TpureFD p))
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (_ · _)))} {x' = .(_ · _)} (forcefd .zero .zero (multiappliedfd .1 .zero p₁ p)) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (_ · _))} {x' = .(_ · _)} (multiappliedfd .zero .zero p₁ (forcefd .zero .1 p)) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force ((_ · _) · _))} {x' = .((_ · _) · _)} (multiappliedfd .zero .zero p₁ (multiappliedfd .zero .1 x₁ p)) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = (force (ƛ x · y))} {x' = (ƛ x' · y')} (multiappliedfd .zero .zero p₁ (multiabstractfd .zero .0 p)) = (pushfd (translationfd reflexive) (translationfd reflexive)) ⨾ (translationfd ( (Translation.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (FD→pureFD p))) (TFD→TpureFD p₁)))
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (force (force _))))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero (forcefd .2 .zero (forcefd .3 .zero p)))) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (delay _)))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero (delayfd .1 .zero p))) = (translationfd (Translation.force (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive))))) ⨾ FD→pureFD (forcefd zero zero p)
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (force (delay _))))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero (forcefd .2 .zero (delayfd .2 .zero p)))) = (translationfd (Translation.force (Translation.force (Translation.istranslation (forcedelay (translationfd reflexive)))))) ⨾ (FD→pureFD (forcefd zero zero (forcefd 1 zero p)))
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (force (force (_ · _)))))} {x' = .(_ · _)} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero (forcefd .2 .zero (multiappliedfd .3 .zero x p)))) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (force (force (_ · _))))} {x' = .(_ · _)} (forcefd .zero .zero (forcefd .1 .zero (multiappliedfd .2 .zero x p))) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (delay _))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (delayfd .0 .zero p)) = forcedelay (FD→pureFD p)
FD→pureFD {x = .(force (delay _))} {x' = x'} (forcefd .zero .zero (lastdelay n args p)) = forcedelay (translationfd (TFD→TpureFD p))
FD→pureFD {x = (force (force (x · y)))} {x' = (x' · y')} (forcefd .zero .zero (multiappliedfd .1 .zero p p₁)) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = (force (x · y))} {x' = (x' · y')} (multiappliedfd .zero .zero p p₁) = {!!}

FD→pureFD : FD x x' → pureFD x x'

TFD→TpureFD : Translation FD x x' → Translation pureFD x x'
TFD→TpureFD = convert FD→pureFD

FD→pureFD {x = (force (force x))} {x' = x'} (ffd (forcefd .zero (forcefd .1 p))) = transfd x' (Translation.istranslation (FD→pureFD (ffd (forcefd zero (forcefd 1 p))))) reflexive
FD→pureFD {x = (force (delay x))} {x' = x'} (ffd (forcefd .zero (delayfd .0 p))) = forcedelay x x'
                                                                                     (Translation.istranslation (FD→pureFD (ffd p)))
FD→pureFD {x = force (force (ƛ x · y))} {x' = ƛ x' · y'} (ffd (forcefd .zero (afd .1 (appfd .1 .zero p₁ p₂)))) = transfd (force (ƛ (force x) · y)) (Translation.force (Translation.istranslation (pushfd reflexive reflexive))) (Translation.istranslation (transfd ( ((force (ƛ (force x))) · y)) (Translation.istranslation {!!}) {!!}))
FD→pureFD {x = force (force ((x · x₁) · y))} {x' = x' · y'} (ffd (forcefd .zero (afd .1 (appfd .1 .zero p₁ p₂)))) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = force x} {x' = x'} (ffd (forcefd .zero (afd .1 (ffd .1 args x₁)))) = FD→pureFD (ffd (forcefd zero x₁))
FD→pureFD {x = x} {x' = x'} (ffd (tfd n (Translation.istranslation p))) = FD→pureFD (ffd p)
FD→pureFD {x = x} {x' = x'} (ffd (tfd n p)) = transfd x' (TFD→TpureFD (Translation.istranslation (ffd (tfd n p)))) reflexive
FD→pureFD {x = force ((x · y) · z)} {x' = (x' · y') · z'} (ffd (afd .zero (appfd .zero .zero p (appfd .zero .1 p₁ p₂)))) = {!!}
FD→pureFD {x = force ((ƛ x) · y)} {x' = (ƛ x') · y'} (ffd (afd .zero (appfd .zero .zero p (absfd .zero .0 p₁ p₂)))) = transfd ((ƛ (force x) · y)) (Translation.istranslation (pushfd reflexive reflexive)) ( (Translation.ƛ (Translation.istranslation (FD→pureFD (ffd (afd zero p₂))))) (TFD→TpureFD p))
FD→pureFD {x = x} {x' = x'} (ffd (afd .zero (ffd .zero args x₁))) = FD→pureFD (ffd x₁)

Decision Procedure

isForceDelay? : {X : Set}   Binary.Decidable (Translation (FD zero zero) {X})

isFD? : {X : Set}   (n nₐ : )  Binary.Decidable (FD {X} n nₐ)

isFD? n args ast ast' with isForce? isTerm? ast

-- If it doesn't start with force then it isn't going to match this translation, unless we have some delays left
isFD? zero nₐ ast ast' | no ¬force = no λ { (forcefd .zero .nₐ xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm _)) ; (multiappliedfd .zero .nₐ x xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm (_ · _))) ; (multiabstractfd .zero nₐ xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm (ƛ _))) }
isFD? (suc n) nₐ ast ast' | no ¬force with (isDelay? isTerm? ast)
... | no ¬delay = no λ { (forcefd .(suc n) .nₐ xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm _)) ; (delayfd .n .nₐ xx)  ¬delay (isdelay (isterm _)) ; (lastdelay n nₐ x)  ¬delay (isdelay (isterm _)) ; (multiappliedfd .(suc n) .nₐ x xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm (_ · _))) ; (multiabstractfd .(suc n) nₐ xx)  ¬force (isforce (isterm (ƛ _)))}
... | yes (isdelay (isterm t)) with (isForceDelay? t ast') ×-dec (n  zero) ×-dec (nₐ  zero)
... | yes (p , refl , refl) = yes (lastdelay zero zero p)
... | no ¬zero with isFD? n nₐ t ast'
... | no ¬p = no λ { (delayfd .n .nₐ xx)  ¬p xx ; (lastdelay n nₐ x)  ¬zero (x , refl , refl)}
... | yes p = yes (delayfd n nₐ p)

-- If there is an application we can increment the application counter
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) with (isApp? isTerm? isTerm?) t
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | yes (isapp (isterm t₁) (isterm t₂)) with (isApp? isTerm? isTerm?) ast'
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | yes (isapp (isterm t₁) (isterm t₂)) | no ¬isApp = no λ { (multiappliedfd .n .nₐ x xx)  ¬isApp (isapp (isterm _) (isterm _)) }
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | yes (isapp (isterm t₁) (isterm t₂)) | yes (isapp (isterm t₁') (isterm t₂')) with (isFD? n (suc nₐ) (force t₁) t₁') ×-dec (isForceDelay? t₂ t₂')
... | yes (pfd , pfd2) = yes (multiappliedfd n nₐ pfd2 pfd)
... | no ¬FD = no λ { (multiappliedfd .n .nₐ x xx)  ¬FD (xx , x) }

-- If there is a lambda we can decrement the application counter unless we have reached zero
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | no ¬isApp with (isLambda? isTerm? t)
isFD? n (suc nₐ ) ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | no ¬isApp | yes (islambda (isterm t₂)) with (isLambda? isTerm?) ast'
... | no ¬ƛ = no λ { (multiabstractfd .n .nₐ xx)  ¬ƛ (islambda (isterm _)) }
... | yes (islambda (isterm t₂')) with (isFD? n nₐ (force t₂) t₂')
... | yes p = yes (multiabstractfd n nₐ p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (multiabstractfd .n .nₐ xx)  ¬p xx }
-- If we have zero in the application counter then we can't descend further
isFD? n zero ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | no ¬isApp | yes (islambda (isterm t₂)) = no λ { (forcefd .n .zero ()) }

-- If we have matched none of the patterns then we need to consider nesting.
isFD? n nₐ ast ast' | yes (isforce (isterm t)) | no ¬isApp | no ¬ƛ with isFD? (suc n) nₐ t ast'
... | yes p = yes (forcefd n nₐ p)
... | no ¬p = no λ { (forcefd .n .nₐ xx)  ¬p xx ; (multiappliedfd .n .nₐ x xx)  ¬isApp (isapp (isterm _) (isterm _)) ; (multiabstractfd .n nₐ xx)  ¬ƛ (islambda (isterm _)) }

isForceDelay? = translation? (isFD? zero zero)