-- | Various file paths used in plutus-core, currently all to do with the cost
-- model.

module PlutusCore.DataFilePaths

import System.FilePath

costModelDataDir :: FilePath
costModelDataDir :: FilePath
costModelDataDir = FilePath
"cost-model" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath

builtinCostModelFileA :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileA :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileA = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"builtinCostModelA" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

builtinCostModelFileB :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileB :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileB = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"builtinCostModelB" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

builtinCostModelFileC :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileC :: FilePath
builtinCostModelFileC = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"builtinCostModelC" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

latestBuiltinCostModelFile :: FilePath
latestBuiltinCostModelFile :: FilePath
latestBuiltinCostModelFile = FilePath

cekMachineCostsFileA :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileA :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileA = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"cekMachineCostsA" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

cekMachineCostsFileB :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileB :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileB = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"cekMachineCostsB" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

cekMachineCostsFileC :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileC :: FilePath
cekMachineCostsFileC = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"cekMachineCostsC" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

latestMachineCostsFile :: FilePath
latestMachineCostsFile :: FilePath
latestMachineCostsFile = FilePath

-- | The file containing the R models: only needed for cost-model-test.
rModelFile :: FilePath
rModelFile :: FilePath
rModelFile = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"models" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath

-- | The file containing the benchmark results for the built-in functions: only
-- needed for cost-model-test.
benchingResultsFile :: FilePath
benchingResultsFile :: FilePath
benchingResultsFile = FilePath
costModelDataDir FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
</> FilePath
"benching-conway" FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
<.> FilePath