Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- parseProgram ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Program TyName Name DefaultUni DefaultFun SrcSpan)
- parseTerm ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Term TyName Name DefaultUni DefaultFun SrcSpan)
- parseType ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Type TyName DefaultUni SrcSpan)
- data SourcePos
- data SrcSpan = SrcSpan {}
- data SrcSpans
- data Some (tag ∷ k → Type) where
- data SomeTypeIn uni = ∀ k (a ∷ k). SomeTypeIn !(uni (Esc a))
- data Kinded uni ta where
- data ValueOf uni a = ValueOf !(uni (Esc a)) !a
- someValueOf ∷ ∀ a uni. uni (Esc a) → a → Some (ValueOf uni)
- someValue ∷ ∀ a uni. uni `Contains` a ⇒ a → Some (ValueOf uni)
- someValueType ∷ Some (ValueOf uni) → SomeTypeIn uni
- data Esc a
- class Contains uni a where
- class Closed uni where
- type Everywhere uni (constr ∷ Type → Constraint) ∷ Constraint
- encodeUni ∷ uni a → [Int]
- withDecodedUni ∷ (∀ k (a ∷ k). Typeable k ⇒ uni (Esc a) → DecodeUniM r) → DecodeUniM r
- bring ∷ uni `Everywhere` constr ⇒ proxy constr → uni (Esc a) → (constr a ⇒ r) → r
- type family EverywhereAll uni constrs where ...
- knownUniOf ∷ uni `Contains` a ⇒ proxy a → uni (Esc a)
- class GShow (t ∷ k → Type) where
- gshowsPrec ∷ ∀ (a ∷ k). Int → t a → ShowS
- show ∷ Show a ⇒ a → String
- class GEq (f ∷ k → Type) where
- class HasUniApply (uni ∷ Type → Type) where
- checkStar ∷ ∀ uni a (x ∷ a). Typeable a ⇒ uni (Esc x) → Maybe (a :~: Type)
- withApplicable ∷ ∀ (a ∷ Type) (ab ∷ Type) f x uni m r. (Typeable ab, Typeable a, MonadPlus m) ⇒ uni (Esc (f ∷ ab)) → uni (Esc (x ∷ a)) → (∀ (b ∷ Type). (Typeable b, ab ~ (a → b)) ⇒ m r) → m r
- data (a ∷ k) :~: (b ∷ k) where
- type (<:) uni1 uni2 = uni1 `Everywhere` Includes uni2
- type HasTypeLevel uni x = KnownTypeAst Void uni (ElaborateBuiltin uni x)
- type HasTermLevel uni = Includes uni
- type HasTypeAndTermLevel uni x = (uni `HasTypeLevel` x, uni `HasTermLevel` x)
- data DefaultUni a where
- DefaultUniInteger ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Integer)
- DefaultUniByteString ∷ DefaultUni (Esc ByteString)
- DefaultUniString ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Text)
- DefaultUniUnit ∷ DefaultUni (Esc ())
- DefaultUniBool ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Bool)
- DefaultUniProtoList ∷ DefaultUni (Esc List)
- DefaultUniProtoPair ∷ DefaultUni (Esc (,))
- DefaultUniApply ∷ !(DefaultUni (Esc f)) → !(DefaultUni (Esc a)) → DefaultUni (Esc (f a))
- DefaultUniData ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Data)
- DefaultUniBLS12_381_G1_Element ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Element)
- DefaultUniBLS12_381_G2_Element ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Element)
- DefaultUniBLS12_381_MlResult ∷ DefaultUni (Esc MlResult)
- pattern DefaultUniList ∷ ∀ {a} {k1} {k2} {f ∷ k1 → k2} {a1 ∷ k1}. () ⇒ ∀. (a ~ Esc (f a1), Esc f ~ Esc List) ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc a1) → DefaultUni a
- pattern DefaultUniPair ∷ ∀ {a} {k1} {k2} {f1 ∷ k1 → k2} {a1 ∷ k1} {k3} {k4} {f2 ∷ k3 → k4} {a2 ∷ k3}. () ⇒ ∀. (a ~ Esc (f1 a1), Esc f1 ~ Esc (f2 a2), Esc f2 ~ Esc (,)) ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc a2) → DefaultUni (Esc a1) → DefaultUni a
- data DefaultFun
- = AddInteger
- | SubtractInteger
- | MultiplyInteger
- | DivideInteger
- | QuotientInteger
- | RemainderInteger
- | ModInteger
- | EqualsInteger
- | LessThanInteger
- | LessThanEqualsInteger
- | AppendByteString
- | ConsByteString
- | SliceByteString
- | LengthOfByteString
- | IndexByteString
- | EqualsByteString
- | LessThanByteString
- | LessThanEqualsByteString
- | Sha2_256
- | Sha3_256
- | Blake2b_256
- | VerifyEd25519Signature
- | VerifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature
- | VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature
- | AppendString
- | EqualsString
- | EncodeUtf8
- | DecodeUtf8
- | IfThenElse
- | ChooseUnit
- | Trace
- | FstPair
- | SndPair
- | ChooseList
- | CaseList
- | MkCons
- | HeadList
- | TailList
- | NullList
- | ChooseData
- | CaseData
- | ConstrData
- | MapData
- | ListData
- | IData
- | BData
- | UnConstrData
- | UnMapData
- | UnListData
- | UnIData
- | UnBData
- | EqualsData
- | SerialiseData
- | MkPairData
- | MkNilData
- | MkNilPairData
- | Bls12_381_G1_add
- | Bls12_381_G1_neg
- | Bls12_381_G1_scalarMul
- | Bls12_381_G1_equal
- | Bls12_381_G1_hashToGroup
- | Bls12_381_G1_compress
- | Bls12_381_G1_uncompress
- | Bls12_381_G2_add
- | Bls12_381_G2_neg
- | Bls12_381_G2_scalarMul
- | Bls12_381_G2_equal
- | Bls12_381_G2_hashToGroup
- | Bls12_381_G2_compress
- | Bls12_381_G2_uncompress
- | Bls12_381_millerLoop
- | Bls12_381_mulMlResult
- | Bls12_381_finalVerify
- | Keccak_256
- | Blake2b_224
- | IntegerToByteString
- | ByteStringToInteger
- | AndByteString
- | OrByteString
- | XorByteString
- | ComplementByteString
- | ReadBit
- | WriteBits
- | ReplicateByte
- | ShiftByteString
- | RotateByteString
- | CountSetBits
- | FindFirstSetBit
- | Ripemd_160
- | ExpModInteger
- data Term tyname name uni fun ann
- = Var ann name
- | LamAbs ann name (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- | Apply ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- | TyAbs ann tyname (Kind ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- | TyInst ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | IWrap ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- | Unwrap ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- | Constr ann (Type tyname uni ann) Word64 [Term tyname name uni fun ann]
- | Case ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) [Term tyname name uni fun ann]
- | Constant ann (Some (ValueOf uni))
- | Builtin ann fun
- | Error ann (Type tyname uni ann)
- termSubterms ∷ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- termSubtypes ∷ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- termMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' name name' uni fun ann. (tyname → tyname') → (name → name') → Term tyname name uni fun ann → Term tyname' name' uni fun ann
- programMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' name name' uni fun ann. (tyname → tyname') → (name → name') → Program tyname name uni fun ann → Program tyname' name' uni fun ann
- type family UniOf a ∷ Type → Type
- data Type tyname uni ann
- = TyVar ann tyname
- | TyFun ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | TyIFix ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | TyForall ann tyname (Kind ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | TyBuiltin ann (SomeTypeIn uni)
- | TyLam ann tyname (Kind ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | TyApp ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- | TySOP ann [[Type tyname uni ann]]
- typeSubtypes ∷ Traversal' (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- typeMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' uni ann. (tyname → tyname') → Type tyname uni ann → Type tyname' uni ann
- data Kind ann
- toPatFuncKind ∷ Kind () → Kind ()
- fromPatFuncKind ∷ Kind () → Maybe (Kind ())
- argsFunKind ∷ Kind ann → [Kind ann]
- data ParserError
- data Version = Version {}
- data Program tyname name uni fun ann = Program {}
- data Name = Name {}
- newtype TyName = TyName {}
- newtype Unique = Unique {}
- newtype UniqueMap unique a = UniqueMap {
- unUniqueMap ∷ IntMap a
- newtype UniqueSet unique = UniqueSet {}
- newtype Normalized a = Normalized {
- unNormalized ∷ a
- latestVersion ∷ Version
- termAnn ∷ Term tyname name uni fun ann → ann
- typeAnn ∷ Type tyname uni ann → ann
- tyVarDeclAnn ∷ ∀ tyname ann. Lens' (TyVarDecl tyname ann) ann
- tyVarDeclName ∷ ∀ tyname ann tyname. Lens (TyVarDecl tyname ann) (TyVarDecl tyname ann) tyname tyname
- tyVarDeclKind ∷ ∀ tyname ann. Lens' (TyVarDecl tyname ann) (Kind ann)
- varDeclAnn ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann. Lens' (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) ann
- varDeclName ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann name. Lens (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) name name
- varDeclType ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann tyname uni. Lens (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- tyDeclAnn ∷ ∀ tyname uni ann. Lens' (TyDecl tyname uni ann) ann
- tyDeclType ∷ ∀ tyname uni ann tyname uni. Lens (TyDecl tyname uni ann) (TyDecl tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann)
- tyDeclKind ∷ ∀ tyname uni ann. Lens' (TyDecl tyname uni ann) (Kind ann)
- progAnn ∷ ∀ tyname name uni fun ann. Lens' (Program tyname name uni fun ann) ann
- progVer ∷ ∀ tyname name uni fun ann. Lens' (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Version
- progTerm ∷ ∀ tyname name uni fun ann tyname name uni fun. Lens (Program tyname name uni fun ann) (Program tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- mapFun ∷ (fun → fun') → Term tyname name uni fun ann → Term tyname name uni fun' ann
- newtype DeBruijn = DeBruijn {}
- newtype TyDeBruijn = TyDeBruijn DeBruijn
- data NamedDeBruijn = NamedDeBruijn {
- ndbnString ∷ !Text
- ndbnIndex ∷ !Index
- newtype NamedTyDeBruijn = NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn
- deBruijnTerm ∷ (AsFreeVariableError e, MonadError e m) ⇒ Term TyName Name uni fun ann → m (Term NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn uni fun ann)
- unDeBruijnTerm ∷ (MonadQuote m, AsFreeVariableError e, MonadError e m) ⇒ Term NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn uni fun ann → m (Term TyName Name uni fun ann)
- type family HasUniques a ∷ Constraint
- class Rename a where
- rename ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ a → m a
- module PlutusCore.TypeCheck
- normalizeTypesIn ∷ (HasUnique tyname TypeUnique, HasUnique name TermUnique, MonadNormalizeType uni m) ⇒ Term tyname name uni fun ann → m (Term tyname name uni fun ann)
- normalizeTypesInProgram ∷ (HasUnique tyname TypeUnique, HasUnique name TermUnique, MonadNormalizeType uni m) ⇒ Program tyname name uni fun ann → m (Program tyname name uni fun ann)
- class AsTypeError r term uni fun ann | r → term uni fun ann where
- _TypeError ∷ Prism' r (TypeError term uni fun ann)
- _KindMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, Type TyName uni (), ExpectedShapeOr (Kind ()), Kind ())
- _TypeMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, term, ExpectedShapeOr (Type TyName uni ()), Normalized (Type TyName uni ()))
- _TyNameMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, TyName, TyName)
- _NameMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, Name, Name)
- _FreeTypeVariableE ∷ Prism' r (ann, TyName)
- _FreeVariableE ∷ Prism' r (ann, Name)
- _UnknownBuiltinFunctionE ∷ Prism' r (ann, fun)
- data TypeError term uni fun ann
- data Error uni fun ann
- = ParseErrorE !ParserErrorBundle
- | UniqueCoherencyErrorE !(UniqueError ann)
- | TypeErrorE !(TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann)
- | NormCheckErrorE !(NormCheckError TyName Name uni fun ann)
- | FreeVariableErrorE !FreeVariableError
- class AsError r uni fun ann | r → uni fun ann where
- _Error ∷ Prism' r (Error uni fun ann)
- _ParseErrorE ∷ Prism' r ParserErrorBundle
- _UniqueCoherencyErrorE ∷ Prism' r (UniqueError ann)
- _TypeErrorE ∷ Prism' r (TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann)
- _NormCheckErrorE ∷ Prism' r (NormCheckError TyName Name uni fun ann)
- _FreeVariableErrorE ∷ Prism' r FreeVariableError
- data NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann
- class AsNormCheckError r tyname name uni fun ann | r → tyname name uni fun ann where
- _NormCheckError ∷ Prism' r (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann)
- _BadType ∷ Prism' r (ann, Type tyname uni ann, Text)
- _BadTerm ∷ Prism' r (ann, Term tyname name uni fun ann, Text)
- data UniqueError ann
- = MultiplyDefined !Unique !ann !ann
- | IncoherentUsage !Unique !ann !ann
- | FreeVariable !Unique !ann
- class AsUniqueError r ann | r → ann where
- _UniqueError ∷ Prism' r (UniqueError ann)
- _MultiplyDefined ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann, ann)
- _IncoherentUsage ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann, ann)
- _FreeVariable ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann)
- data FreeVariableError
- = FreeUnique !Unique
- | FreeIndex !Index
- class AsFreeVariableError r where
- _FreeVariableError ∷ Prism' r FreeVariableError
- _FreeUnique ∷ Prism' r Unique
- _FreeIndex ∷ Prism' r Index
- type Quote = QuoteT Identity
- runQuote ∷ Quote a → a
- data QuoteT m a
- runQuoteT ∷ Monad m ⇒ QuoteT m a → m a
- class Monad m ⇒ MonadQuote m
- liftQuote ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Quote a → m a
- freshUnique ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ m Unique
- freshName ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Text → m Name
- freshTyName ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Text → m TyName
- data EvaluationResult a
- applyProgram ∷ (MonadError ApplyProgramError m, Semigroup a) ⇒ Program tyname name uni fun a → Program tyname name uni fun a → m (Program tyname name uni fun a)
- termSize ∷ Term tyname name uni fun ann → Size
- typeSize ∷ Type tyname uni ann → Size
- kindSize ∷ Kind a → Size
- programSize ∷ Program tyname name uni fun ann → Size
- serialisedSize ∷ Flat a ⇒ a → Integer
parseProgram ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Program TyName Name DefaultUni DefaultFun SrcSpan) Source #
parseTerm ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Term TyName Name DefaultUni DefaultFun SrcSpan) Source #
Parse a PLC term. The resulting program will have fresh names. The underlying monad must be capable of handling any parse errors.
parseType ∷ (AsParserErrorBundle e, MonadError e m, MonadQuote m) ⇒ Text → m (Type TyName DefaultUni SrcSpan) Source #
Parse a PLC type. The resulting program will have fresh names. The underlying monad must be capable of handling any parse errors.
The data type SourcePos
represents source positions. It contains the
name of the source file, a line number, and a column number. Source line
and column positions change intensively during parsing, so we need to
make them strict to avoid memory leaks.
The span between two source locations.
This corresponds roughly to the SrcSpan
used by GHC,
but we define our own version so we don't have to depend on ghc
to use it.
The line and column numbers are 1-based, and the unit is Unicode code point (or Char
SrcSpan | |
data Some (tag ∷ k → Type) where Source #
Existential. This is type is useful to hide GADTs' parameters.
data Tag :: Type -> Type where TagInt :: Tag Int; TagBool :: Tag Bool
instance GShow Tag where gshowsPrec _ TagInt = showString "TagInt"; gshowsPrec _ TagBool = showString "TagBool"
classify s = case s of "TagInt" -> [mkGReadResult TagInt]; "TagBool" -> [mkGReadResult TagBool]; _ -> []
instance GRead Tag where greadsPrec _ s = [ (r, rest) | (con, rest) <- lex s, r <- classify con ]
You can either use PatternSynonyms
(available with GHC >= 8.0)
let x = Some TagInt
Some TagInt
case x of { Some TagInt -> "I"; Some TagBool -> "B" } :: String
or you can use functions
let y = mkSome TagBool
Some TagBool
withSome y $ \y' -> case y' of { TagInt -> "I"; TagBool -> "B" } :: String
The implementation of mapSome
is safe.
let f :: Tag a -> Tag a; f TagInt = TagInt; f TagBool = TagBool
mapSome f y
Some TagBool
but you can also use:
withSome y (mkSome . f)
Some TagBool
read "Some TagBool" :: Some Tag
Some TagBool
read "mkSome TagInt" :: Some Tag
Some TagInt
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni PrettyConst) ⇒ PrettyBy ConstConfig (Some (ValueOf uni)) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Pretty.PrettyConst prettyBy ∷ ConstConfig → Some (ValueOf uni) → Doc ann Source # prettyListBy ∷ ConstConfig → [Some (ValueOf uni)] → Doc ann Source # | |
Applicative m ⇒ Monoid (Some m) | |
Applicative m ⇒ Semigroup (Some m) | |
GRead f ⇒ Read (Some f) | |
GShow tag ⇒ Show (Some tag) | |
GNFData tag ⇒ NFData (Some tag) | |
Defined in Data.Some.Newtype | |
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni Flat) ⇒ Flat (Some (ValueOf uni)) Source # | |
GEq tag ⇒ Eq (Some tag) | |
GCompare tag ⇒ Ord (Some tag) | |
(Closed uni, GEq uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Everywhere uni Hashable) ⇒ Hashable (Some (ValueOf uni)) Source # | |
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni ExMemoryUsage) ⇒ ExMemoryUsage (Some (ValueOf uni)) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExMemoryUsage | |
(Closed uni, Everywhere uni PrettyConst) ⇒ Pretty (Some (ValueOf uni)) Source # | |
data SomeTypeIn uni Source #
A particular type from a universe.
∀ k (a ∷ k). SomeTypeIn !(uni (Esc a)) |
data Kinded uni ta where Source #
GShow uni ⇒ GShow (Kinded uni ∷ Type → Type) Source # | |
Defined in Universe.Core | |
(Typeable k, Contains uni a) ⇒ Contains (Kinded uni) (a ∷ k) Source # | A |
Pretty (SomeTypeIn uni) ⇒ Pretty (SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni)) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Pretty.PrettyConst pretty ∷ SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni) → Doc ann Source # prettyList ∷ [SomeTypeIn (Kinded uni)] → Doc ann Source # | |
GShow uni ⇒ Show (Kinded uni ta) Source # | |
A value of a particular type from a universe.
someValueOf ∷ ∀ a uni. uni (Esc a) → a → Some (ValueOf uni) Source #
Wrap a value into Some (ValueOf uni)
, given its explicit type tag.
someValue ∷ ∀ a uni. uni `Contains` a ⇒ a → Some (ValueOf uni) Source #
Wrap a value into Some (ValueOf uni)
, provided its type is in the universe.
someValueType ∷ Some (ValueOf uni) → SomeTypeIn uni Source #
class Contains uni a where Source #
A class for enumerating types and fully instantiated type formers that uni
For example, a particular ExampleUni
may have monomorphic types in it:
instance ExampleUni Contains
Integer where ...
instance ExampleUni Contains
Bool where ...
as well as polymorphic ones:
instance ExampleUni Contains
[] where ...
instance ExampleUni Contains
(,) where ...
as well as their instantiations:
instance ExampleUni Contains
a => ExampleUni Contains
[a] where ...
instance (ExampleUni Contains
a, ExampleUni Contains
b) => ExampleUni Contains
(a, b) where ...
(a universe can have any subset of the mentioned sorts of types, for example it's fine to have instantiated polymorphic types and not have uninstantiated ones and vice versa)
Note that when used as a constraint of a function Contains
does not allow you to directly
express things like "uni
has the Integer
, Bool
and []
types and type formers",
because []
is not fully instantiated. So you can only say "uni
has Integer
, Bool
, [Bool]
, [[Integer]]
, [[Bool]]
etc" and such manual enumeration is annoying,
so we'd really like to be able to say that uni
has lists of arbitrary built-in types
(including lists of lists etc). Contains
does not allow that, but Includes
For example, in the body of the following definition:
foo :: (uni Includes
Integer, uni Includes
Bool, uni Includes
[]) => ...
foo = ...
you can make use of the fact that uni
has lists of arbitrary included types (integers,
booleans and lists).
Hence most of the time opt for using the more flexible Includes
is defined in terms of Contains
, so you only need to provide a Contains
per type from the universe and you'll get Includes
for free.
class Closed uni where Source #
A universe is Closed
, if it's known how to constrain every type from the universe and
every type can be encoded to / decoded from a sequence of integer tags.
The universe doesn't have to be finite and providing support for infinite universes is the
reason why we encode a type as a sequence of integer tags as opposed to a single integer tag.
For example, given
data U a where UList :: !(U a) -> U [a] UInt :: U Int
UList (UList UInt)
can be encoded to [0,0,1]
where 0
and 1
are the integer tags of the
and UInt
constructors, respectively.
type Everywhere uni (constr ∷ Type → Constraint) ∷ Constraint Source #
A constrant for "constr a
holds for any a
from uni
encodeUni ∷ uni a → [Int] Source #
Encode a type as a sequence of Int
The opposite of decodeUni
withDecodedUni ∷ (∀ k (a ∷ k). Typeable k ⇒ uni (Esc a) → DecodeUniM r) → DecodeUniM r Source #
Decode a type and feed it to the continuation.
bring ∷ uni `Everywhere` constr ⇒ proxy constr → uni (Esc a) → (constr a ⇒ r) → r Source #
Bring a constr a
instance in scope, provided a
is a type from the universe and
holds for any type from the universe.
Closed DefaultUni Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Universe type Everywhere DefaultUni constr Source # encodeUni ∷ DefaultUni a → [Int] Source # withDecodedUni ∷ (∀ k (a ∷ k). Typeable k ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc a) → DecodeUniM r) → DecodeUniM r Source # bring ∷ Everywhere DefaultUni constr ⇒ proxy constr → DefaultUni (Esc a) → (constr a ⇒ r) → r Source # |
type family EverywhereAll uni constrs where ... Source #
EverywhereAll uni '[] = () | |
EverywhereAll uni (constr ': constrs) = (uni `Everywhere` constr, uni `EverywhereAll` constrs) |
knownUniOf ∷ uni `Contains` a ⇒ proxy a → uni (Esc a) Source #
Same as knownUni
, but receives a proxy
class GShow (t ∷ k → Type) where Source #
-like class for 1-type-parameter GADTs. GShow t => ...
is equivalent to something
like (forall a. Show (t a)) => ...
. The easiest way to create instances would probably be
to write (or derive) an instance Show (T a)
, and then simply say:
instance GShow t where gshowsPrec = defaultGshowsPrec
gshowsPrec ∷ ∀ (a ∷ k). Int → t a → ShowS Source #
GShow SNat | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow SChar | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow SSymbol | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow DefaultUni Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Universe gshowsPrec ∷ ∀ (a ∷ k). Int → DefaultUni a → ShowS Source # | |
GShow uni ⇒ GShow (Kinded uni ∷ Type → Type) Source # | |
Defined in Universe.Core | |
(GShow uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Show) ⇒ GShow (ValueOf uni ∷ Type → Type) Source # | |
Defined in Universe.Core | |
GShow (TypeRep ∷ k → Type) | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow (GOrdering a ∷ k → Type) | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
(GShow a, GShow b) ⇒ GShow (Product a b ∷ k → Type) |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
(GShow a, GShow b) ⇒ GShow (Sum a b ∷ k → Type) |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow ((:~~:) a ∷ k → Type) | Since: some-1.0.4 |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
(GShow a, GShow b) ⇒ GShow (a :*: b ∷ k → Type) |
Since: some-1.0.4 |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
(GShow a, GShow b) ⇒ GShow (a :+: b ∷ k → Type) |
Since: some-1.0.4 |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal |
class GEq (f ∷ k → Type) where Source #
A class for type-contexts which contain enough information to (at least in some cases) decide the equality of types occurring within them.
This class is sometimes confused with TestEquality
from base.
only checks type equality.
data Tag a where TagInt1 :: Tag Int; TagInt2 :: Tag Int
The correct
instance isTestEquality
instance TestEquality Tag where testEquality TagInt1 TagInt1 = Just Refl testEquality TagInt1 TagInt2 = Just Refl testEquality TagInt2 TagInt1 = Just Refl testEquality TagInt2 TagInt2 = Just Refl :}
While we can define
Tag wheregeq
this will mean we probably want to have
Tag where _==
_ = True
Note: In the future version of some
package (to be released around GHC-9.6 / 9.8) the
forall a. Eq (f a)
constraint will be added as a constraint to GEq
with a law relating GEq
and Eq
x y = Just Refl ⇒ x == y = True ∀ (x :: f a) (y :: f b) x == y ≡ isJust (geq
x y) ∀ (x, y :: f a)
So, the more useful
instance would differentiate between
different constructors:GEq
instance GEq Tag where geq TagInt1 TagInt1 = Just Refl geq TagInt1 TagInt2 = Nothing geq TagInt2 TagInt1 = Nothing geq TagInt2 TagInt2 = Just Refl :}
which is consistent with a derived Eq
instance for Tag
deriving instance Eq (Tag a)
Note that even if a ~ b
, the
be geq
(x :: f a) (y :: f b)Nothing
(when value terms are inequal).
The consistency of GEq
and Eq
is easy to check by exhaustion:
let checkFwdGEq :: (forall a. Eq (f a), GEq f) => f a -> f b -> Bool; checkFwdGEq x y = case geq x y of Just Refl -> x == y; Nothing -> True
(checkFwdGEq TagInt1 TagInt1, checkFwdGEq TagInt1 TagInt2, checkFwdGEq TagInt2 TagInt1, checkFwdGEq TagInt2 TagInt2)
let checkBwdGEq :: (Eq (f a), GEq f) => f a -> f a -> Bool; checkBwdGEq x y = if x == y then isJust (geq x y) else isNothing (geq x y)
(checkBwdGEq TagInt1 TagInt1, checkBwdGEq TagInt1 TagInt2, checkBwdGEq TagInt2 TagInt1, checkBwdGEq TagInt2 TagInt2)
geq ∷ ∀ (a ∷ k) (b ∷ k). f a → f b → Maybe (a :~: b) Source #
Produce a witness of type-equality, if one exists.
A handy idiom for using this would be to pattern-bind in the Maybe monad, eg.:
extract :: GEq tag => tag a -> DSum tag -> Maybe a extract t1 (t2 :=> x) = do Refl <- geq t1 t2 return x
Or in a list comprehension:
extractMany :: GEq tag => tag a -> [DSum tag] -> [a] extractMany t1 things = [ x | (t2 :=> x) <- things, Refl <- maybeToList (geq t1 t2)]
(Making use of the DSum
type from Data.Dependent.Sum in both examples)
GEq SNat | |
GEq SChar | |
GEq SSymbol | |
GEq DefaultUni Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Universe geq ∷ ∀ (a ∷ k) (b ∷ k). DefaultUni a → DefaultUni b → Maybe (a :~: b) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq) ⇒ GEq (ValueOf uni ∷ Type → Type) Source # | |
GEq (TypeRep ∷ k → Type) | |
GEq ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
(GEq a, GEq b) ⇒ GEq (Product a b ∷ k → Type) | |
(GEq a, GEq b) ⇒ GEq (Sum a b ∷ k → Type) | |
GEq ((:~~:) a ∷ k → Type) | Since: some-1.0.4 |
(GEq a, GEq b) ⇒ GEq (a :*: b ∷ k → Type) | Since: some-1.0.4 |
(GEq f, GEq g) ⇒ GEq (f :+: g ∷ k → Type) | Since: some-1.0.4 |
class HasUniApply (uni ∷ Type → Type) where Source #
A class for "uni
has general type application".
uniApply ∷ ∀ k l (f ∷ k → l) a. uni (Esc f) → uni (Esc a) → uni (Esc (f a)) Source #
Apply a type constructor to an argument.
∷ uni tb | The type. |
→ r | What to return if the type is not an application. |
→ (∀ k l (f ∷ k → l) a. tb ~ Esc (f a) ⇒ uni (Esc f) → uni (Esc a) → r) | The continuation taking a function and an argument. |
→ r |
Deconstruct a type application into the function and the argument and feed them to the continuation. If the type is not an application, then return the default value.
HasUniApply DefaultUni Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Default.Universe uniApply ∷ ∀ k l (f ∷ k → l) (a ∷ k). DefaultUni (Esc f) → DefaultUni (Esc a) → DefaultUni (Esc (f a)) Source # matchUniApply ∷ DefaultUni tb → r → (∀ k l (f ∷ k → l) (a ∷ k). tb ~ Esc (f a) ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc f) → DefaultUni (Esc a) → r) → r Source # |
checkStar ∷ ∀ uni a (x ∷ a). Typeable a ⇒ uni (Esc x) → Maybe (a :~: Type) Source #
Check if the kind of the given type from the universe is Type
withApplicable ∷ ∀ (a ∷ Type) (ab ∷ Type) f x uni m r. (Typeable ab, Typeable a, MonadPlus m) ⇒ uni (Esc (f ∷ ab)) → uni (Esc (x ∷ a)) → (∀ (b ∷ Type). (Typeable b, ab ~ (a → b)) ⇒ m r) → m r Source #
Check if one type from the universe can be applied to another (i.e. check that the expected
kind of the argument matches the actual one) and call the continuation in the refined context.
Fail with mzero
data (a ∷ k) :~: (b ∷ k) where infix 4 Source #
Propositional equality. If a :~: b
is inhabited by some terminating
value, then the type a
is the same as the type b
. To use this equality
in practice, pattern-match on the a :~: b
to get out the Refl
in the body of the pattern-match, the compiler knows that a ~ b
Since: base-
Category ((:~:) ∷ k → k → Type) | Since: base- |
TestEquality ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Type.Equality | |
GNFData ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | Since: some-1.0.3 |
Defined in Data.GADT.DeepSeq | |
GCompare ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
GEq ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
GRead ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
GShow ((:~:) a ∷ k → Type) | |
Defined in Data.GADT.Internal | |
NFData2 ((:~:) ∷ Type → Type → Type) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
NFData1 ((:~:) a) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
(a ~ b, Data a) ⇒ Data (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Data gfoldl ∷ (∀ d b0. Data d ⇒ c (d → b0) → d → c b0) → (∀ g. g → c g) → (a :~: b) → c (a :~: b) Source # gunfold ∷ (∀ b0 r. Data b0 ⇒ c (b0 → r) → c r) → (∀ r. r → c r) → Constr → c (a :~: b) Source # toConstr ∷ (a :~: b) → Constr Source # dataTypeOf ∷ (a :~: b) → DataType Source # dataCast1 ∷ Typeable t ⇒ (∀ d. Data d ⇒ c (t d)) → Maybe (c (a :~: b)) Source # dataCast2 ∷ Typeable t ⇒ (∀ d e. (Data d, Data e) ⇒ c (t d e)) → Maybe (c (a :~: b)) Source # gmapT ∷ (∀ b0. Data b0 ⇒ b0 → b0) → (a :~: b) → a :~: b Source # gmapQl ∷ (r → r' → r) → r → (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → r') → (a :~: b) → r Source # gmapQr ∷ ∀ r r'. (r' → r → r) → r → (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → r') → (a :~: b) → r Source # gmapQ ∷ (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → u) → (a :~: b) → [u] Source # gmapQi ∷ Int → (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → u) → (a :~: b) → u Source # gmapM ∷ Monad m ⇒ (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → m d) → (a :~: b) → m (a :~: b) Source # gmapMp ∷ MonadPlus m ⇒ (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → m d) → (a :~: b) → m (a :~: b) Source # gmapMo ∷ MonadPlus m ⇒ (∀ d. Data d ⇒ d → m d) → (a :~: b) → m (a :~: b) Source # | |
a ~ b ⇒ Bounded (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
a ~ b ⇒ Enum (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Type.Equality succ ∷ (a :~: b) → a :~: b Source # pred ∷ (a :~: b) → a :~: b Source # toEnum ∷ Int → a :~: b Source # fromEnum ∷ (a :~: b) → Int Source # enumFrom ∷ (a :~: b) → [a :~: b] Source # enumFromThen ∷ (a :~: b) → (a :~: b) → [a :~: b] Source # enumFromTo ∷ (a :~: b) → (a :~: b) → [a :~: b] Source # enumFromThenTo ∷ (a :~: b) → (a :~: b) → (a :~: b) → [a :~: b] Source # | |
a ~ b ⇒ Read (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
Show (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
NFData (a :~: b) | Since: deepseq- |
Defined in Control.DeepSeq | |
Eq (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
Ord (a :~: b) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Type.Equality |
type (<:) uni1 uni2 = uni1 `Everywhere` Includes uni2 Source #
A constraint for "uni1
is a subuniverse of uni2
type HasTypeLevel uni x = KnownTypeAst Void uni (ElaborateBuiltin uni x) Source #
Specifies that the given type is a built-in one and can be embedded into a Kind
type HasTermLevel uni = Includes uni Source #
Specifies that the given type is a built-in one and its values can be embedded into a Term
type HasTypeAndTermLevel uni x = (uni `HasTypeLevel` x, uni `HasTermLevel` x) Source #
The product of HasTypeLevel
and HasTermLevel
data DefaultUni a where Source #
The universe used by default.
DefaultUniInteger ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Integer) | |
DefaultUniByteString ∷ DefaultUni (Esc ByteString) | |
DefaultUniString ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Text) | |
DefaultUniUnit ∷ DefaultUni (Esc ()) | |
DefaultUniBool ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Bool) | |
DefaultUniProtoList ∷ DefaultUni (Esc List) | |
DefaultUniProtoPair ∷ DefaultUni (Esc (,)) | |
DefaultUniApply ∷ !(DefaultUni (Esc f)) → !(DefaultUni (Esc a)) → DefaultUni (Esc (f a)) | |
DefaultUniData ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Data) | |
DefaultUniBLS12_381_G1_Element ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Element) | |
DefaultUniBLS12_381_G2_Element ∷ DefaultUni (Esc Element) | |
DefaultUniBLS12_381_MlResult ∷ DefaultUni (Esc MlResult) |
pattern DefaultUniList ∷ ∀ {a} {k1} {k2} {f ∷ k1 → k2} {a1 ∷ k1}. () ⇒ ∀. (a ~ Esc (f a1), Esc f ~ Esc List) ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc a1) → DefaultUni a Source #
pattern DefaultUniPair ∷ ∀ {a} {k1} {k2} {f1 ∷ k1 → k2} {a1 ∷ k1} {k3} {k4} {f2 ∷ k3 → k4} {a2 ∷ k3}. () ⇒ ∀. (a ~ Esc (f1 a1), Esc f1 ~ Esc (f2 a2), Esc f2 ~ Esc (,)) ⇒ DefaultUni (Esc a2) → DefaultUni (Esc a1) → DefaultUni a Source #
data DefaultFun Source #
Default built-in functions.
When updating these, make sure to add them to the protocol version listing! See Note [New builtins/language versions and protocol versions]
data Term tyname name uni fun ann Source #
Var ann name | a named variable |
LamAbs ann name (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) | lambda abstraction |
Apply ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) | application |
TyAbs ann tyname (Kind ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) | type abstraction |
TyInst ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | instantiation |
IWrap ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) | wrapping |
Unwrap ann (Term tyname name uni fun ann) | unwrapping See Note [Constr tag type] |
Constr ann (Type tyname uni ann) Word64 [Term tyname name uni fun ann] | constructor |
Case ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) [Term tyname name uni fun ann] | case |
Constant ann (Some (ValueOf uni)) | constants |
Builtin ann fun | builtin functions |
Error ann (Type tyname uni ann) | fail with error |
termSubterms ∷ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source #
termSubtypes ∷ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Type tyname uni ann) Source #
termMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' name name' uni fun ann. (tyname → tyname') → (name → name') → Term tyname name uni fun ann → Term tyname' name' uni fun ann Source #
programMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' name name' uni fun ann. (tyname → tyname') → (name → name') → Program tyname name uni fun ann → Program tyname' name' uni fun ann Source #
type family UniOf a ∷ Type → Type Source #
Extract the universe from a type.
type UniOf (Opaque val rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism | |
type UniOf (SomeConstant uni rep) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Builtin.Polymorphism | |
type UniOf (CkValue uni fun) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Ck | |
type UniOf (CekValue uni fun ann) Source # | |
type UniOf (Term name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type UniOf (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type |
data Type tyname uni ann Source #
A Kind
assigned to expressions.
TyVar ann tyname | Type variable |
TyFun ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | Function type |
TyIFix ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | Fix-point type, for constructing self-recursive types |
TyForall ann tyname (Kind ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | Polymorphic type |
TyBuiltin ann (SomeTypeIn uni) | Builtin type |
TyLam ann tyname (Kind ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | Type lambda |
TyApp ann (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) | Type application |
TySOP ann [[Type tyname uni ann]] | Sum-of-products type |
typeSubtypes ∷ Traversal' (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) Source #
typeMapNames ∷ ∀ tyname tyname' uni ann. (tyname → tyname') → Type tyname uni ann → Type tyname' uni ann Source #
toPatFuncKind ∷ Kind () → Kind () Source #
argsFunKind ∷ Kind ann → [Kind ann] Source #
Extract all a_i
from a_0 -> a_1 -> ... -> r
data ParserError Source #
An error encountered during parsing.
BuiltinTypeNotAStar !Text !SourcePos | |
UnknownBuiltinFunction !Text !SourcePos ![Text] | |
InvalidBuiltinConstant !Text !Text !SourcePos |
The version of Plutus Core used by this program.
The intention is to convey different levels of backwards compatibility for existing scripts: - Major version changes are backwards-incompatible - Minor version changes are backwards-compatible - Patch version changes should be entirely invisible (and we will likely not use this level)
The version used should be changed only when the language itself changes. For example, adding a new kind of term to the language would require a minor version bump; removing a kind of term would require a major version bump.
Similarly, changing the semantics of the language will require a version bump, typically a major one. This is the main reason why the version is actually tracked in the AST: we can have two language versions with identical ASTs but different semantics, so we need to track the version explicitly.
Compatibility is about compatibility for specific scripts, not about e.g. tools which consume scripts. Adding a new kind of term does not change how existing scripts behave, but does change what tools would need to do to process scripts.
Generic Version Source # | |
Show Version Source # | |
NFData Version Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Version | |
Flat Version Source # | |
Eq Version Source # | |
Ord Version Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Version | |
Hashable Version Source # | |
Pretty Version Source # | |
type Rep Version Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Version type Rep Version = D1 ('MetaData "Version" "PlutusCore.Version" "plutus-core-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Version" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_versionMajor") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Natural) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_versionMinor") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Natural) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_versionPatch") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Natural)))) |
data Program tyname name uni fun ann Source #
DefaultPrettyPlcStrategy (Program tyname name uni fun ann) ⇒ PrettyBy PrettyConfigPlc (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Plc prettyBy ∷ PrettyConfigPlc → Program tyname name uni fun ann → Doc ann0 Source # prettyListBy ∷ PrettyConfigPlc → [Program tyname name uni fun ann] → Doc ann0 Source # | |
(PrettyClassicBy configName (Term tyname name uni fun ann), Pretty ann) ⇒ PrettyBy (PrettyConfigClassic configName) (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Classic prettyBy ∷ PrettyConfigClassic configName → Program tyname name uni fun ann → Doc ann0 Source # prettyListBy ∷ PrettyConfigClassic configName → [Program tyname name uni fun ann] → Doc ann0 Source # | |
PrettyReadableBy configName (Term tyname name uni fun a) ⇒ PrettyBy (PrettyConfigReadable configName) (Program tyname name uni fun a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Pretty.Readable prettyBy ∷ PrettyConfigReadable configName → Program tyname name uni fun a → Doc ann Source # prettyListBy ∷ PrettyConfigReadable configName → [Program tyname name uni fun a] → Doc ann Source # | |
Functor (Program tyname name uni fun) Source # | |
(tyname ~ TyName, name ~ Name) ⇒ CollectScopeInfo (Program tyname name uni fun) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Scoping collectScopeInfo ∷ Program tyname name uni fun NameAnn → ScopeErrorOrInfo Source # | |
(tyname ~ TyName, name ~ Name) ⇒ EstablishScoping (Program tyname name uni fun) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Scoping | |
Generic (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
(Show tyname, Show name, GShow uni, Everywhere uni Show, Show fun, Show ann, Closed uni) ⇒ Show (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
(NFData tyname, NFData name, Everywhere uni NFData, NFData fun, NFData ann, Closed uni) ⇒ NFData (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type | |
(Flat ann, Flat (Term tyname name uni fun ann)) ⇒ Flat (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Eq fun, Eq ann, Eq (Term tyname name uni fun ann)) ⇒ Eq (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
HasUniques (Program tyname name uni fun ann) ⇒ Rename (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Rename | |
(PrettyClassic tyname, PrettyClassic name, PrettyUni uni, Pretty fun, Pretty ann) ⇒ Pretty (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
type Rep (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type type Rep (Program tyname name uni fun ann) = D1 ('MetaData "Program" "PlutusCore.Core.Type" "plutus-core-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Program" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_progAnn") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 ann) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_progVer") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Version) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_progTerm") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Term tyname name uni fun ann))))) | |
type HasUniques (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type |
A Name
represents variables/names in Plutus Core.
Name | |
We use a newtype
to enforce separation between names used for types and
those used for terms.
Generic TyName Source # | |
Show TyName Source # | |
NFData TyName Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
Flat TyName Source # | |
Eq TyName Source # | |
Ord TyName Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
Hashable TyName Source # | |
Wrapped TyName Source # | |
ToScopedName TyName Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Check.Scoping | |
HasText TyName Source # | |
Pretty TyName Source # | |
HasUnique TyName TypeUnique Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
HasPrettyConfigName config ⇒ PrettyBy config TyName Source # | |
Lift TyName Source # | |
tyname ~ TyName ⇒ Reference TyName (Type tyname uni) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Scoping referenceVia ∷ (∀ name. ToScopedName name ⇒ name → NameAnn) → TyName → Type tyname uni NameAnn → Type tyname uni NameAnn Source # | |
tyname ~ TyName ⇒ Reference TyName (Term tyname name uni fun) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Scoping referenceVia ∷ (∀ name0. ToScopedName name0 ⇒ name0 → NameAnn) → TyName → Term tyname name uni fun NameAnn → Term tyname name uni fun NameAnn Source # | |
Flat (Binder TyName) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Eq ann) ⇒ Eq (Type TyName uni ann) Source # | |
TermLike (Term name uni fun) TyName name uni fun Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Type var ∷ ann → name → Term name uni fun ann Source # tyAbs ∷ ann → TyName → Kind ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # lamAbs ∷ ann → name → Type TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # apply ∷ ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # constant ∷ ann → Some (ValueOf uni) → Term name uni fun ann Source # builtin ∷ ann → fun → Term name uni fun ann Source # tyInst ∷ ann → Term name uni fun ann → Type TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # unwrap ∷ ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # iWrap ∷ ann → Type TyName uni ann → Type TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # error ∷ ann → Type TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # constr ∷ ann → Type TyName uni ann → Word64 → [Term name uni fun ann] → Term name uni fun ann Source # kase ∷ ann → Type TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann → [Term name uni fun ann] → Term name uni fun ann Source # termLet ∷ ann → TermDef (Term name uni fun) TyName name uni ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # typeLet ∷ ann → TypeDef TyName uni ann → Term name uni fun ann → Term name uni fun ann Source # | |
AsTypeError (Error uni fun ann) (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _TypeError ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann) Source # _KindMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Type TyName uni (), ExpectedShapeOr (Kind ()), Kind ()) Source # _TypeMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Term TyName Name uni fun (), ExpectedShapeOr (Type TyName uni ()), Normalized (Type TyName uni ())) Source # _TyNameMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, TyName, TyName) Source # _NameMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Name, Name) Source # _FreeTypeVariableE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, TyName) Source # _FreeVariableE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Name) Source # _UnknownBuiltinFunctionE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, fun) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Eq fun, Eq ann) ⇒ Eq (Term TyName Name uni fun ann) Source # | |
HasConstant (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) Source # | |
type Rep TyName Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
type Unwrapped TyName Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique |
A unique identifier
Enum Unique Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique succ ∷ Unique → Unique Source # pred ∷ Unique → Unique Source # toEnum ∷ Int → Unique Source # fromEnum ∷ Unique → Int Source # enumFrom ∷ Unique → [Unique] Source # enumFromThen ∷ Unique → Unique → [Unique] Source # enumFromTo ∷ Unique → Unique → [Unique] Source # enumFromThenTo ∷ Unique → Unique → Unique → [Unique] Source # | |
Show Unique Source # | |
NFData Unique Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
Flat Unique Source # | |
Eq Unique Source # | |
Ord Unique Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.Unique | |
Hashable Unique Source # | |
Pretty Unique Source # | |
HasUnique Unique Unique Source # | |
Lift Unique Source # | |
newtype UniqueMap unique a Source #
A mapping from Unique
s to arbitrary values of type a
Since Unique
is equivalent to Int
(see PlutusCore.Name.Unique),
we can use an IntMap
representation for this type.
Foldable (UniqueMap unique) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Name.UniqueMap fold ∷ Monoid m ⇒ UniqueMap unique m → m Source # foldMap ∷ Monoid m ⇒ (a → m) → UniqueMap unique a → m Source # foldMap' ∷ Monoid m ⇒ (a → m) → UniqueMap unique a → m Source # foldr ∷ (a → b → b) → b → UniqueMap unique a → b Source # foldr' ∷ (a → b → b) → b → UniqueMap unique a → b Source # foldl ∷ (b → a → b) → b → UniqueMap unique a → b Source # foldl' ∷ (b → a → b) → b → UniqueMap unique a → b Source # foldr1 ∷ (a → a → a) → UniqueMap unique a → a Source # foldl1 ∷ (a → a → a) → UniqueMap unique a → a Source # toList ∷ UniqueMap unique a → [a] Source # null ∷ UniqueMap unique a → Bool Source # length ∷ UniqueMap unique a → Int Source # elem ∷ Eq a ⇒ a → UniqueMap unique a → Bool Source # maximum ∷ Ord a ⇒ UniqueMap unique a → a Source # minimum ∷ Ord a ⇒ UniqueMap unique a → a Source # | |
Functor (UniqueMap unique) Source # | |
Monoid (UniqueMap unique a) Source # | |
Semigroup (UniqueMap unique a) Source # | |
Show a ⇒ Show (UniqueMap unique a) Source # | |
Eq a ⇒ Eq (UniqueMap unique a) Source # | |
newtype UniqueSet unique Source #
A set containing Unique
s. Since Unique
is equivalent to Int
(see PlutusCore.Name.Unique), we can use an IntSet
representation for this type.
newtype Normalized a Source #
latestVersion ∷ Version Source #
The latest version of Plutus Core supported by this library.
tyVarDeclAnn ∷ ∀ tyname ann. Lens' (TyVarDecl tyname ann) ann Source #
tyVarDeclName ∷ ∀ tyname ann tyname. Lens (TyVarDecl tyname ann) (TyVarDecl tyname ann) tyname tyname Source #
varDeclAnn ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann. Lens' (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) ann Source #
varDeclName ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann name. Lens (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) name name Source #
varDeclType ∷ ∀ tyname name uni ann tyname uni. Lens (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (VarDecl tyname name uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) Source #
tyDeclType ∷ ∀ tyname uni ann tyname uni. Lens (TyDecl tyname uni ann) (TyDecl tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) (Type tyname uni ann) Source #
progTerm ∷ ∀ tyname name uni fun ann tyname name uni fun. Lens (Program tyname name uni fun ann) (Program tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source #
mapFun ∷ (fun → fun') → Term tyname name uni fun ann → Term tyname name uni fun' ann Source #
Map a function over the set of built-in functions.
DeBruijn representation
A term name as a de Bruijn index, without the name string.
Generic DeBruijn Source # | |
Show DeBruijn Source # | |
NFData DeBruijn Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.DeBruijn.Internal | |
Flat DeBruijn Source # | |
Eq DeBruijn Source # | |
Hashable DeBruijn Source # | |
HasIndex DeBruijn Source # | |
HasPrettyConfigName config ⇒ PrettyBy config DeBruijn Source # | |
Flat (Binder DeBruijn) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Eq fun, Eq ann) ⇒ Eq (Term DeBruijn uni fun ann) Source # | |
HashableTermConstraints uni fun ann ⇒ Hashable (Term DeBruijn uni fun ann) Source # | |
(GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Eq fun, Eq ann) ⇒ Eq (Term TyDeBruijn DeBruijn uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Instance.Eq (==) ∷ Term TyDeBruijn DeBruijn uni fun ann → Term TyDeBruijn DeBruijn uni fun ann → Bool Source # (/=) ∷ Term TyDeBruijn DeBruijn uni fun ann → Term TyDeBruijn DeBruijn uni fun ann → Bool Source # | |
type Rep DeBruijn Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.DeBruijn.Internal |
newtype TyDeBruijn Source #
A type name as a de Bruijn index, without the name string.
data NamedDeBruijn Source #
A term name as a de Bruijn index.
newtype NamedTyDeBruijn Source #
A type name as a de Bruijn index.
deBruijnTerm ∷ (AsFreeVariableError e, MonadError e m) ⇒ Term TyName Name uni fun ann → m (Term NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn uni fun ann) Source #
Convert a Term
with TyName
s and Name
s into a Term
with NamedTyDeBruijn
s and
s. Will throw an error if a free variable is encountered.
unDeBruijnTerm ∷ (MonadQuote m, AsFreeVariableError e, MonadError e m) ⇒ Term NamedTyDeBruijn NamedDeBruijn uni fun ann → m (Term TyName Name uni fun ann) Source #
Convert a Term
with NamedTyDeBruijn
s and NamedDeBruijn
s into a Term
with TyName
s and
s. Will throw an error if a free variable is encountered.
type family HasUniques a ∷ Constraint Source #
All kinds of uniques an entity contains.
type HasUniques (Kind ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type HasUniques (Type tyname uni ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type HasUniques (Program name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type HasUniques (Term name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type HasUniques (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type | |
type HasUniques (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Core.Type type HasUniques (Term tyname name uni fun ann) = (HasUnique tyname TypeUnique, HasUnique name TermUnique) |
The class of things that can be renamed. I.e. things that are capable of satisfying the global uniqueness condition.
rename ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ a → m a Source #
Rename Unique
s so that they're globally unique.
In case there are any free variables, they must be left untouched and bound variables
must not get renamed to free ones.
Must always assign new names to bound variables,
so that rename
can be used for alpha-renaming as well.
Rename a ⇒ Rename (Normalized a) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Rename rename ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Normalized a → m (Normalized a) Source # | |
HasUniques (Type tyname uni ann) ⇒ Rename (Type tyname uni ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Rename | |
HasUniques (Program name uni fun ann) ⇒ Rename (Program name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Rename | |
HasUniques (Term name uni fun ann) ⇒ Rename (Term name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Rename | |
HasUniques (Program tyname name uni fun ann) ⇒ Rename (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Rename | |
HasUniques (Term tyname name uni fun ann) ⇒ Rename (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Rename |
Type checking
module PlutusCore.TypeCheck
normalizeTypesIn ∷ (HasUnique tyname TypeUnique, HasUnique name TermUnique, MonadNormalizeType uni m) ⇒ Term tyname name uni fun ann → m (Term tyname name uni fun ann) Source #
normalizeTypesInProgram ∷ (HasUnique tyname TypeUnique, HasUnique name TermUnique, MonadNormalizeType uni m) ⇒ Program tyname name uni fun ann → m (Program tyname name uni fun ann) Source #
class AsTypeError r term uni fun ann | r → term uni fun ann where Source #
_TypeError ∷ Prism' r (TypeError term uni fun ann) Source #
_KindMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, Type TyName uni (), ExpectedShapeOr (Kind ()), Kind ()) Source #
_TypeMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, term, ExpectedShapeOr (Type TyName uni ()), Normalized (Type TyName uni ())) Source #
_TyNameMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, TyName, TyName) Source #
_NameMismatch ∷ Prism' r (ann, Name, Name) Source #
_FreeTypeVariableE ∷ Prism' r (ann, TyName) Source #
_FreeVariableE ∷ Prism' r (ann, Name) Source #
_UnknownBuiltinFunctionE ∷ Prism' r (ann, fun) Source #
AsTypeError (Error uni fun ann) (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _TypeError ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann) Source # _KindMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Type TyName uni (), ExpectedShapeOr (Kind ()), Kind ()) Source # _TypeMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Term TyName Name uni fun (), ExpectedShapeOr (Type TyName uni ()), Normalized (Type TyName uni ())) Source # _TyNameMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, TyName, TyName) Source # _NameMismatch ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Name, Name) Source # _FreeTypeVariableE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, TyName) Source # _FreeVariableE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, Name) Source # _UnknownBuiltinFunctionE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (ann, fun) Source # | |
AsTypeError (TypeError term uni fun ann) term uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _TypeError ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (TypeError term uni fun ann) Source # _KindMismatch ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, Type TyName uni (), ExpectedShapeOr (Kind ()), Kind ()) Source # _TypeMismatch ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, term, ExpectedShapeOr (Type TyName uni ()), Normalized (Type TyName uni ())) Source # _TyNameMismatch ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, TyName, TyName) Source # _NameMismatch ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, Name, Name) Source # _FreeTypeVariableE ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, TyName) Source # _FreeVariableE ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, Name) Source # _UnknownBuiltinFunctionE ∷ Prism' (TypeError term uni fun ann) (ann, fun) Source # |
data TypeError term uni fun ann Source #
data Error uni fun ann Source #
ParseErrorE !ParserErrorBundle | |
UniqueCoherencyErrorE !(UniqueError ann) | |
TypeErrorE !(TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann) | |
NormCheckErrorE !(NormCheckError TyName Name uni fun ann) | |
FreeVariableErrorE !FreeVariableError |
class AsError r uni fun ann | r → uni fun ann where Source #
_Error ∷ Prism' r (Error uni fun ann) Source #
_ParseErrorE ∷ Prism' r ParserErrorBundle Source #
_UniqueCoherencyErrorE ∷ Prism' r (UniqueError ann) Source #
_TypeErrorE ∷ Prism' r (TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann) Source #
_NormCheckErrorE ∷ Prism' r (NormCheckError TyName Name uni fun ann) Source #
_FreeVariableErrorE ∷ Prism' r FreeVariableError Source #
AsError (Error uni fun ann) uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _Error ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (Error uni fun ann) Source # _ParseErrorE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) ParserErrorBundle Source # _UniqueCoherencyErrorE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (UniqueError ann) Source # _TypeErrorE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (TypeError (Term TyName Name uni fun ()) uni fun ann) Source # _NormCheckErrorE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (NormCheckError TyName Name uni fun ann) Source # _FreeVariableErrorE ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) FreeVariableError Source # |
data NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann Source #
(Pretty ann, PrettyBy config (Type tyname uni ann), PrettyBy config (Term tyname name uni fun ann)) ⇒ PrettyBy config (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error prettyBy ∷ config → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → Doc ann0 Source # prettyListBy ∷ config → [NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann] → Doc ann0 Source # | |
Functor (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error fmap ∷ (a → b) → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun a → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun b Source # (<$) ∷ a → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun b → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun a Source # | |
Generic (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error from ∷ NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → Rep (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) x Source # to ∷ Rep (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) x → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann Source # | |
(Show tyname, Show name, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Show, Show fun, Show ann, GShow uni) ⇒ Show (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error | |
(NFData tyname, NFData name, Closed uni, Everywhere uni NFData, NFData fun, NFData ann) ⇒ NFData (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error rnf ∷ NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → () Source # | |
(Eq (Term tyname name uni fun ann), Eq (Type tyname uni ann), GEq uni, Closed uni, Everywhere uni Eq, Eq fun, Eq ann) ⇒ Eq (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error (==) ∷ NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → Bool Source # (/=) ∷ NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann → Bool Source # | |
AsNormCheckError (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) tyname name uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _NormCheckError ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # _BadType ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (ann, Type tyname uni ann, Text) Source # _BadTerm ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (ann, Term tyname name uni fun ann, Text) Source # | |
type Rep (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error type Rep (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) = D1 ('MetaData "NormCheckError" "PlutusCore.Error" "plutus-core-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "BadType" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ann) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Type tyname uni ann)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "BadTerm" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ann) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (Term tyname name uni fun ann)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'SourceStrict 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text)))) |
class AsNormCheckError r tyname name uni fun ann | r → tyname name uni fun ann where Source #
_NormCheckError ∷ Prism' r (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source #
_BadType ∷ Prism' r (ann, Type tyname uni ann, Text) Source #
_BadTerm ∷ Prism' r (ann, Term tyname name uni fun ann, Text) Source #
(tyname ~ TyName, name ~ Name) ⇒ AsNormCheckError (Error uni fun ann) tyname name uni fun ann Source # | |
AsNormCheckError (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) tyname name uni fun ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _NormCheckError ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) Source # _BadType ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (ann, Type tyname uni ann, Text) Source # _BadTerm ∷ Prism' (NormCheckError tyname name uni fun ann) (ann, Term tyname name uni fun ann, Text) Source # |
data UniqueError ann Source #
MultiplyDefined !Unique !ann !ann | |
IncoherentUsage !Unique !ann !ann | |
FreeVariable !Unique !ann |
class AsUniqueError r ann | r → ann where Source #
_UniqueError ∷ Prism' r (UniqueError ann) Source #
_MultiplyDefined ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann, ann) Source #
_IncoherentUsage ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann, ann) Source #
_FreeVariable ∷ Prism' r (Unique, ann) Source #
AsUniqueError (UniqueError ann) ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _UniqueError ∷ Prism' (UniqueError ann) (UniqueError ann) Source # _MultiplyDefined ∷ Prism' (UniqueError ann) (Unique, ann, ann) Source # _IncoherentUsage ∷ Prism' (UniqueError ann) (Unique, ann, ann) Source # _FreeVariable ∷ Prism' (UniqueError ann) (Unique, ann) Source # | |
AsUniqueError (Error uni fun ann) ann Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _UniqueError ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (UniqueError ann) Source # _MultiplyDefined ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (Unique, ann, ann) Source # _IncoherentUsage ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (Unique, ann, ann) Source # _FreeVariable ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) (Unique, ann) Source # |
data FreeVariableError Source #
We cannot do a correct translation to or from de Bruijn indices if the program is not well-scoped. So we throw an error in such a case.
class AsFreeVariableError r where Source #
_FreeVariableError ∷ Prism' r FreeVariableError Source #
_FreeUnique ∷ Prism' r Unique Source #
_FreeIndex ∷ Prism' r Index Source #
AsFreeVariableError FreeVariableError Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.DeBruijn.Internal _FreeVariableError ∷ Prism' FreeVariableError FreeVariableError Source # _FreeUnique ∷ Prism' FreeVariableError Unique Source # _FreeIndex ∷ Prism' FreeVariableError Index Source # | |
AsFreeVariableError (Error uni fun ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Error _FreeVariableError ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) FreeVariableError Source # _FreeUnique ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) Unique Source # _FreeIndex ∷ Prism' (Error uni fun ann) Index Source # |
Quotation and term construction
The "quotation" monad transformer. Within this monad you can do safe construction of PLC terms using quasiquotation, fresh-name generation, and parsing.
MonadTrans QuoteT Source # | |
MFunctor QuoteT Source # | |
MonadError e m ⇒ MonadError e (QuoteT m) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Quote throwError ∷ e → QuoteT m a Source # catchError ∷ QuoteT m a → (e → QuoteT m a) → QuoteT m a Source # | |
MonadReader r m ⇒ MonadReader r (QuoteT m) Source # | |
MonadState s m ⇒ MonadState s (QuoteT m) Source # | |
MonadWriter w m ⇒ MonadWriter w (QuoteT m) Source # | |
MonadFix m ⇒ MonadFix (QuoteT m) Source # | |
MonadIO m ⇒ MonadIO (QuoteT m) Source # | |
Monad m ⇒ Applicative (QuoteT m) Source # | |
Functor m ⇒ Functor (QuoteT m) Source # | |
Monad m ⇒ Monad (QuoteT m) Source # | |
Monad m ⇒ MonadQuote (QuoteT m) Source # | |
runQuoteT ∷ Monad m ⇒ QuoteT m a → m a Source #
Run a quote from an empty identifier state. Note that the resulting term cannot necessarily
be safely combined with other terms - that should happen inside QuoteT
class Monad m ⇒ MonadQuote m Source #
A monad that allows lifting of quoted expressions.
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (GenT m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (PropertyT m) Source # | |
Monad m ⇒ MonadQuote (QuoteT m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (MaybeT m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (RenameT ren m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (ExceptT e m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (ReaderT r m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (StateT s m) Source # | |
(Stream s, MonadQuote m) ⇒ MonadQuote (ParsecT e s m) Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (NormalizeTypeT m tyname uni ann) Source # | |
Defined in PlutusCore.Normalize.Internal liftQuote ∷ Quote a → NormalizeTypeT m tyname uni ann a Source # | |
MonadQuote m ⇒ MonadQuote (SimplifierT name uni fun ann m) Source # | |
Defined in UntypedPlutusCore.Transform.Simplifier liftQuote ∷ Quote a → SimplifierT name uni fun ann m a Source # |
liftQuote ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Quote a → m a Source #
Name generation
freshUnique ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ m Unique Source #
Get a fresh Unique
freshTyName ∷ MonadQuote m ⇒ Text → m TyName Source #
data EvaluationResult a Source #
The parameterized type of results various evaluation engines return.
On the PLC side this becomes (via makeKnown
) either a call to Error
a value of the PLC counterpart of type a
Combining programs
applyProgram ∷ (MonadError ApplyProgramError m, Semigroup a) ⇒ Program tyname name uni fun a → Program tyname name uni fun a → m (Program tyname name uni fun a) Source #
Applies one program to another. Fails if the versions do not match and tries to merge annotations.
kindSize ∷ Kind a → Size Source #
Count the number of AST nodes in a kind.
kindSize $ Type ()
Size {unSize = 1}>>>
kindSize $ KindArrow () (KindArrow () (Type ()) (Type ())) (Type ())
Size {unSize = 5}
programSize ∷ Program tyname name uni fun ann → Size Source #
Count the number of AST nodes in a program.
serialisedSize ∷ Flat a ⇒ a → Integer Source #
Compute the size of the serializabled form of a value.