-- editorconfig-checker-disable-file
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}
module Cardano.Constitution.Config.Instance.FromJSON () where

import Cardano.Constitution.Config.Types

import PlutusPrelude (lowerInitialChar)
import PlutusTx.Ratio as Tx

import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List as Haskell.List
import Data.Map qualified as M
import GHC.IsList
import Safe
import Text.Regex.TDFA as Rx

-- | Replica ADTs of ParamValue & ConstitutionConfig , specialised only for FromJSON.
-- Alternatively, we could generalise the aforementationed ADTs (needs barbies, breaks TxLifting)
data RawParamValue =
      RawParamInteger (Predicates Integer)
    | RawParamRational (Predicates Tx.Rational)
    | RawParamList (M.Map Integer RawParamValue)
    | RawParamAny
newtype RawConstitutionConfig = RawConstitutionConfig (M.Map Integer RawParamValue)

-- TODO: move to deriving-aeson
instance FromJSON PredKey where
    parseJSON :: Value -> Parser PredKey
parseJSON = Options -> Value -> Parser PredKey
forall a.
(Generic a, GFromJSON Zero (Rep a)) =>
Options -> Value -> Parser a
genericParseJSON (Options
defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = lowerInitialChar })

-- TODO: move to deriving-aeson
instance Aeson.FromJSONKey PredKey where
  fromJSONKey :: FromJSONKeyFunction PredKey
fromJSONKey = JSONKeyOptions -> FromJSONKeyFunction PredKey
forall a.
(Generic a, GFromJSONKey (Rep a)) =>
JSONKeyOptions -> FromJSONKeyFunction a
genericFromJSONKey (JSONKeyOptions
defaultJSONKeyOptions { keyModifier = lowerInitialChar })

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Predicates a) where
    parseJSON :: Value -> Parser (Predicates a)
parseJSON Value
val = do
        -- TODO: ugly code, refactor
ms <- forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON @[Object] Value
        -- filter out "$comment" from all keymaps
        let ms' :: [Value]
ms' = (Object -> Value) -> [Object] -> [Value]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (Object -> Value
Object (Object -> Value) -> (Object -> Object) -> Object -> Value
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Key -> Object -> Object
forall v. Key -> KeyMap v -> KeyMap v
Aeson.delete Key
commentKey) [Object]
        -- re-parse correctly this time
        [Map PredKey a]
m <- forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON @[M.Map PredKey a] (Array -> Value
Aeson.Array (Array -> Value) -> Array -> Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Item Array] -> Array
forall l. IsList l => [Item l] -> l
fromList [Item Array]
        Bool -> Parser () -> Parser ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when ((Map PredKey a -> Bool) -> [Map PredKey a] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool
any ((Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Int
1) (Int -> Bool) -> (Map PredKey a -> Int) -> Map PredKey a -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Map PredKey a -> Int
forall a. Map PredKey a -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length) [Map PredKey a]
m) (Parser () -> Parser ()) -> Parser () -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
            String -> Parser ()
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"Only one predicate-key per predicate inside the predicate list"
        Predicates a -> Parser (Predicates a)
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Predicates a -> Parser (Predicates a))
-> Predicates a -> Parser (Predicates a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Predicate a] -> Predicates a
forall v. [Predicate v] -> Predicates v
Predicates ([Predicate a] -> Predicates a) -> [Predicate a] -> Predicates a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
            -- using toAscList here ensures that the inner map is sorted
            Map PredKey [a] -> [Predicate a]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
            -- combine the duplicate predicates into a list of predicate values
            -- entries with same key combine their values with (++)
            (Map PredKey [a] -> [Predicate a])
-> Map PredKey [a] -> [Predicate a]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> [Map PredKey [a]] -> Map PredKey [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) k a.
(Foldable f, Ord k) =>
(a -> a -> a) -> f (Map k a) -> Map k a
M.unionsWith [a] -> [a] -> [a]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
            ([Map PredKey [a]] -> Map PredKey [a])
-> [Map PredKey [a]] -> Map PredKey [a]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Map PredKey a -> Map PredKey [a])
-> [Map PredKey a] -> [Map PredKey [a]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((a -> [a]) -> Map PredKey a -> Map PredKey [a]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Map PredKey a -> Map PredKey b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap a -> [a]
forall a. a -> [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure) [Map PredKey a]

instance FromJSON ConstitutionConfig where
    parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ConstitutionConfig
parseJSON =
        Value -> Parser RawConstitutionConfig
forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON         -- first pass, parse raw
        (Value -> Parser RawConstitutionConfig)
-> (RawConstitutionConfig -> Parser ConstitutionConfig)
-> Value
-> Parser ConstitutionConfig
forall (m :: * -> *) a b c.
Monad m =>
(a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
        RawConstitutionConfig -> Parser ConstitutionConfig
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
RawConstitutionConfig -> m ConstitutionConfig
fromRaw      -- second pass, flatten maps to lists, and check for contiguity

-- 1st pass
instance FromJSON RawConstitutionConfig where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser RawConstitutionConfig
parseJSON = (Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawConstitutionConfig)
-> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
-> Parser RawConstitutionConfig
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawConstitutionConfig
             (Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
 -> Parser RawConstitutionConfig)
-> (Value -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue))
-> Value
-> Parser RawConstitutionConfig
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String
-> (Object -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue))
-> Value
-> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObject String
"RawConstitutionConfig" ((Map Integer RawParamValue
 -> (Key, Value) -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue))
-> Map Integer RawParamValue
-> [(Key, Value)]
-> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) b a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldlM Map Integer RawParamValue
-> (Key, Value) -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
insertParam Map Integer RawParamValue
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty ([(Key, Value)] -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue))
-> (Object -> [(Key, Value)])
-> Object
-> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Object -> [(Key, Value)]
forall v. KeyMap v -> [(Key, v)]
      insertParam :: Map Integer RawParamValue
-> (Key, Value) -> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
insertParam Map Integer RawParamValue
acc (Key
outerKey, Value
outerValue) = do
index, Maybe Integer
msubIndex) <- Key -> Parser (Integer, Maybe Integer)
parseParamKey Key
          Bool -> Parser () -> Parser ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Integer
index Integer -> Integer -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Integer
0) (Parser () -> Parser ()) -> Parser () -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Parser ()
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"Negative Integer ParamKey given"
paramValue <- Maybe Integer -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue
parseParamValue Maybe Integer
msubIndex Value
          -- flipped version of Lens.at
          (Maybe RawParamValue -> Parser (Maybe RawParamValue))
-> Integer
-> Map Integer RawParamValue
-> Parser (Map Integer RawParamValue)
forall (f :: * -> *) k a.
(Functor f, Ord k) =>
(Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> k -> Map k a -> f (Map k a)
M.alterF (\case
                           Maybe RawParamValue
Nothing -> Maybe RawParamValue -> Parser (Maybe RawParamValue)
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Maybe RawParamValue -> Parser (Maybe RawParamValue))
-> Maybe RawParamValue -> Parser (Maybe RawParamValue)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ RawParamValue -> Maybe RawParamValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just RawParamValue
                           Just RawParamValue
paramValue' -> RawParamValue -> Maybe RawParamValue
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (RawParamValue -> Maybe RawParamValue)
-> Parser RawParamValue -> Parser (Maybe RawParamValue)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> RawParamValue -> RawParamValue -> Parser RawParamValue
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
RawParamValue -> RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue
mergeParamValues RawParamValue
paramValue' RawParamValue
                   ) Integer
index  Map Integer RawParamValue

-- second pass, flatten maps to lists, and check for contiguity
fromRaw :: MonadFail m => RawConstitutionConfig -> m ConstitutionConfig
fromRaw :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
RawConstitutionConfig -> m ConstitutionConfig
fromRaw (RawConstitutionConfig Map Integer RawParamValue
rc) = [Param] -> ConstitutionConfig
ConstitutionConfig ([Param] -> ConstitutionConfig)
-> (Map Integer ParamValue -> [Param])
-> Map Integer ParamValue
-> ConstitutionConfig
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Map Integer ParamValue -> [Param]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
M.toAscList (Map Integer ParamValue -> ConstitutionConfig)
-> m (Map Integer ParamValue) -> m ConstitutionConfig
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (RawParamValue -> m ParamValue)
-> Map Integer RawParamValue -> m (Map Integer ParamValue)
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> Map Integer a -> f (Map Integer b)
traverse RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadFail m => RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
flattenParamValue Map Integer RawParamValue
    flattenParamValue :: MonadFail m => RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
    flattenParamValue :: forall (m :: * -> *). MonadFail m => RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
flattenParamValue = \case
        RawParamList Map Integer RawParamValue
m -> do
            -- This is the CONTIGUOUS check.
            Bool -> m () -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> Bool -> Bool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Map Integer RawParamValue -> [Integer]
forall k a. Map k a -> [k]
M.keys Map Integer RawParamValue
m [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
`isPrefixOf` [Integer
0..]) (m () -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> m ()
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"The sub-indices are not in order."
            -- the M.elems will be in ascending order
            [ParamValue] -> ParamValue
ParamList ([ParamValue] -> ParamValue) -> m [ParamValue] -> m ParamValue
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (RawParamValue -> m ParamValue)
-> [RawParamValue] -> m [ParamValue]
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Applicative f =>
(a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
traverse RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadFail m => RawParamValue -> m ParamValue
flattenParamValue (Map Integer RawParamValue -> [RawParamValue]
forall k a. Map k a -> [a]
M.elems Map Integer RawParamValue
        -- boilerplate follows
        RawParamInteger Predicates Integer
x -> ParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ParamValue -> m ParamValue) -> ParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Predicates Integer -> ParamValue
ParamInteger Predicates Integer
        RawParamRational Predicates Rational
x -> ParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ParamValue -> m ParamValue) -> ParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Predicates Rational -> ParamValue
ParamRational Predicates Rational
RawParamAny -> ParamValue -> m ParamValue
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ParamValue

-- MAYBE: use instead attoparsec-aeson.jsonWith/jsonNoDup to fail on parsing duplicate Keys,
-- because right now Aeson silently ignores duplicated param entries (arbitrarily picks the last of duplicates)
parseParamKey :: Aeson.Key -> Aeson.Parser (Integer, Maybe Integer)
parseParamKey :: Key -> Parser (Integer, Maybe Integer)
parseParamKey (Key -> String
Aeson.toString -> String
s) = do
       -- MAYBE: fetch the regex pattern from the schema itself, it is easy
_, String
subIndexS]] :: [[String]] <- String
s String -> String -> Parser [[String]]
forall source source1 target (m :: * -> *).
(RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,
 RegexContext Regex source1 target, MonadFail m) =>
source1 -> source -> m target
Rx.=~~ (String
"^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\\[(0|[1-9][0-9]*)\\])?$" :: String)
indexI <- (String -> Parser Integer)
-> (Integer -> Parser Integer)
-> Either String Integer
-> Parser Integer
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either String -> Parser Integer
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail Integer -> Parser Integer
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Either String Integer -> Parser Integer)
-> Either String Integer -> Parser Integer
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> Either String Integer
forall a. Read a => String -> Either String a
readEitherSafe String
       Maybe Integer
mSubIndexI <-
            if String -> Bool
forall a. [a] -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null String
            then Maybe Integer -> Parser (Maybe Integer)
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe Integer
forall a. Maybe a
            else Integer -> Maybe Integer
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Integer -> Maybe Integer)
-> Parser Integer -> Parser (Maybe Integer)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (String -> Parser Integer)
-> (Integer -> Parser Integer)
-> Either String Integer
-> Parser Integer
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either String -> Parser Integer
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail Integer -> Parser Integer
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (String -> Either String Integer
forall a. Read a => String -> Either String a
readEitherSafe String
       (Integer, Maybe Integer) -> Parser (Integer, Maybe Integer)
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Integer
indexI,Maybe Integer

-- | If there is a subkey given, treat the param as a paramlist
-- Otherwise, parse it based on the json's "type"
parseParamValue :: Maybe ParamKey -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue
parseParamValue :: Maybe Integer -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue
parseParamValue = \case
    Maybe Integer
Nothing -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue
    -- if we parsed a sub-index, treat the param value as a `M.singleton subIndex value`
    Just Integer
subIndex -> (RawParamValue -> RawParamValue)
-> Parser RawParamValue -> Parser RawParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawParamValue
RawParamList (Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawParamValue)
-> (RawParamValue -> Map Integer RawParamValue)
-> RawParamValue
-> RawParamValue
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Integer -> RawParamValue -> Map Integer RawParamValue
forall k a. k -> a -> Map k a
M.singleton Integer
subIndex) (Parser RawParamValue -> Parser RawParamValue)
-> (Value -> Parser RawParamValue) -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Value -> Parser RawParamValue
      parseTypedParamValue :: Value -> Parser RawParamValue
      parseTypedParamValue :: Value -> Parser RawParamValue
parseTypedParamValue = String
-> (Object -> Parser RawParamValue)
-> Value
-> Parser RawParamValue
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObject String
"RawParamValue" ((Object -> Parser RawParamValue) -> Value -> Parser RawParamValue)
-> (Object -> Parser RawParamValue)
-> Value
-> Parser RawParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Object
o -> do
ty <- Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser Key
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
          Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseSynonymType Key
ty Object

      -- the base types we support
      parseBaseType :: Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
      parseBaseType :: Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
ty Object
o = case Key
ty of
"integer"  -> Predicates Integer -> RawParamValue
RawParamInteger (Predicates Integer -> RawParamValue)
-> Parser (Predicates Integer) -> Parser RawParamValue
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser (Predicates Integer)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
          -- NOTE: even if the Tx.Ratio.Rational constructor is not exposed, the 2 arguments to the constructor
          -- will be normalized (co-primed) when Tx.lift is called on them.
          -- SO there is no speed benefit to statically co-prime them ourselves for efficiency.
"rational" -> Predicates Rational -> RawParamValue
RawParamRational (Predicates Rational -> RawParamValue)
-> Parser (Predicates Rational) -> Parser RawParamValue
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> (Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser (Predicates Rational)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
"any"      -> RawParamValue -> Parser RawParamValue
forall a. a -> Parser a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure RawParamValue
_          -> String -> Parser RawParamValue
forall a. String -> Parser a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"invalid type tag"

      -- synonyms to ease the transition from cddl
      parseSynonymType :: Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseSynonymType = \case
"coin"                 -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"uint.size4"           -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"uint.size2"           -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"uint"                 -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"integer" -- For ex units
"epoch_interval"       -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"integer" -- Rename of uint.size4
"unit_interval"        -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"nonnegative_interval" -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
"costMdls"             -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
x -> Key -> Object -> Parser RawParamValue
parseBaseType Key
x -- didn't find synonym, try as basetype

-- | It is like an `mappend` when both inputs are ParamList's.
mergeParamValues :: MonadFail m => RawParamValue -> RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue
mergeParamValues :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadFail m =>
RawParamValue -> RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue
mergeParamValues (RawParamList Map Integer RawParamValue
m1) = \case
    RawParamList Map Integer RawParamValue
m2 -> RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue)
-> RawParamValue -> m RawParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawParamValue
RawParamList (Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawParamValue)
-> Map Integer RawParamValue -> RawParamValue
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Map Integer RawParamValue
m1 Map Integer RawParamValue
-> Map Integer RawParamValue -> Map Integer RawParamValue
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Map Integer RawParamValue
_ -> String -> m RawParamValue
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"param matched with subparam"
mergeParamValues RawParamValue
_ = \case
    RawParamList Map Integer RawParamValue
_ -> String -> m RawParamValue
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"param matched with subparam"
    -- in reality this cannot be triggered, because we would then have duplicate params
    -- , which default aeson and json allow
_ -> String -> m RawParamValue
forall a. String -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"this should not happen"

predicatesKey, typeKey, commentKey :: Aeson.Key
predicatesKey :: Key
predicatesKey = Key
typeKey :: Key
typeKey = Key
commentKey :: Key
commentKey = Key