plutus-core- Language library for Plutus Core
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




inferKindTypeCtxType TyName DefaultUni () → Either String (Kind ()) Source #

Infer the kind of a type in a given kind context

unsafeInferKindHasCallStackTypeCtxType TyName DefaultUni () → Kind () Source #

Partial unsafeInferKind, useful for context where invariants are set up to guarantee that types are well-kinded.

checkKindTypeCtxType TyName DefaultUni () → Kind () → Either String () Source #

Check well-kindedness of a type in a context

genListIntIntGen a → Gen [a] Source #

Generate a list with the given minimum and maximum lengths. It is similar to Hedgehog.Internal.Gen.list.

Note that genList 0 n gen behaves differently than resize n (listOf gen), because

   resize m (genList 0 n gen) = genList 0 n (resize m gen)


   resize m (resize n (listOf gen)) = resize n (listOf gen)

Orphan instances

PrettyBy config i ⇒ DefaultPrettyBy config (NonNegative i) Source # 
Instance details


defaultPrettyBy ∷ config → NonNegative i → Doc ann Source #

defaultPrettyListBy ∷ config → [NonNegative i] → Doc ann Source #

PrettyDefaultBy config (NonNegative i) ⇒ PrettyBy config (NonNegative i) Source # 
Instance details


prettyBy ∷ config → NonNegative i → Doc ann Source #

prettyListBy ∷ config → [NonNegative i] → Doc ann Source #

Pretty i ⇒ Pretty (NonNegative i) Source # 
Instance details


pretty ∷ NonNegative i → Doc ann Source #

prettyList ∷ [NonNegative i] → Doc ann Source #

Testable (Either String ()) Source # 
Instance details


propertyEither String () → Property

propertyForAllShrinkShowGen a → (a → [a]) → (a → [String]) → (a → Either String ()) → Property