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CLI tool for Plutus

The plutus CLI tool allows you to:

  • check statically your plutus-related (PIR/TPLC/UPLC) program for common errors.
  • compile (convert) between plutus-derived languages and code formats.
  • optimise the code.
  • run or interactively debug your program locally (without starting a Cardano Node).

A pre-built executable of the plutus CLI can be found on the Latest Release page in the repository. Alternatively, you can build the tool using Nix, specifically for your platform:

$ nix build ".#cabalProject.$(nix eval nixpkgs#stdenv.buildPlatform.system).hsPkgs.plutus-core.components.exes.plutus"

To consult the tool's usage you can invoke plutus --help in your command line:

$ plutus --help
USAGE: plutus [--run|--debug] [-OLEVEL] FILES... [-o FILE]

In general, a compiler tool operates in a certain pattern:

  1. Read (Parse or Deserialise) input program(s) of a source language

  2. Check program(s) for certain errors

  3. Compile to a lower-level target language

  4. Optimise the compiled code (optional)

  5. Write code to output (optional)

In case of plutus tool, Step 1 is more or less straightforward: the input programs are read from the specified FILES... in the CLI and/or from Standard Input (--stdin option).

After reading the input program(s), the tool continues to run certain static checks on those programs (Step 2); currently there is no way to turn these static checks off.

In Step 3 the tool will try to compile (convert) the higher-level source language (PIR, TPLC) of the input program to the lower-level target language (TPLC, UPLC). In case the source and target languages are the same, this step is a "no-op" (has to be for UPLC, since it is the lowest-level Plutus language after all).

Step 4 (Optimising code) is optional and has to be manually turned on by using the option -OLEVEL where LEVEL is a number between zero and two. -O0 specifies that no optimisations should be run (basically same as omitting the -OLEVEL option). -O1 applies safe optimisations (guarantees no change to the program's semantics), whereas -O2 applies aggressive / unsafe optimisations (may alter program's semantics).

Step 5 writes the resulting (compiled and/or optimised) code to given output specified with -o FILE or --stdout. This step is optional: there is no program output when both options above are omitted. This is so that users can use the plutus tool as a background checker when developing a Plutus program or if they want to continue with an extra Step 6:


5. Write code to output (optional)

6. Run OR Debug code (optional)

Users can pass a --run or --debug as an extra option to run or debug the resulting program of the compilation, using the tool's built-in interpreter and debugger, respectively.

Optimising UPLC with the CLI

In this section we only focus on UPLC; a prerequisite is that you have already acquired (extracted) the UPLC code corresponding to your high-level source program. The process to extract plutus code varies depending on the source language you are using (Plinth, Aiken, ...); if Plinth is the source language, you can follow the instructions on how to inspect compiled code.

Since UPLC is the lowest-level language, compiling (Step 3) is not applicable for UPLC input programs and thus omitted — for actual compiling (converting) between different intermediate languages (PIR, TPLC) or serialisation formats (e.g. Flat, CBOR) see the Advanced section on converting between Plutus languages & formats. Instead, we can use the plutus tool to check for certain static errors in our UPLC, as in the example:

$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (lam x (lam y z)))' > const_err.uplc
$ plutus const_err.uplc
Error from the PLC compiler:
Variable 2 is free at ()

After fixing the error:

$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (lam x (lam y x)))' | plutus --stdin
Compilation succeeded, but no output file was written; use -o or --stdout.

We can try to turn on some optimisations and write the resulting optimised code to standard output:

# no optimisations by default
$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (force (delay (con unit ()))))' | plutus --stdin --stdout
(program 1.1.0 (force (delay (con unit ()))))

$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (force (delay (con unit ()))))' | plutus --stdin --stdout -O1
(program 1.1.0 (con unit ()))

When multiple input programs (files) are passed to the CLI, the plutus tool will check, compile (not applicable for UPLC), and (optionally) optimise each program separately. After this is done for all programs, the tool gathers the result of each compilation/optimisation and combines them into a single output program. This is done by placing (interposing) an Apply term between the code of each compiled/optimised program, similar to Haskell's juxtaposition of a function and its series of applied arguments.

$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (lam x (lam y x)))' > func.uplc
$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (con string "OK"))' > arg1.uplc
$ echo '(program 1.1.0 (con bool True))' > arg2.uplc
$ plutus func.uplc arg1.uplc arg2.uplc --stdout -O2
(program 1.1.0 [ [ (lam x (lam y x)) (con string "OK") ] (con bool True) ])

In the example above, even with all optimisations turned on (-O2), the plutus tool will not reduce the obviously reducible function applications in the output program; this is because the input programs are optimised only individually (separately). You can instruct the tool to perform an extra optimisation pass of the whole (combined) program by passing --whole-opt to the CLI — the given -OLEVEL will be taken into account also for this final extra pass (-O2 in this case).

$ plutus func.uplc arg1.uplc arg2.uplc --stdout -O2 --whole-opt
(program 1.1.0 (con string "OK"))

Running UPLC with the CLI

Certain errors in uplc code cannot be caught by the static checks (Step 2) because the UPLC language is untyped:

# Pseudocode: 1 + True
$ echo "(program 1.1.0 [(builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) (con bool True)])" > typ_err.uplc
$ plutus typ_err.uplc
Compilation succeeded, but no output file was written; use -o or --stdout.

Alternatively we can try to run the program using the tool's built-in interpreter and look for any runtime (type) errors. The --run option will invoke the interpreter passing to it the final output program. An execution that raised an error will show information about the error and in which term the error happened:

$ plutus typ_err.uplc --run
Running the program: An error has occurred:
Could not unlift a value:
Type mismatch: expected: integer; actual: bool
Caused by: addInteger 1 True

Other times catching such (type) errors at runtime is not even possible. Consider the following example program which contains a type error but the execution nevertheless succeeds with the final evaluated result (term):

# Pseudocode: if True then "" else unit
$ echo '(program 1.1.0 [(force (builtin ifThenElse)) (con bool True) (con string "") (con unit ())])' > if.uplc
$ plutus if.uplc --run
Running the program: Execution succeeded, final term:
(con string "")
Used budget: ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 204149, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 901}

📌 NOTE The above example demonstrates that uplc — the language which actually runs on the chain — is low-level and more akin to assembly. Users that are concerned about the safety of their smart contracts are advised instead to develop in a higher-level (typed) language (e.g. Plinth) which compiles down to uplc.

After plutus program's execution is completed (either succeeded or failed), the final used budget will be printed as well. Because the CLI tool employs the same uplc interpreter as the one that the Cardano node runs, you can be sure that the program's execution result&budget match precisely — assuming same program and cost model — the result&budget computed by the chain.

You can pass a maximum CPU and/or Memory budget that is allowed to be spent with the --budget=CPU or -budget=,MEM or --budget=CPU,MEM options; if given budget runs out, the execution will fail and stop earlier. If there is no CPU and/or MEM limit given, the budget is practically unlimited.

$ plutus if.uplc --run --budget=204148,903
Running the program: An error has occurred:
The machine terminated part way through evaluation due to overspending the budget.
The budget when the machine terminated was:
({cpu: -1
| mem: 2})
Negative numbers indicate the overspent budget; note that this only indicates the budget that was needed for the next step, not to run the program to completion.

$ plutus if.uplc --run --budget=,903
Running the program: Execution succeeded, final term:
(con string "")
Remaining budget: ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 9223372036854571658, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 2}
Used budget: ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 204149, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 901}

📌 NOTE Attempting to run a tplc target will use the tplc interpreter. Although the tplc interpreter behaves the same as the default uplc interpreter (for type correct programs), it comes with caveats: cannot execute uplc code, cannot have budget accounting and budget limits, runs way slower and your program must be fully type correct. The last point is not necessarily a caveat, but it diverges from the on-chain behavior: the tplc interpreter accepts less programs than the chain (and the default uplc interpreter) would accept. PIR target programs cannot be directly executed.

Debugging UPLC with the CLI (Experimental)

📌 NOTE The debugger is in a preliminary , experimental state. What is described below is subject to change when new features are added to the debugger.

Another way to check for runtime errors or the execution budget is by firing up the tool's built-in debugger. Again, the debugger utilises underneath the same UPLC interpreter as the one the Cardano node runs, so you can be sure about its execution results and budget costs. The difference compared to "running the code" is that with the debugger you can step by step progress over the execution over your UPLC program's sub-terms, or interactively decide to pause the execution on specific UPLC sub-term(s) of interest.

📌 NOTE Unlike the --run option that can execute both UPLC and TPLC target programs, the --debug option works exclusively for UPLC targets.

The --debug option will launch the debugger after the prior checking/compilation/optimisation steps of your input program(s) have been completed, for example:

$ plutus if.uplc -O1 --debug

The debugger has a Terminal User Interface (TUI) with three windows that are kept automatically updated: (1) the compiled/optimised target UPLC program, (2) the log/trace messages, and (3) the (current) return value.

TUI Debugger Screenshot

You can interact (issue Commands) to the debugger by pressing keyboard shortcuts:

Keyboard ShortcutCommand
?Show help dialog
EscQuit help dialog or debugger
Ctrl+up/down/left/rightResize window
TabSwitch focus to other window
sStep once the interpreter

Unlike the --run option, the step command does not execute the program to completion. Instead, the underlying uplc interpreter is moved one "budgeting" step forward — the smallest step possible that gets accounted for and subtracted from the current budget.

After every such step, the debugger highlights in window (1) the code region (sub-term) which will be executed in the future (next step); A footer in the TUI screen will update to show the remaining budget. You can combine --debug with the --budget=CPU,MEM option to limit the starting total budget: the debugger fails the execution the moment the budget runs out, similar as to what happens with --run.

Advanced: Converting between languages & formats

$ plutus IN_FILES... -o OUT_FILE

The filename extensions of the input files and output file determine the language and format of the sources and target, respectively. You can take a look at the Table of Filename Extensions recognised by the plutus tool. Alternatively, you can manually set (or override) the language&format.

You are allowed to mix and match different input sources as long as that make sense: the target must be a lower- or equal-level language to the sources. All sources will be then compiled and combined to the given target, for example:

$ plutus func.pir arg1.tplc arg2.uplc -o fully_applied.uplc

$ plutus func.pir arg1.tplc -o partially_applied.tplc
$ plutus partially_applied.tplc arg2.uplc -o also_fully_applied.uplc

$ plutus arg2.uplc -o arg2.tplc # does not make sense, cannot lift to a higher level language
$ plutus -O2 func.pir -o func_optimised.pir # makes sense for check / optimise

It is worth to re-iterate that the input files are checked/compiled/optimised separately; this means that although the input programs are individually type correct, when combined to a specific target they may become type incorrect:

$ echo "(program 1.1.0 (lam x (con integer) [(builtin addInteger) x (con integer 1)]))" > inc.pir
$ echo "(program 1.1.0 (con bool True))" > true.pir

$ plutus inc.pir true.pir -o applied.uplc # NO TYPE ERROR because target is untyped (UPLC)
$ echo applied.uplc
[ (lam i [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] i ]) (con bool True) ]

$ plutus inc.pir true.pir -o applied.pir # TYPE ERROR because PIR target
$ plutus inc.pir true.pir -o applied.tplc # TYPE ERROR because TPLC target

Filename Extensions

The following table lists the recognized extensions.

Filename ExtensionFormat TypeDescription
*NO-EXTENSION*TextualUntyped Plutus Core with Names
.uplcTextualUntyped Plutus Core with Names
.tplcTextualTyped Plutus Core with Names
.pirTextualPIR with Names
.dataBinaryValues of Data serialised in CBOR
.data-txtTextualValues of Data in Haskell's Show format
.uplc-flatBinaryUntyped PlutusCore with NamedDeBruijn serialised in Flat
.uplc-cborBinaryUntyped PlutusCore with DeBruijn serialised in CBOR
(the on-chain format)

📌 NOTE If file has no extension or in case of --stdin / --stdout, the extension is assumed to be .uplc

Manually set language&format

If the extension cannot be determined (missing / --stdin / --stdout) or you would like to override the recognised extension, you may use the -x .EXTENSION option (with or without the leading dot . taken from Table above) to manually set the extension for the given file(s):

$ plutus file1 -x pir file2 file3

Note -x is positional: it applies its effect to all files after the option till the end or another -x is reached. In the example above the effect (set to pir) will not apply to file1, but will apply to file2, file3 and target. Possible filename extensions on file2 and file3 will be ignored. Using multiple invocations of -x may come handy for mixing different sources or setting the output target. The next example sets the first two files to be pir, the following two to tplc, and the target (the last invocation of -x) to uplc.

$ plutus -x pir Pir_File Also_Pir -x tplc Now_Tplc Also_Tplc -x uplc

In case -x is not enough and the format is more complex because it contains a non-default variable-naming scheme or annotations, you may extra specify the -n NAMING and -a ANNOTATION options to override the defaults.

-n Short Option-n Long OptionDescription
-n n-n nameUse descriptive textual names for variables
-n d-n debruijnUse debruijn indices for variables
-n nd-n named-debruijnUse name with debruijn index for variables: "name-index"
-a OptionDescription
-a unitCode does not contain any annotations (default)
-a srcspanCode is annotated with source spans

The -n and -a options are also positional.

Pretty-printing output

If the output's format type is textual (see the Filename Extensions Table) the compiled code will be printed to the designated output (file or stdout) in a "pretty" format. You can change how the output's looks by specifying a different -p STYLE style (defaults to classic).

-p OptionDescription
-p classicLisp-like syntax with unique variable names (default)
-p classic-simpleLisp-like syntax with ambiguous (no unique) variable names
-p readableSuccinct syntax with unique variable names
-p readable-simpleSuccinct syntax with ambiguous (no unique) variable names
$ plutus inc.pir -x pir --stdout
1.1.0 (lam x-0 (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) x-0 ] (con integer 1) ])

$ plutus inc.pir -x pir --stdout --pretty=readable-simple
program 1.1.0 (\(x : integer) -> addInteger x 1)

📌 NOTE Specifying a textual output with pretty style other than the default (classic) may not be possible to be read back again (as textual input this time) in the CLI.

Using the standard output to capture the (pretty-printed) output program is safe, because the tool's logs and error messages are sent by default to stderr. You can of course silence those messages using --quiet option, or instead increase their rate using --verbose (for tracing through the compilation process).