This documentation has been produced from the code, which is developed as Literate Agda. Consequently, it contains all of the necessary details to recreate and check the formalisation, including compiler options such as:
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
The Formalisation is split into several sections.
The main body of the formalisation involves a intrinsically typed implementation of Plutus Core (PLC). It contains types, normal types, builtins, terms indexed by ordinary types, and terms indexed by normal types. There is a reduction semantics, CK and CEK machines. There are proofs of various syntactic properties, a normalisation proof for the type level language, and a progress proof for the term level reduction semantics.
There are two additional versions of the PLC language beyond the intrinsically typed treatment. There is an extrinsically typed but intrinsically scoped version which is used to represent terms prior to typechecking and also can be executed directly, and there is a untyped version of PLC which can also be executed directly.
The final two pieces are a type checker which is guaranteed to be sound and an executable that is intended to be compiled into Haskell.
The type level language is similar to simply-typed lambda-calculus
with the addition of constants for forall, μ, and builtin
constants. The Type
module contains kinds, contexts and
types. Types are intrinsically scoped and kinded and variables are
represented using De Bruijn indices. Parallel renaming and
substitution are implemented in the
and they are shown to be satisfy the functor and relative monad laws
respectively. Equality of types is specified in the
module. Equality serves as a
specification of type computation and is used in the normalisation
import Type import Type.RenamingSubstitution import Type.Equality
Beta normal forms, a beta NBE algorithm and accompanying soundness, completeness and stability proofs and necessary equipment for substituting into normal types by embedding back into syntax, substituting and renormalising.
import Type.BetaNormal import Type.BetaNBE import Type.BetaNBE.Soundness import Type.BetaNBE.Completeness import Type.BetaNBE.Stability import Type.BetaNBE.RenamingSubstitution
Builtins extend the core System F-omega-mu calculus with primitive types such as integers and bytestrings and operations on them.
import Builtin import Builtin.Constant.Type
The types of the built-in operations are defined by a signature. These types are abstract, and they can be made concrete to obtain the different notions of type used in the formalisation.
import Builtin.Signature
A version of the syntax of terms, indexed by types, that includes the so-called conversion rule as a syntactic constructor. This is the most direct rendering of the typing rules as syntax but it is hard to execute programs presented in this syntax. No treatment of execution is given here, instead we introduce an alternative (algorithmic) syntax without the conversion rule below. This version serves as a reference/specification and we prove that the more algorithmic syntax is sound and complete with respect to it.
import Declarative import Declarative.RenamingSubstitution import Declarative.Erasure import Declarative.Examples import Declarative.Examples.StdLib.Function import Declarative.Examples.StdLib.ChurchNat import Declarative.Examples.StdLib.Nat
Terms, reduction and evaluation where terms are indexed by normal types
import Algorithmic import Algorithmic.RenamingSubstitution import Algorithmic.Reduction import Algorithmic.ReductionEC import Algorithmic.Evaluation import Algorithmic.Completeness import Algorithmic.Soundness import Algorithmic.Erasure import Algorithmic.Erasure.RenamingSubstitution import Algorithmic.CC import Algorithmic.CK import Algorithmic.CEK import Algorithmic.Examples
Proof for Progress and Determinism of the Reduction Semantics:
import Algorithmic.ReductionEC.Progress import Algorithmic.ReductionEC.Determinism
There are proofs of correspondence of the semantics of:
--TODO : Finish proofs for SOPs --import Algorithmic.BehaviouralEquivalence.ReductionvsCC --import Algorithmic.BehaviouralEquivalence.CCvsCK --import Algorithmic.BehaviouralEquivalence.CKvsCEK
Extrinsically typed terms, reduction and evaluation
import Scoped import Scoped.RenamingSubstitution import Scoped.Extrication import Scoped.Extrication.RenamingSubstitution
Untyped terms, reduction and evaluation
import Untyped import Untyped.RenamingSubstitution import Untyped.CEK
This takes a well-scoped term and produces an intrinsically typed term as evidence of successful typechecking.
import Check
This module is compiled to Haskell and then can be compiled by ghc to produce an executable.
import Main