plutus-tx- Libraries for Plutus Tx and its prelude
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Utilities for space-time tradeoff, such as recursion unrolling.



peel Source #


∷ ∀ a b. Int

How many recursion steps to move outside of the recursion loop.

→ (SpliceQ (a → b) → SpliceQ (a → b))

Function that given a continuation splice returns a splice representing a single recursion step calling this continuation.

SpliceQ (a → b) 

Given n, and the step function for a recursive function, peel n layers off of the recursion.

For example peel 3 (self -> [[| case [] -> 0; _ : ys -> 1 + self ys||]) yields the equivalence of the following function:

  lengthPeeled :: [a] -> a
  lengthPeeled xs =
    case xs of                     -- first recursion step
      []     -> 0
      _ : ys -> 1 +
        case ys of                 -- second recursion step
          []     -> 0
          _ : zs -> 1 +
            case zs of             -- third recursion step
              []     -> 0
              _ : ws -> 1 +
                ( fix self qs ->  -- rest of recursion steps in a tight loop
                    case qs of
                      []     -> 0
                      _ : ts -> 1 + self ts
                ) ws

unroll Source #


∷ ∀ a b. Int

How many recursion steps to perform inside the recursion loop.

→ (SpliceQ (a → b) → SpliceQ (a → b))

Function that given a continuation splice returns a splice representing a single recursion step calling this continuation.

SpliceQ (a → b) 

Given n, and the step function for a recursive function, unroll recursion n layers at a time

For example unroll 3 (self -> [|| case [] -> 0; _ : ys -> 1 + self ys ||]) yields the equivalence of the following function:

  lengthUnrolled :: [a] -> a
  lengthUnrolled =
    fix self xs ->                   -- beginning of the recursion "loop"
      case xs of                      -- first recursion step
        []     -> 0
        _ : ys -> 1 +
          case ys of                  -- second recursion step
            []     -> 0
            _ : zs -> 1 +
              case zs of              -- third recursion step
                []     -> 0
                _ : ws -> 1 + self ws -- end of the "loop"