plutus-core- Language library for Plutus Core
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




var0Term DeBruijn uni fun () Source #

A definitely out-of-scope variable. Our variables start at index 1.

lamAbs1 ∷ t ~ Term DeBruijn uni fun () ⇒ t → t Source #

Build a LamAbs with the binder having a non-sensical index.

deepFun1NaturalTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam1 ...n.... (Var n)) Wrong binders, Well-scoped variable

deepOut0NaturalTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam0 ...n.... (Var n+1)) Correct binders, Out-of-scope variable

deepMix0_1NaturalTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam0 ...n.... lam1 ...n.... (Var n+n)) Mix of correct and wrong binders, Well-scoped variable

deepMix1_0NaturalTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam1 ...n.... lam0 ...n.... (Var n+n)) Mix of wrong and correct binders, well-scoped variable

deepOutMix1_0NaturalTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam1 ...n.... lam0 ...n.... (Var n+n+1)) Mix of correct and wrong binders, out-of-scope variable

manyFree01Term DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

An example with a lot of free vars

iteStrict0Term DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(force (builtin ifThenElse) (con bool True) (con bool True) var99
Both branches are evaluated *before* the predicate, so it is clear that this should fail in every case.

iteLazy0Term DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(force (builtin ifThenElse) (con bool True) (delay true) (delay var99)
The branches are *lazy*. The evaluation result (success or failure) depends on how the machine ignores the irrelevant to the computation) part of the environment.

ite10Term DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(force (builtin ifThenElse) (con bool True) (lam0 var1) (lam1 var0)

illITEStrictTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(force (builtin ifThenElse) (con bool True) (con bool True) (con unit ())
Note that the branches have **different** types. The machine cannot catch such a type error.

illITELazyTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(force (builtin ifThenElse) (con bool True) (lam x (con bool True)) (lam x (con unit ()))
The branches are *lazy*. Note that the branches have **different** types. The machine cannot catch such a type error.

illPartialBuiltinTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

addInteger true
this relates to the immediate vs deferred unlifting. this used to be an immediate type error but now it is deferred until saturation.

illAddTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) (con unit ())
Interesting because it involves a runtime type-error of a builtin.

illOverAppBuiltinTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) (con integer 1) (con integer 1)
Interesting because it involves a (builtin) over-saturation type-error, which the machine can recognize.

illOverAppFunTerm DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () Source #

(lam x x) (con integer 1) (con integer 1)
Interesting because it involves a (lambda) over-saturation type-error, which the machine can recognize.