plutus-core- Language library for Plutus Core
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




fvTermHasUnique name TermUnique ⇒ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) name Source #

Get all the free term variables in a PIR term.

ftvTermHasUnique tyname TypeUnique ⇒ Traversal' (Term tyname name uni fun ann) tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a PIR term.

fvBindingHasUnique name TermUnique ⇒ Traversal' (Binding tyname name uni fun ann) name Source #

Get all the free variables in a PIR single let-binding.

ftvBindingHasUnique tyname TypeUniqueRecursivity → Traversal' (Binding tyname name uni fun ann) tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a PIR single let-binding.

ftvTy ∷ ∀ tyname unique (uni ∷ TypeType) ann. HasUnique tyname unique ⇒ Traversal' (Type tyname uni ann) tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a type.

vTerm ∷ Fold (Term tyname name uni fun ann) name Source #

Get all the term variables in a term.

tvTerm ∷ Fold (Term tyname name uni fun ann) tyname Source #

Get all the type variables in a term.

tvTy ∷ ∀ tyname (uni ∷ TypeType) ann f. (Contravariant f, Applicative f) ⇒ (tyname → f tyname) → Type tyname uni ann → f (Type tyname uni ann) Source #

Get all the type variables in a type.